
Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (184 entries)
看电视 boob tube
同样数量 as many
同样数量的 as many
不停〔断〕地 right along
不认识的人 guess who
不断地 right along
不许超车 no passing
与…一致〔相适应〕 in accordance to
成功 make the riffle
倒霉 go up the flume
专门为了刁难邻居如挡住光线或视线而筑起来的栅栏或墙 spite fence
气压计 gas gauge
引起注意 command attention
挖苦〔嘲笑〕某人 give (sb) the (merry) ha-ha
东倒西歪地走指醉了的人 make a Virginia fence
圣诞老人 Kriss Kringle
…在…的合作下 with the cooperation of
焦硫酸 disulfuric acid
大体〔基本〕上 for the main
大干特干 do things on the big figure