
Reading room | Александр Солженицын | Один день Ивана Денисовича | 📋 | 📖 | 🔀 | Russian English
Перерывистый звон слабо прошёл сквозь стекла, намёрзшие в два пальца, и скоро затих:
The ringing noise came faintly on and off through the windowpanes covered with ice more than an inch thick, and died away fast.
Звон утих, а за окном все так же, как и среди ночи, когда Шухов вставал к параше, была тьма и тьма, да попадало в окно три жёлтых фонаря: два — на зоне, один — внутри лагеря.
The sound stopped and it was pitch black on the other side of the window, just like in the middle of the night when Shukhov had to get up to go to the latrine, only now three yellow beams fell on the window — from two lights on the perimeter and one inside the camp.
И барака что-то не шли отпирать, и не слыхать было, чтобы дневальные брали бочку парашную на палки — выносить.
He didn't know why but nobody’d come to open up the barracks. And you couldn't hear the orderlies hoisting the latrine tank on the poles to carry it put.
Шухов никогда не просыпал подъёма, всегда вставал по нему — до развода было часа полтора времени своего, не казённого, и кто знает лагерную жизнь, всегда может подработать:
Shukhov never slept through reveille but always got up at once. That gave him about an hour and a half to himself before the morning roll call, a time when anyone who knew what was what in the camps could always scrounge a little something on the side.
шить кому-нибудь из старой подкладки чехол на рукавички;
He could sew someone a cover for his mittens out of a piece of old lining.
богатому бригаднику подать сухие валенки прямо на койку, чтоб ему босиком не топтаться вкруг кучи, не выбирать;
He could bring one of the big gang bosses his dry felt boots while he was still in his bunk, to save him the trouble of hanging around the pile of boots in his bare feet and trying to find his own.
или пробежать по каптёркам, где кому надо услужить, подмести или поднести что-нибудь;
Or he could run around to one of the supply rooms where there might be a little job, sweeping or carrying something.
или идти в столовую собирать миски со столов и сносить их горками в посудомойку — тоже накормят, но там охотников много, отбою нет, а главное — если в миске что осталось, не удержишься, начнёшь миски лизать.
Or he could go to the mess hall to pick up bowls from the tables and take piles of them to the dishwashers. That was another way of getting food, but there were always too many other people with the same idea. And the worst thing was that if there was something left in a bowl you started to lick it. You couldn't help it.
— Здесь, ребята, закон — тайга.
"It's the law of the jungle here, fellows.
Но люди и здесь живут.
But even here you can live.
Насчёт кума — это, конечно, он загнул.
He was dead right about this — though it didn't always work out that way with the fellows who squealed to — the screws.
Те-то себя сберегают.
They knew how to look after themselves.
Только береженье их — на чужой крови.
They got away with it and it was the other guys who suffered.
Всегда Шухов по подъёму вставал, а сегодня не встал. Ещё с вечера ему было не по себе, не то знобило, не то ломало. И ночью не угрелся.
Shukhov always got up at reveille, but today he didn't. He'd been feeling lousy since the night before — with aches and pains and the shivers, and he just couldn't manage to keep warm that night.
Но утро пришло своим чередом.
But the morning came, as it always did.
Да и где тут угреешься — на окне наледи наметано, и на стенах вдоль стыка с потолком по всему бараку — здоровый барак! — паутинка белая.
Anyway, how could anyone get warm here, what with the ice piled up on the window and a white cobweb of frost running along the whole barracks where the walls joined the ceiling?
And a hell of a barracks it was.
Шухов не вставал.
Shukhov stayed in bed.
Он не видел, но по звукам все понимал, что делалось в бараке и в их бригадном углу.
He couldn't see anything, but he could tell by the sounds what was going on in the barracks and in his own part of it.
Вот, тяжело ступая по коридору, дневальные понесли одну из восьмиведерных параш.
He could hear the orderlies tramping down the corridor with one of the twenty-gallon latrine tanks.
Считается, инвалид, лёгкая работа, а ну-ка, поди вынеси, не пролья!
This was supposed to be light work for people on the sick list — but it was no joke carrying the thing out without spilling it!
Вот в 75-й бригаде хлопнули об пол связку валенок из сушилки.
Then someone from Gang 75 dumped a pile of felt boots from the drying room on the floor.
А вот — и в нашей (и наша была сегодня очередь валенки сушить).
And now someone from his gang did the same (it was also their turn to use the drying room today).
Бригадир и помбригадир обуваются молча, а вагонка их скрипит.
The gang boss and his assistant quickly put on their boots, and their bunk creaked.
Помбригадир сейчас в хлеборезку пойдёт, а бригадир — в штабной барак, к нарядчикам.
The assistant gang boss would now go and get the bread rations. And then the boss would take off for the Production Planning Section (PPS) at HQ.
Да не просто к нарядчикам, как каждый день ходит, — Шухов вспомнил:
But, Shukhov remembered, this wasn't just the same old daily visit to the PPS clerks. Today was the big day for them.
сегодня судьба решается — хотят их 104-ю бригаду фугануть со строительства мастерских на новый объект "Соцбытгородок".
They'd heard a lot of talk of switching their gang — 104 — from putting up work­shops to a new job, building a new "Socialist Com­munity Development."
А Соцбытгородок тот — поле голое, в увалах снежных, и прежде чем что там делать, надо ямы копать, столбы ставить и колючую проволоку от себя самих натягивать — чтоб не убежать.
But so far it was nothing more than bare fields covered with snowdrifts, and before anything could be done there, holes had to be dug, posts put in, and barbed wire put up — by the prisoners for the prisoners, so they couldn't get out.
А потом строить.
And then they could start building.
Там, верное дело, месяц погреться негде будет — ни конурки.
You could bet your life that for a month there'd be no place where you could get warm — not even a hole in the ground.
И костра не разведёшь — чем топить?
And you couldn't make a fire — what could you use for fuel?
Бригадир озабочен, уладить идёт. Какую-нибудь другую бригаду, нерасторопную, заместо себя туда толкануть.
The gang boss was worried and was going to try to fix things, try to palm the job off on some other gang, one that was a little slower on the uptake.
Полкило сала старшему нарядчику понести.
It would take a pound of fatback for the chief clerk.
Испыток не убыток, не попробовать ли в санчасти косануть, от работы на денёк освободиться?
Maybe Shukhov would try to get himself on the sick list so he could have a day off. There was no harm in trying.
Первый раз глянешь — прямо страшно, а узнали его — из всех дежурняков покладистей: ни в карцер не сажает, ни к начальнику режима не таскает.
The first time you saw him he scared the pants off you, but when you got to know him he was the easiest of all the duty warders — wouldn’t put you in the can or drag you off to the disciplinary officer.
Так что полежать можно, аж пока в столовую девятый барак.
So Shukhov could stay put til it was time for Barracks 9 to go to the mes hal.
Старики дневальные, вынеся обе параши, забранились, кому идти за кипятком.
When they’d carried out the two latrine tanks, the orderlies started quarreling about who’d go to get the hot water.
Бранились привязчиво, как бабы.
They went on and on like two old women.
Электросварщик из 20-й бригады рявкнул:
The electric welder from Gang 20 barked at them:
— Эй, фитили'! —
"Hey, you old bastards!"
"I'll make you shut up."
The orderlies shut up.
В соседней бригаде чуть буркотел помбригадир:
The assistant boss of the gang next to them grum­bled in a low voice:
В продстоле передёрнули, гады:
The bastards pulled a fast one on me in the supply room.
