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Terms for subject Education (3574 entries)
adgangsprøver entrance examinations
adjunkt lecturer
Administrationsrådet Administrative Board
administrationsstruktur administrative structure
administratorer inden for skolevæsenet og de højere læreanstalter på lokalt, regionalt og nationalt plan administrators of schools and institutions of higher education at local, regional and national level
advarsel fra rektor warning by the Headmaster
advocacy advocacy
ækvivalensskala table of comparison
ækvivalensskala table of equivalents
ækvivalenstabel table of comparison
ækvivalenstabel table of equivalents
ældre menneske older person
ændring af arbejdstiden changes in working hours
æres- honoris causa
æresdoktor honorary doctor
afgangsbevis leaving certificate
afgangsklasse last school year
afgangsprøver final examinations
afhandling treatise
aflægge eksamen sit an examination