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Terms for subject Dyalysis (690 entries)
angeborene obstruktive Uropathie congenital obstructive uropathy
angeborenes nephrotisches Syndrom congenital nephrotic syndrome
angesetzte Behandlung scheduled treatment
ankreuzen to tick
anthropomorphe Maßnahmen anthropomorphic measurements
Antikoagulation anticoagulation
Anwesenheitsliste check-off sheet
Aortenaneurisma aortic aneurysm
Apoplex cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke)
Appetitanreger appetite stimulant
Arbeitsamt job placement services
Arrhythmie arrythmia
arterielle Leitung arterial line
arterieller Schenkel arterial line
Arzt practitioner
Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin family practitioner
Arzthelfer physician assistant
ASAT aspartate aminotransferase
AST aspartate aminotransferase
Atemnot shortness of breath