было девятисоток четыре, а стало три только.
We always get four two-pound loaves, but today we only got three.
Кому ж недодать?
Some­one’ll have to get the short end."
Он тихо это сказал, но уж, конечно, вся та бригада слышала и затаилась:
He spoke quietly, but of course the whole gang heard him and they all held their breath.
от кого-то вечером кусочек отрежут.
Who was going to be shortchanged on rations this evening?
А то ни то ни сЈ.
But this way he didn't know where he was.
Пока баптист шептал молитвы, с ветерка вернулся Буйновский и объявил никому, но как бы злорадно:
While the Baptist was whispering his prayers, the Captain came back from the latrine and said to no one in particular, but sort of gloating:
И Шухов решился — идти в санчасть.
Shukhov made up his mind to go to the infirmary.
Шухов скинул бушлат с лица, приподнялся.
Shukhov jerked his quilted over­coat off his face and raised himself up a bit.
С выводом на работу — это ещё полкарцера, и горячее дадут, и задумываться некогда.
The can was only half as bad if you were given normal work. You got hot food and there was no time to brood.
Полный карцер — это когда без вывода.
Not being let out to work — that was real punishment.
— По подъёму не встал?
"Why weren’t you up yet?
Пошли в комендатуру, — пояснил Татарин лениво, потому что и ему, и Шухову, и всем было понятно, за что кондей.
Let’s go to the Com- mandant's office," the Tartar drawled — he and Shukhov and everyone else knew what he was getting the can for.
Он обернулся, ища второго кого бы, но все уже, кто в полутьме, кто под лампочкой, на первом этаже вагонок и на втором, проталкивали ноги в чёрные ватные брюки с номерами на левом колене или, уже одетые, запахивались и спешили к выходу — переждать Татарина на дворе.
He turned around and looked for somebody else to pick on, but everyone — whether in the dark or under a light, whether on a bottom bunk or a top one — was shoving his legs into the black, pad­ded trousers with numbers on the left knee. Or they were already dressed and were wrapping themselves up and hurrying for the door to wait outside till the Tartar left.
ни к чему, да и что скажешь?
It wouldn’t help, and what could you say?
Бригадир бы мог маленько вступиться, да уж его не было.
The gang boss might have stood up for him, but he'd left already.
И Шухов тоже никому ни слова не сказал, Татарина не стал дразнить.
And Shukhov him­self said nothing to anyone. He didn't want to aggravate the Tartar.
Приберегут завтрак, догадаются.
They'd keep his breakfast for him and didn't have to be told.
Так и вышли вдвоём.
The two of them went out.
Мороз был со мглой, прихватывающей дыхание.
It was freezing cold, with a fog that caught your breath.
Два больших прожектора били по зоне наперекрёст с дальних угловых вышек.
Two large searchlights were crisscrossing over the compound from the watchtowers at the far corners.
Светили фонари зоны и внутренние фонари.
The lights on the perimeter and the lights inside the camp were on full force.
Скрипя валенками по снегу, быстро пробегали зэки по своим делам — кто в уборную, кто в каптёрку, иной — на склад посылок, тот крупу сдавать на индивидуальную кухню.
With their felt boots crunching on the snow, pris­oners were rushing past on their business — to the la­trines, to the supply rooms, to the package room, or to the kitchen to get their groats cooked.
У всех у них голова ушла в плечи, бушлаты запахнуты, и всем им холодно не так от мороза, как от думки, что и день целый на этом морозе пробыть.
Their shoulders were hunched and their coats buttoned up, and they all felt cold, not so much because of the freezing weather as because they knew they'd have to be out in it all day.
если б он показал сорок один, не должны бы выгонять на работу.
If it went down to forty-two below zero they weren’t supposed to be marched out to work.
Только никак сегодня не натягивало на сорок.
But today the thermometer wasn't pushing forty or anything like it.
Там разъяснилось, как Шухов уже смекнул и по дороге: никакого карцера ему не было, а просто пол в надзирательской не мыт.
There it turned out — as Shukhov had already had a hunch on the way — that they never meant to put him in the can but simply that the floor in the warders' room needed scrubbing.
Теперь Татарин объявил, что прощает Шухова, и велел ему вымыть пол.
Sure enough, the Tartar now told Shukhov that he was letting him off and ordered him to mop the floor.
Но, давно в штабном бараке обжившись, он доступ имел в кабинеты майора, и начальника режима, и кума, услуживал им, порой слышал такое, чего не знали и надзиратели, и с некоторых пор посчитал, что мыть полы для простых надзирателей ему приходится как бы низко.
But a long time ago he'd set himself up in HQ and now had a free run of the rooms where the Major, the disciplinary officer, and the security chief worked. He waited on them all the time and sometimes got to hear things even the warders didn't know. And for some time he’d figured that to scrub floors for ordinary warders was a little beneath him.
Те позвали его раз, другой, поняли, в чем дело, и стали дёргать на полы из работяг.
They called for him once or twice, then got wise and began pulling in ordinary prisoners to do the job.
В надзирательской яро топилась печь.
The stove in the warders’ room was blazing away.
Раздевшись до грязных своих гимнастёрок, двое надзирателей играли в шашки, а третий, как был, в перепоясанном тулупе и валенках, спал на узкой лавке.
A couple of warders who’d undressed down to their dirty shirts were playing checkers, and a third who’d left on his belted sheepskin coat and felt boots was sleeping on a narrow bench.
В углу стояло ведро с тряпкой.
There was a bucket and rag in the comer.
Шухов обрадовался и сказал Татарину за прощение:
Shukhov was real pleased and thanked the Tartar for letting him off:
Закон здесь был простой: кончишь — уйдёшь.
The rule here was simple — finish your job and get out.
Теперь, когда Шухову дали работу, вроде и ломать перестало.
Now that Shukhov had been given some work, his pains seemed to have stopped.
Он взял ведро и без рукавичек (наскорях забыл их под подушкой) пошёл к колодцу.
He took the bucket and went to the well without his mittens, which he’d forgotten and left under his pillow in the rush.
Снизу советовали:
The others were shouting up to him:
не влияет.
the hell it will... it won’t make a fucking bit of difference anyway."
Тюрина, шуховского бригадира, меж них не было.
Tyurin — the boss of Shukhov’s work gang — was not there.
Поставив ведро и сплетя руки в рукава, Шухов с любопытством наблюдал.
Shukhov put down the bucket and dug his hands into his sleeves. He wanted to see what was going on.
А тот хрипло сказал со столба:
The fellow up the post said in a hoarse voice: "
И, ещё доглядев для верности, спрыгнул.
And after another look just to make sure, he jumped down.
— Да он неправильный, всегда брешет, — сказал кто-то. —
"Anyway, it’s always wrong — it’s a damned bar,” someone said. "
Разве правильный в зоне повесят?
"They’d never put in one that works here."
Бригадиры разошлись.
The gang bosses scattered.
Под спущенными, но не завязанными наушниками поламывало уши морозом.
Under the flaps of his cap, which he’d lowered but hadn’t tied, his ears ached with the cold.
Сруб колодца был в толстой обледи, так что едва пролезало в дыру ведро.
The top of the well was covered by a thick crust of ice so that the bucket would hardly go through the hole.
И веревка стояла коло'м.
And the rope was stiff as a board.
Рук не чувствуя, с дымящимся ведром Шухов вернулся в надзирательскую и сунул руки в колодезную воду.
Shukhov’s hands were frozen, so when he got back to the warders' room with the steaming bucket he shoved them in the water.
He felt wanner.
Татарина не было, а надзирателей сбилось четверо, они покинули шашки и сон и спорили, по скольку им дадут в январе пшена (в посёлке с продуктами было плохо, и надзирателям, хоть карточки давно кончились, продавали кой-какие продукты отдельно от поселковых, со скидкой).
The Tartar had gone, but four of the warders were there quarreling. They’d quit playing checkers or sleeping and they were arguing about how much millet they'd get in January. (There was a shortage of food in the local "free" workers’ settlement, and though ration cards had gone out a long time ago, the warders could still buy some foodstuffs at a cut rate the locals couldn't get.)
Никак не годилось с утра мочить валенки.
It wasn’t a good idea to get your felt boots wet in the morning.
А и переобуться не во что, хоть и в барак побеги.
You didn't have anything extra to change into, even if you could run back to your bar­racks.
Разных порядков с обувью нагляделся Шухов за восемь лет сидки:
During his eight years inside, Shukhov had seen all kinds of ups and downs in the footwear situation.
бывало, и вовсе без валенок зиму перехаживали, бывало, и ботинок тех не видали, только лапти да ЧТЗ (из резины обутка, след автомобильный).
There'd been times when they’d gone around all winter without any felt boots at all, times when they hadn't even seen ordinary boots but only shoes made of birch bark or shoes of the "Chelyabinsk Tractor Factory model" (that is, made of strips of tires that left the marks of the tread behind them).
Теперь вроде с обувью подналадилось:
Now the boot situation had begun to look up.
в октябре получил Шухов (а почему получил — с помбригадиром вместе в каптёрку увязался) ботинки дюжие, твердоносые, с простором на две тёплых портянки.
In October — this because he'd once managed to wangle himself a trip to the stores with the number-two man in his gang — Shukhov had gotten a pair of sturdy boots with good strong toes that were roomy enough inside for two thicknesses of warm foot-cloths.
С неделю ходил как именинник, все новенькими каблучками постукивал.
For a week he was on top of the world and went around knocking his new heels together with joy.
А в декабре валенки подоспели — житуха, умирать не надо.
Then felt boots were issued in December and life was great. You didn't want to die.
Так какой-то черт в бухгалтерии начальнику нашептал:
Then some swine in the book­keeping department put a bug in the Commandant's ear:
валенки, мол, пусть получают, а ботинки сдадут.
“Let 'em have the felt boots, but make 'em hand in the others.
Мол, непорядок — чтобы зэк две пары имел сразу.
It's not right for a prisoner to have two pairs at the same time."
И пришлось Шухову выбирать: или в ботинках всю зиму навылет, или в валенках, хошь бы и в оттепель, а ботинки отдай.
So Shukhov had to choose whether he'd get through the whole winter in the new boots or take the felt boots — right through the spring thaws — and hand in the new ones.
БерЈг, солидолом умягчал, ботинки новёхонькие, ах! —
He'd treat­ed them with loving care, he rubbed them with grease to make the leather soft, those lovely new boots.
ничего так жалко не было за восемь лет, как этих ботинков.
During the whole eight years, nothing had hit him more than having to turn in those boots.
В одну кучу скинули, весной уж твои не будут. Точно, как лошадей в колхоз сгоняли.
They'd been dumped with al the others in one heap, and he’d never find them again in the spring.
проворно вылез из валенок, составил их в угол, скинул туда портянки (ложка звякнула на пол; как быстро ни снаряжался в карцер, а ложку не забыл) и босиком, щедро разливая тряпкой воду, ринулся под валенки к надзирателям.
He quickly kicked off his felt boots, stood them in a corner, threw the foot­cloths on top of them (the spoon he always kept in one boot clattered onto the floor — even in the rush to leave the barracks, he hadn’t forgotten it), and dropped to the floor in his bare feet and started sloshing water right under the warders’ boots.
— Ты! гад! потише! —
"Take it easy, you bastard!”
спохватился один, подбирая ноги на стул.
one of them said, seeing what Shukhov was up to, and he lifted up his feet.
— Рис?
... "What do you mean, rice?
Рис по другой норме идёт, с рисом ты не равняй!
That's on a different quota and there's just no comparison.”...
Кто ж так моет?
That's no way to wash a floor."
— Ты хоть видал когда, как твоя баба полы мыла, чушка?
"Didn’t you ever see your old lady wash the floor, stupid?”
Он улыбнулся простодушно, показывая недостаток зубов, прореженных цингой в Усть-Ижме в сорок третьем году, когда он доходил.
He gave an innocent smile which showed that some of his teeth were missing — they’d been thinned out by scurvy at Ust-Izhma in 1943, a time when he thought he was on his last legs. He was really far gone.
А теперь только шепелявенье от того времени и осталось.
But now all that was left from those days was his funny way of talking.
— Та'к вот они моют...
"Just look at how they mop....
Ничего, падлы, делать не умеют и не хотят.
The bastards can’t do anything and don’t want to either.
Хлеба того не стоят, что им дают.
They’re not worth the bread we give ’em.
Дерьмом бы их кормить.
They ought to get shit instead."
— Рис!
ПшЈнку с рисом ты не равняй!
You can’t compare millet and rice!"... Shukhov quickly finished up the job.
Работа — она как палка, конца в ней два:
It’s like the two ends of a stick. If you’re working for hO.
для людей делаешь — качество дай, для начальника делаешь — дай показуху.
.man beings, then do a real job of it, but if you work for dopes, then you just go through the motions.
А иначе б давно все подохли, дело известное.
Otherwise they’d all have kicked the bucket long ago. That was for sure.
Надо было ещё и в санчасть поспеть, ломало опять всего.
He also had to make it to the hospital block — he was aching all over again.
И ещё надо было перед столовой надзирателям не попасться:
Then he had to keep out of sight of the warders in front of the mess hall.
So he went straight in.
Внутри стоял пар, как в бане, — на'пуски мороза от дверей и пар от баланды.
It was like a steam bath inside — what with the frosty air coming in through the doors and the steam from the thin camp gruel.
Рукой его свободной — по шее, по шее! Правильно!
And then you let them have it in the neck with your free hand!
Не стой на дороге, не высматривай, где подлизать.
That's how to do it. That’ll teach them to get in the way looking out for leftovers.
А русские — и какой рукой креститься, забыли.
Must have been a Western Ukrainian and new to the place. The Russians didn’t even remember which hand you cross yourself with.
Когда их наберётся гора на столе — перед новой бригадой кто-нибудь смахнёт, и там они дохрястывают на полу.
When there was a whole pile of them, someone would sweep them off before the next gang came, and they were ground underfoot on the floor.
Посреди барака шли в два ряда не то столбы, не то подпорки, и у одного из таких столбов сидел однобригадник Шухова Фетюков, стерег ему завтрак.
In the middle of the mes hall there were two rows of what you might call pillars or supports. Fetyukov, another fellow from the same gang, was sitting by one of them and guarding Shukhov’s breakfast. He didn’t count for much in the gang — even les than Shukhov.
Буйновского не посадишь с миской сидеть, а и Шухов не всякую работу возьмёт, есть пониже.
You couldn’t ask the Captain to guard your bowl, and there were jobs even Shukhov wouldn’t do — jobs that were beneath him.
— Уж застыло все.
"It’s all cold now.
Я за тебя есть хотел, думал — ты в кондее.
I was going to eat it for you — I thought you were in the cooler.”
И — не стал ждать, зная, что Шухов ему не оставит, обе миски отштукатурит дочиста.
He didn’t wait around. He knew that Shukhov wouldn’t leave him any. He'd polish off both bowls himself.
Шухов вытянул из валенка ложку.
Shukhov pulled his spoon out of his boot.
Ложка та была ему дорога, прошла с ним весь север, он сам отливал ее в песке из алюминиевого провода, на ней и наколка стояла: "
He was very fond of this spoon, which had gone with him all over the North. He'd made it himself from aluminium wire and cast it in sand. And he'd scratched on it:
"Усть-Ижма, 1944".
“Ust-Izhma, 1944."
Попало так, средне. Не с начала бака наливали, но и не доболтки.
It hadn’t been ladled from the top of the caldron, but it wasn't the stuff from the bottom either.
Не считая сна, лагерник живет для себя только утром десять минут за завтраком, да за обедом пять, да пять за ужином.
Apart from sleeping, the prisoners' time was their own only for ten minutes at breakfast, five minutes at the noon. break, and another five minutes at supper.
Баланда не менялась ото дня ко дню, зависело — какой овощ на зиму заготовят.
The gruel didn't change from, one day to the next. It depended on what vegetables they'd stored for winter.
Самое сытное время лагернику — июнь: всякий овощ кончается и заменяют крупой.
The camp was fed best in June, when they ran out of vegetables and started using groats instead.
Самое худое время — июль: крапиву в котёл секут.
The worst time was July, when they put shredded nettles in the caldron.
Сегодня Шухов сэкономил:
Shukhov made a kind of saving today.
в барак не зашедши, пайки не получил и теперь ел без хлеба.
He hadn't been back to his barracks to collect his bread ration, and now he was eating without it.
Хлеб — его потом отдельно нажать можно, ещё сытей.
Bread — well, you could always eat that by itself, and he'd feel les hungry later on.
На второе была каша из магары.
The second course was a mush out of magara.
трава и трава, только жёлтая, под вид пшена.
It was noth­ing but grass that looked like millet.
Придумали давать ее вместо крупы, говорят — от китайцев.
They'd gotten the bright idea of serving it instead of groats. It came from the Chinese, they said.
каша не каша, а идёт за кашу.
It wasn't the real thing, but it passed for mush.
Как этот лагерь, Особый, зачинали — ещё фронтовых ракет осветительных больно много было у охраны, чуть погаснет свет — сыпят ракетами над зоной, белыми, зелеными, красными, война настоящая.
At the time they set up the camp — it was a “Special” one — the guards still had a lot of flares. If the electricity failed, they'd send a shower of rockets over the compound — white, green, and red — just like at the front.
Или до'роги обходятся?
Maybe they thought it was too expensive.
Помощник Хромого (дневальный по столовой Хромой от себя кормил и держал ещё помощника) пошёл звать на завтрак инвалидный шестой барак, то есть не выходящих за зону.
Clubfoot's assistant (Clubfoot was a mess-hall orderly who kept an assistant out of his own pocket) had gone to summon Barracks 6 to breakfast. Number 6 was for invalids, men who couldn't work off the compound.
В культурно-воспитательную часть поплёлся старый художник с бородкой — за краской и кисточкой, номера писать.
An old artist with a little beard trotted over to the Culture and Education Section (CES) to get paint and a brush to paint number tags for prison uniforms.
Шухов проворно спрятался от Татарина за угол барака:
Shukhov ducked behind the comer of a hut to get out of the Tartar's way.
Стараться надо, чтоб никакой надзиратель тебя в одиночку не видел, а в толпе только.
Anyway, you had to keep your eyes open all the time. You had to be careful the warders didn't see you alone, but only in a crowd.
Может, он человека ищет на работу послать, может, зло отвести не на ком.
They were always on the lookout for someone to do a job or to have someone to pick on if they were in a lousy mood.
Читали ж вот приказ по баракам — перед надзирателем за пять шагов снимать шапку и два шага спустя надеть.
They'd put out a standing order in the camp that you had to take your cap off at a distance of five paces when you saw a warder, and keep it off till you were two paces past him.
Иной надзиратель бредёт, как слепой, ему все равно, а для других это сласть.
Some of the ward­ers wandered around with their eyes shut and just didn't care, but others got a kick out of it. The num­ber of guys that had been put in the can just on this! No thank you.
Миновал Татарин — и уже Шухов совсем намерился в санчасть, как его озарило, что ведь сегодня утром до развода назначил ему длинный латыш из седьмого барака прийти купить два стакана самосада, а Шухов захлопотался, из головы вон.
The Tartar went by. And Shukhov was just about to go on to the hospital when he suddenly remembered that the Latvian in Barracks 7 had told him to come this morning before roll call to buy a couple of mugs of tobacco. But Shukhov was so busy it had gone clean out of his head. The big Latvian had got­ten a package from home the evening before, and maybe by tomorrow there wouldn't be any left.
В санчасти, как всегда, до того было чисто в коридоре, что страшно ступать по полу.
The corridor in the hospital was so clean — it always was — that he was scared to walk along it.
И стены крашены эмалевой белой краской. И белая вся мебель.
The walls were painted a shiny white, and the furniture was all white as well.
А в дежурке сидел фельдшер — молодой парень Коля Вдовушкин, за чистым столиком, в свеженьком белом халате — и что-то писал.
One of the medics — a young fellow by the name of Nikolay Vdovushkin — was sitting in the orderlies' room at a nice clean desk and he was wearing a nice clean white coat. He was writing something.
Никого больше не было.
There was no one else around.
Шухов снял шапку, как перед начальством, и, по лагерной привычке лезть глазами куда не следует, не мог не заметить, что Николай писал ровными-ровными строчками и каждую строчку, отступя от краю, аккуратно одну под одной начинал с большой буквы.
Shukhov took off his hat, as though this was one of the higher-ups, and in the good old camp fashion, looking at things you weren't supposed to see, he couldn't help noticing that Vdovushkin was writing in neat, straight lines, starting each line right under the one before with a capital letter and leaving a little room at the side.
Шухову было, конечно, сразу понятно, что это — не работа, а по левой, но ему до того не было дела.
Shukhov saw at once, of course, that this wasn’t work but some stuff of his own and none of Shukhov’s business.
— Вот что... Николай Семеныч... я вроде это... болен... — совестливо, как будто зарясь на что чужое, сказал Шухов.
"Listen, Nikolay Semyonovich, I’m feeling kind of sick," he said, with a hangdog look, as if he was trying to scrounge something.
— Что ж ты поздно так?
"But why did you wait till now?
А вечером почему не пришёл?
And why didn't you come yesterday evening?
Ты же знаешь, что утром приема нет?
You know we can't take people in the mourning.
Список освобождённых уже в ППЧ.
We’ve already sent the sick list to the PPS."
Все это Шухов знал.
Shukhov knew all this.
Знал, что и вечером освободиться не проще.
And he knew it wasn't any easier to get on the sick list in the evening either.
— Да ведь, Коля... Оно с вечера, когда нужно, так и не болит...
"But the trouble is, Nikolay, it doesn't feel so bad in the evening, when it ought to."
— Да разобраться, бывает, и ничего не болит.
"Well, when you get down to it, it's nothing in particular.
А недужит всего.
I just feel rotten all over."
Шухов не был из тех, кто липнет к санчасти, и Вдовушкин это знал.
Shukhov was not one of those who's always hang­ing around the hospital block, and Vdovushkin knew it.
Что ж ты — под самый развод?
What do you think you’re doing — coming here just before roll call?
Санчасть была в самом глухом, дальнем углу зоны, и звуки сюда не достигали никакие.
The hospital block was in the most out-of-the-way corner of the compound, and there was no noise from outside.
Ни ходики не стучали — заключенным часов не положено, время за них знает начальство.
There were no clocks ticking here — the pris­oners weren’t supposed to have any. The powers that be kept time for them.
И даже мыши не скребли — всех их повыловил больничный кот, на то поставленный.
You didn’t even hear a mouse scratching. They’d all been caught by the hospital cat appointed for the purpose.
Осмотрел он все стены — ничего на них не нашёл.
He studied all the walls, but there was nothing. He looked at his jacket.
Осмотрел телогрейку свою — номер на груди пообтёрся, каб не зацапали, надо подновить.
The number on his chest had gotten a little worn. He’d have to have it redone if he didn’t want trouble.
А и не мешает.
But what the hell!
Ещё дня через три баня будет, тогда и побреют.
There’d be another bath in about three days, and he’d have a shave then.
Красоваться Шухову не для кого.
He didn’t have to look his best for anyone.
доброй волею в строй вернулся.
returned to his unit of his own free will.
заболеть бы недельки на две, на три не насмерть и без операции, но чтобы в больничку положили, — лежал бы, кажется, три недели, не шевельнулся, а уж кормят бульоном пустым — лады.
Now his one dream was to get sick for a couple of weeks, not fatally or anything that needed an oper­ation, but just sick enough to be sent to the hospital. He’d lie there, he thought, for three weeks without moving, and even if the soup they gave you was a little thin it would still be great.
Но, вспомнил Шухов, теперь и в больничке отлежу нет.
But then Shukhov remembered that there was no peace even in the hospital nowadays.
С каким-то этапом новый доктор появился — Степан Григорьич, гонкий такой да звонкий, сам сумутится, и больным нет покою:
There was a new doctor who’d come with a recent batch of pris- oners — Stepan Grigoryevich, a loudmouth know-it- all who never stayed still himself and never let the patients alone either.
Говорит, от болезни работа — первое лекарство.
And in the winter there was always snow to clear. He kept saying that work was the best cure for illness.
От работы лошади дохнут. Это понимать надо.
What he didn’t understand was that work has killed many a horse.
Ухайдакался бы сам на каменной кладке — небось бы тихо сидел.
If he’d put in a little hard work laying bricks, he wouldn’t go around shooting off his mouth so much.
....А Вдовушкин писал своё.
Vdovushkin was still writing away.
Он, вправду, занимался работой "левой", но для Шухова непостижимой.
He really was doing something' on the side, something that didn’t mean much to Shukhov.
Он переписывал новое длинное стихотворение, которое вчера отделал, а сегодня обещал показать Степану Григорьичу, тому самому врачу.
He was copying out a long poem that he’d given the finishing touches to the day before and had promised to show Stepan Grigoryevich today — the man who believed in work as a cure-all.
Шухов вздохнул и встал.
Shukhov sighed and stood up.
Знобило его, как и раньше, но косануть, видно, не проходило.
He still felt feverish, but it looked as though he had no chance to get out of work.
— Видишь, ни то ни сЈ, тридцать семь и две.
"Look, it's hard to say — just under ninety-nine.
Я тебя освободить не могу.
But as things are I can’t let you off.
Сходи уж лучше за зону.
But if not, it's the cooler for you. You'd be better off going to work."
Тёплый зяблого разве когда поймёт?
When you're cold, don’t expect sympathy from someone who’s warm.
Мороз жал.
The air outside hit Shukhov.
В морозе было двадцать семь, в Шухове тридцать семь.
It was 16 degrees below, while his own temperature was 99 above.
Теперь кто кого.
He had to fight it out.
Трусцой побежал Шухов в барак.
Shukhov trotted off to his barracks.
Была та минутка короткая, разморчивая, когда уже все оторвано, но прикидываются, что нет, что не будет развода.
It was that short, blissful moment when there was no way out any more, but people kidded themselves that there was and that there wouldn't be a roll call.
Конвой сидит в тёплых казармах, сонные головы прислоня к винтовкам, — тоже им не масло сливочное в такой мороз на вышках топтаться.
The escort guards were sitting in their warm barracks, leaning their heads against their rifles — it was no picnic for them either to kick their heels on top of watchtowers in this freezing cold.
Вахтёры на главной вахте подбрасывают в печку угля.
The guards in the main guardhouse threw some more coal in the stove.
Надзиратели в надзирательской докуривают последнюю цигарку перед обыском.
The warders in the warders' room were finishing their last cigarette before going out to search the prisoners.
А заключенные, уже одетые во всю свою рвань, перепоясанные всеми верёвочками, обмотавшись от подбородка до глаз тряпками от мороза, — лежат на нарах поверх одеял в валенках и, глаза закрыв, обмирают.
The prisoners — they were now dressed in all their rags, tied around with all their bits of string and their faces wrapped in rags from chin to eyes to protect them from the cold — were lying on their bunks on top of their blankets with their boots on, quite still and with their eyes closed.
Аж пока бригадир крикнет: "
Just a few seconds more until the gang boss would yell: "
"Fall out!"
Дремала со всем девятым бараком и 104-я бригада.
Nearly all the men in Barracks 9, including Gang 104, were dozing.
Только помбригадир Павло, шевеля губами, что-то считал карандашиком да на верхних нарах баптист Алёшка, сосед Шухова, чистенький, приумытый, читал свою записную книжку, где у него была переписана половина евангелия.
Only the assistant gang boss, Pavlo, was busy, moving his lips as he counted something with the help of a small pencil. And on a top bunk the Baptist Alyoshka, Shukhov’s neighbor, neat and cleanly washed, was reading his notebook in which he had half the Gospels copied down.
— Нэ посадылы, Иван Денисыч?
“Didn’t they put you in the cooler, Ivan Denisovich?
Живы? (
And are you still alive?" (
(Украинцев западных никак не переучат, они и в лагере по отчеству да выкают).
(They simply couldn’t teach Western Ukrainians to change their ways. Even in camp they were polite to people and addressed them by their full name.)
Очень спешил Шухов и все ж ответил прилично (помбригадир — тоже начальство, от него даже больше зависит, чем от начальника лагеря).
He was in a great hurry, but he answered just as politely (even an assistant gang boss is a big shot of sorts, and more depends on him than on the Com­mandant).
есть ли в ней те пятьсот пятьдесят грамм, что положены.
He looked at the ration, turning it, weighing it in his hand as he moved, to see if it was the full pound due him.
Паек этих тысячу не одну переполучал Шухов в тюрьмах и в лагерях, и хоть ни одной из них на весах проверить не пришлось, и хоть шуметь и качать права он, как человек робкий, не смел, но всякому арестанту и Шухову давно понятно, что, честно вешая, в хлеборезке не удержишься.
Shukhov had had thousands of these rations in prisons and camps, and though he’d never had a chance to weigh a single one of them on a scale and he was always too shy to stick up for his rights, he and every. other prisoner had. known a long time that the people who cut up and issued your bread wouldn't last long if they gave you honest rations.
Может, в моей-то граммы почти все?
(“Perhaps my ration is almost full weight today.")
— Грамм двадцать не дотягивает, — решил Шухов и преломил пайку надвое.
"It’s about half an ounce short,” Shukhov figured, and he broke the bread in two.
Другую половину, сэкономленную за завтраком, думал и съесть тут же, да наспех еда не еда, пройдёт даром, без сытости.
He thought of eating the other half, the one he hadn’t eaten at breakfast, right away, but food eaten quickly isn't food. It does no good, doesn't fill you.
Потянулся сунуть полпайки в тумбочку, но опять раздумал:
He made a move to shove his half-ration in his locker, but changed his mind again.
вспомнил, что дневальные уже два раза за воровство биты.
He remembered the orderlies had already been beaten up twice for thieving.
Барак большой, как двор проезжий.
The barracks was as public as the courtyard of an apartment building.
И потому, не выпуская хлеба из рук, Иван Денисович вытянул ноги из валенок, ловко оставив там и портянки и ложку, взлез босой наверх, расширил дырочку в матрасе и туда, в опилки, спрятал свои полпайки.
So, not letting go of the bread, Ivan Denisovich pulled his feet out of his felt boots, neatly leaving his foot-cloths and spoon inside them, climbed up bare­footed, widened the little hole in his mattress, and hid the other half of his rations in the sawdust.
Шапку с головы содрал, вытащил из нее иголочку с ниточкой (тоже запрятана глубоко, на шмоне шапки тоже щупают;
He snatched his cap off his head, pulled a needle and thread out of it (this too was hidden carefully be­cause they also checked prisoners’ caps at inspection;
однова' надзиратель об иголку накололся, так чуть Шухову голову со злости не разбил).
once a warder had pricked himself on the needle and had been so angry he'd almost smashed Shukhov’s head in).
Тем временем сахар во рту дотаял.
Meanwhile the sugar in his mouth had melted.
Все в Шухове было напряжено до крайности — вот сейчас нарядчик в дверях заорёт.
Shukhov’s whole body was tense: at any moment the work-controller would start yelling in the doorway.
Пальцы Шухова славно шевелились, а голова, забегая вперёд, располагала, что дальше.
Shukhov’s fingers moved like lightning while his mind was running ahead thinking what he had to do next
— "Только бы не пострадал кто из вас как убийца, или как вор, или злодей, или как посягающий на чужое.
“But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.
А если как христианин, то не стыдись, но прославляй Бога за такую участь".
Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."
За что Алёшка молодец: эту книжечку свою так заса'вывает ловко в щель в стене — ни на едином шмоне ещё не нашли.
One great thing about Alyoshka was he was so clever at hiding this book in a hole in the wall that it hadn’t been found on any of the searches.
Теми же быстрыми движениями Шухов свесил на перекладину бушлат, повытаскивал из-под матраса рукавички, ещё пару худых портянок, верёвочку и тряпочку с двумя рубезками.
With the same swift movements, Shukhov hung his overcoat on a crossbeam, and from under the mattress he pulled out his mittens, a pair of thin foot-cloths, a bit of rope, and a piece of rag with two tapes.
Опилки в матрасе чудок разровнял (тяжёлые они, сбитые), одеяло вкруговую подоткнул, подушку кинул на место — босиком же слез вниз и стал обуваться, сперва в хорошие портянки, новые, потом в плохие, поверх.
He evened the sawdust in his mattress a little (the stuff was heavy and hard-packed), tucked in his blanket all around, threw his pillow into place, then climbed down barefooted and started putting -on his foot wrappings — first his good new foot-cloths and then on top the ones that weren’t so good.
И тут бригадир прогаркнулся, встал и объявил:
Then the gang boss cleared his throat loudly, got up and shouted:
Бригадир девятнадцать лет сидит, он на развод минутой раньше не выгонит.
The gang boss had been in camps for nineteen years, and he wouldn't chase you out to the roll call one second too early.
Сказал — "выходи!" —
When he said "Outside!"
Шухов доспел валенки обуть на две портянки, бушлат надеть сверх телогрейки и туго вспоясаться верёвочкой (ремни кожаные были у кого, так отобрали — нельзя в Особлагере).
the same way as Tyurin — Shukhov managed to put on his felt boots over his two pairs of foot-cloths. Then he put his overcoat over his jacket and tied it tightly with the rope (leather belts were taken away from prisoners — they weren't allowed in "Special" camps).
Все ещё темно было, хотя небо с восхода зеленело и светлело.
It was still dark, though the sky in the east was getting bright and looked kind of green.
Вот этой минуты горше нет — на развод идти утром.
This was the toughest moment — when you lined up for roll call in the morning.
В темноте, в мороз, с брюхом голодным, на день целый.
Into the bitter cold in the darkness with an empty belly — for the whole day.
Язык отнимается.
You’d lost the use of your tongue.
У линейки метался младший нарядчик.
Near the perimeter a deputy work-controller was going frantic.
— Ну, Тюрин, сколько ждать?
“Well, Tyurin, how long are we supposed to wait?
Опять тянешься?
Dragging your feet again, eh?"
Он ему и дых по морозу зря не погонит, топает себе молча.
He wouldn’t waste his breath on him in this cold, and he just trudged on without a word.
И бригада за ним по снегу:
The gang came after him over the snow:
топ-топ, скрип-скрип.
tramp-tramp- tramp, crunch-crunch-crunch.
А килограмм сала, должно, отнёс — потому что опять в свою колонну пришла 104-я, по соседним бригадам видать.
The boss must have slipped the fellow two pounds of fatback — you could see from the other gangs near­by that Gang 104 was being lined up in its usual place.
На Соцгородок победней да поглупей кого погонят.
It was only the other poor suckers who’d be marched off to the Socialist Community Develop­ment.
Ой, лють там сегодня будет: двадцать семь с ветерком, ни укрыва, ни грева!
God, it’d be hell there today, with a tempera­ture of sixteen below and the wind and no cover at all!
Бригадиру сала много надо: и в ППЧ нести и своё брюхо утолакивать.
The boss needed a lot of fatback to slip to the people in the PPS and still have enough left for his own belly.
Бригадир хоть сам посылок не получает — без сала не сидит.
He didn’t get any packages from home, but he was never short of fatback.
Кто из бригады получит — сейчас ему дар несёт.
It was always handed over to him right away by anyone in the gang who got some.
А иначе не проживёшь.
That was the only way you could live.
Старший нарядчик отмечает по дощечке:
The chief work-controller made a note on a board.
Кого ж нет?
Who was missing?
Пантелеева нет.
Panteleyev wasn’t there.
И сразу шу-шу-шу по бригаде:
And right away there was a lot of whispering in the gang. Panteleyev the sonofabitch had managed to get out of it again.
Днём его вызовут без помех, хоть три часа держи, никто не видел, не слышал.
They could easily send for him in the daytime­keep him there three hours if they liked — ana no- body'd be any the wiser.
А проводят по санчасти...
They worked it through the sick list.
Вспомнил Шухов, что хотел обновить номерок на телогрейке, протискался через линейку на тот бок.
Shukhov remembered that he wanted to get the number on his jacket redone, and made his way over to the other side of the yard.
Там к художнику два-три зэка в очереди стояли.
There were a couple of men waiting in front of the artist.
И Шухов стал.
Shukhov joined them.
зачем об номере не заботишься?
And if you didn't have it redone, they'd put you in the cooler for not looking after it properly.
Художников в лагере трое, пишут для начальства картины бесплатные, а ещё в черед ходят на развод номера писать.
There were three of these artists in the camp. They painted pictures free for the higher-ups, and also took turns painting numbers at roll call.
Сегодня старик с бородкой седенькой.
Today it was the old man with the little gray beard.
Помалюет, помалюет и в перчатку дышит.
He'd paint a little, and then a little more — and breathe on his fingertips.
Перчатка вязаная, тонкая, рука окостеневает, чисел не выводит.
His knitted mittens were thin and his hands went stif with cold so he couldn't make the numbers.
Художник обновил Шухову "Щ-854" на телогрейке, и Шухов, уже не запахивая бушлата, потому что до шмона оставалось недалеко, с верёвочкой в руке догнал бригаду.
The artist gave Shukhov a new "S-854” on his jacket, and Shukhov, with his rope belt in his hand — not bothering to fasten up his coat because they weren't far from the friskers — went back to his gang.
И сразу разглядел: однобригадник его Цезарь курил, и курил не трубку, а сигарету — значит, подстрельнуть можно.
And he noticed at once that another fellow from his gang, Caesar, was smoking — not his pipe, but a cigarette — which meant there was a chance of cadging a smoke.
Но Шухов не стал прямо просить, а остановился совсем рядом с Цезарем и вполоборота глядел мимо него.
But Shukhov didn't ask him outright. He stopped just next to Caesar, turned halfway toward him, and then looked past him.
Он глядел мимо и как будто равнодушно, но видел, как после каждой затяжки (Цезарь затягивался редко, в задумчивости) ободок красного пепла передвигался по сигарете, убавляя ее и подбираясь к мундштуку.
He looked past as if he didn’t care, but he could see how after every drag (Caesar was thinking about something and he wasn't taking many drags) the rim of red ash moved along the cigarette and burned it down nearer and nearer to the holder.
Тут же и Фетюков, шакал, подсосался, стал прямо против Цезаря и в рот ему засматривает, и глаза горят.
Right at this moment, that scavenger Fetyukov latched onto them, and stood right in front of Caesar and stared with burning eyes at his mouth.
В Цезаре всех наций намешано: не то он грек, не то еврей, не то цыган — не поймёшь.
Caesar was a mixture of all races — whether he was a Greek, a Jew, or a gypsy you just couldn’t tell.
Молодой ещё.
He was still young.
Картины снимал для кино. Но и первой не доснял, как его посадили.
He’d been a cameraman for the movies — but they put him inside before he’d finished shooting his first film.
Потому не сбрили здесь, что на деле так снят, на карточке.
They hadn’t shaved it off here because this was how he looked on the photo in his records.
не выдержав, прослюнявил Фетюков. — Да-айте разок потянуть!
Fetyukov drooled at him — he couldn't stand it any longer — "please give me one little drag!"
....Цезарь приоткрыл веки, полуспущенные над чёрными глазами, и посмотрел на Фетюкова.
Caesar’s eyebrows went up a little — they were half­lowered over his black eyes — and he looked at Fetyukov.
Он курил, чтобы возбудить в себе сильную мысль и дать ей найти что-то.
It wasn’t that he grudged them the tobacco, but he didn’t like having his thoughts interrupted. He smoked to help his mind come up with great ideas.
Но едва он поджигал сигарету, как сразу в нескольких глазах видел: "
But all he needed to do was light a cigarette and right away he could see that look in people’s eyes: "
"Оставь докурить!"
"Leave a bit for me."
— Возьми, Иван Денисыч!
“Here you are, Ivan Denisovich !"
Шухов встрепенулся (он и ждал так, что Цезарь сам ему предложит), одной рукой поспешно благодарно брал недокурок, а второю страховал снизу, чтоб не обронить.
Shukhov jumped (even though he’d thought Cae­sar would give it to him of his own accord). He took it with one hand, quickly and thankfully, and put his other hand underneath to guard against dropping it.
Он не обижался, что Цезарь брезговал дать ему докурить в мундштуке (у кого рот чистый, а у кого и гунявый), и пальцы его закалелые не обжигались, держась за самый огонь.
He wasn't hurt because Caesar was squeamish. about letting him smoke it in the holder (some peo­ple have clean mouths, others have foul mouths), and it didn’t hurt his hardened fingers when the butt burned right down to them.
Главное, он Фетюкова-шакала пересёк и вот теперь тянул дым, пока губы стали гореть от огня.
The great thing was that he'd beaten that scavenger Fetyukov to it, and here he was now smoking away till it burned his lips.
Дым разошёлся по голодному телу, и в ногах отдалось и в голове.
The smoke seemed to go all through his hungry body and into his feet and his head.
И только эта благость по телу разлилась, как услышал Иван Денисович гул:
Just as this wonderful feeling spread all through him, Ivan Denisovich heard a roar from the men:
— Рубахи нижние отбирают!...
"They’re taking our undershirts away...!”
Так и вся жизнь у зэка, Шухов привык:
That's life in the camp. Shukhov had gotten used to it.
только и высматривай, чтоб на горло тебе не кинулись.
Give 'em half a chance, if you didn't watch out they'd be at your throat.
Рубахи ж сам начальник выдавал?!...
They'd been issued by the Commandant himself...!
Не, не так...
No, something was wrong....
Уж до шмона оставалось две бригады впереди, и вся 104-я разглядела:
There were only two gangs ahead of them before the friskers, and everyone in Gang 104 spotted Lieu­tenant Volkovoy, the disciplinary officer.
Волкового не то что зэки и не то что надзиратели — сам начальник лагеря, говорят, боится.
They said even the Commandant was scared of Volkovoy — let alone the prisoners and warders. Not for nothing was he called Volkovoy.
Вынырнет из-за барака: "
He’d come at you from behind the corner of the barracks, shout­ing: "
"А тут что собрались?"
"What’s going on here?" You couldn’t keep out of his way.
В БУРе ею сек, говорят.
They said he beat people with it.
Обожжённый за шею схватится, вытрёт кровь, молчит: каб ещё БУРа не дал.
The fellow he’d whipped would take hold of his neck and wipe off the blood and keep his trap shut so as not to get shoved in the cooler on top of it.
Теперь что-то не стал плётку носить.
Now, for some reason or other, he’d stopped going around with the whip.
В мороз на простом шмоне не по вечерам, так хоть утром порядок был мягкий:
When it was freezing, the frisking routine was not so tough in the morning — though it still was in the evening.
Так шли по пять, и пять надзирателей навстречу стояло.
They marched up by fives, and five warders were waiting for them.
"Это — что?"
"What do you have there?"
Утром что' искать у зэка?
What did they hope to find on a prisoner in the morning?
Так их не из лагеря носят, а в лагерь.
But knives don’t get taken out of camp, they get brought in.
пайку эту свою надкуси, да заметь, да клади в чемодан, а они, куски, все равно похожие, все из одного хлеба, и всю дорогу об том думай и мучайся, не подменят ли твой кусок, да друг с другом спорь, иногда и до драки.
It was anybody’s guess why they thought this would help. Most likely the idea was to make things even tougher for people and add to their troubles — you took a bite out of it to put your mark on it, and threw it in the box. But all these hunks looked alike anyway. It was all the same bread. Then all the way you worried yourself sick about not getting your own piece back.
Только однажды сбежали из производственной зоны трое на автомашине и такой чемодан хлеба прихватили.
And some­times you got into a fight with people over it. Then one day three fellows escaped from the building site in a truck and took one of these boxes with them.
И проверить — письма не несёт ли, чтоб через вольного толкануть?
And another thing they checked for — letters you might try and slip to someone on the outside to mail.
Но крикнул что-то Волковой искать — и надзиратели быстро перчатки поснимали, телогрейки велят распустить (где каждый тепло барачное спрятал), рубахи расстегнуть — и лезут перещупывать, не поддето ли чего в обход устава.
But Volkovoy shouted to the warders to give them a real going over, and the warders quickly removed their gloves, told the men to open their jackets (where each man had taken a little of the warmth from his barracks) and undo their shirts. Then they began to feel around to see whether extra clothes had been put on against regulations.
Положено зэку две рубахи — нижняя да верхняя, остальное снять! — вот как передали зэки из ряда в ряд приказ Волкового.
Each prisoner was allowed a shirt and vest, and anything extra had to come off — that was Volkovoy's order passed down through the ranks of the prisoners.
Какие раньше бригады прошли — ихее счастье, уж и за воротами некоторые, а эти — открывайся!
The gangs that had gone ahead were lucky — some of them had al­ready been checked out through the gates. But the rest had to open up.
У кого поддето — скидай тут же на морозе!
Anyone with extra clothing on had to strip it off right there in the freezing cold!
Буйновский — в горло, на миноносцах своих привык, а в лагере трёх месяцев нет:
The Captain kicked up a fuss, just like he used to on his ship — he’d only been here three months.
Имеют. Знают.
They had the right and they knew the article.
Это ты, брат, ещё не знаешь.
You’ve still got a lot to learn, brother.
— Вы не советские люди! —
"You're not Soviet people," the Captain kept on at them. "
долбает их капитан.
"You're not Communists!"
Статью из кодекса ещё терпел Волковой, а тут, как молния черная, передёрнулся:
Volkovoy could take the stuff about the Criminal Code, but this made him mad. He looked black as a thundercloud and snapped at him:
И потише старшине:
And a bit quieter, he said to the chief warder: "
— К вечеру оформишь.
"You can see to that in the evening."
Они по утрам-то не любят в карцер брать: человеко-выход теряется.
They didn’t like putting people in solitary in the morning because it meant losing a day's work.
День пусть спину погнёт, а вечером его в БУР.
So let him break his back all day and shove him in the cells at night.
Тут же и БУР по левую руку от линейки: каменный, в два крыла.
The punishment block was nearby, on the left of the perimeter, a stone building with two wings.
Весь лагерь деревянный, одна тюрьма каменная.
The rest of the camp was made of wood — only the prison was stone.
И так это нудно тянет спину Шухову.
They'd just wasted their time wrapping themselves up. And Shukhov's back ached enough as it was.
В коечку больничную лечь бы сейчас — и спать.
If only he could lie down in a hospital bed right now and sleep.
Одеяло бы потяжельше.
With a nice heavy blanket.
Стоят зэки перед воротами, застёгиваются, завязываются, а снаружи конвой:
The prisoners were standing in front of the gate buttoning and tying their coats, and the guards were waiting for them outside.
— Давай!
“Come on!
Come on!"
И нарядчик в спины пихает:
And a work-controller was shoving them in the back.
— Давай!
“Come on!
Come on!”
Одни ворота. Предзонник.
First there was one gate just at the perimeter.
Вторые ворота.
Then a second gate.
шумит вахтёр. —
yelled one of the guards.
Как баранов стадо.
“Just like a bunch of sheep!
Уже рассмеркивалось.
Now it was getting light.
Догорал костер конвоя за вахтой.
On the other side of the guardhouse the escort's fire was almost out.
И пятёрки отделялись и шли цепочками отдельными, так что хоть сзади, хоть спереди смотри: пять голов, пять спин, десять ног.
The men peeled off by fives and filed through, so whichever way you looked at them, from front or behind, you could see five heads, five backs, and ten legs.
А второй вахтёр — контролёр, у других перил молча стоит, только проверяет, счёт правильный ли.
A second guard, whose job it was to check the count, stood by the railings without speaking and just made sure the number was right.
И ещё лейтенант стоит, смотрит.
The lieutenant stood still and watched. He’d come outside to doublecheck the count. That was the rou­tine when they left the camp.
Одной головы за проволокой не достанет — свою голову туда добавишь.
If there was one man missing on the other side of the wire, he'd soon be taking his place.
И теперь сержант конвоя считает:
Now it was the sergeant who did the counting.
И помощник начальника караула с другой стороны проверяет.
The second-in-command of the escort checked them in on the other side.
И ещё лейтенант.
Then there was another lieutenant.
Это от конвоя.
He was double­checking for the escort.
Никак нельзя ошибиться.
They couldn’t afford to make a mistake.
А конвоиров понатыкано!
There were escorts all over the place.
Полукругом обняли колонну ТЭЦ, автоматы вскинули, прямо в морду тебе держат.
They ringed the column going to the power station, shouldered their tommy guns and pointed them straight at your face.
И собаководы с собаками серыми.
And then there were fellows with dogs.
Одна собака зубы оскалила, как смеётся над зэками.
One of the dogs was baring his teeth like he was laughing at the prisoners.
Конвоиры все в полушубках, лишь шестеро в тулупах.
The escorts all wore short fur jack­ets. Only six of them had long sheepskin coats.
Тулупы у них сменные: тот надевает, кому на вышку идти.
They took turns wearing the long coats — they were for the ones who manned the watchtowers.
— На восходе самый большой мороз бывает! —
"It's always coldest at dawn,” the Captain ex­plained. "
объявил кавторанг. — Потому что это последняя точка ночного охлаждения.
"Because that’s the last stage of the loss of heat by radiation which takes place at night."
На глазах доходит капитан, щеки ввалились, — а бодрый.
The Captain was clearly going downhill. His cheeks were caved in, but he kept his spirits up.
Мороз тут за зоной при потягивающем ветерке крепко покусывал даже ко всему притерпевшееся лицо Шухова.
The cold here outside the camp, with a wind blow­ing, was biting Shukhov’s face, even though it could take almost anything by now.
Смекнув, что так и будет он по дороге на ТЭЦ дуть все время в морду, Шухов решил надеть тряпочку.
He knew he’d have the wind in his face like this all the way to the power plant, so he put his piece of rag over it.
Шухов обхватил лицо по самые глаза, по низу ушей рубезочки провёл, на затылке завязал.
Shukhov put it around his face, right up to his eyes, ran the tapes under his ears, and tied them behind his head.
Потом затылок отворотом шапки закрыл и поднял воротник бушлата.
Then he covered the back of his neck with the flap of his cap and pulled up the collar of his jacket.
Все теперь ладно, только рукавицы худые и руки уже застылые.
Now everything was okay. Only his mittens were thin and his hands were already frozen.
Он тер и хлопал ими, зная, что сейчас придётся взять их за спину и так держать всю дорогу.
He rubbed them and clapped them together. He knew that at any moment he’d have to put them behind his back and keep them there for the rest of the way.
Начальник караула прочёл ежедневную надоевшую арестантскую "молитву":
The commander of the escort read the daily "ser­mon," which everyone was fed up with:
Не растягиваться, не набегать, из пятёрки в пятёрку не переходить, не разговаривать, по сторонам не оглядываться, руки держать только назад!
You will not straggle or bunch up. You wil not change places from one rank of five to another. You will not talk or look around to either side, and you will keep your arms behind you!
Шаг вправо, шаг влево — считается побег, конвой открывает огонь без предупреждения!
A step to right or left will be considered an attempt at escape, and the escort will open fire without warning!
И, должно, пошли передних два конвоира по дороге.
The first two escort guards must’ve already started along the road.
Колыхнулась колонна впереди, закачала плечами, и конвой, справа и слева от колонны шагах в двадцати, а друг за другом через десять шагов, — пошёл, держа автоматы наготове.
In front the column swayed, men began to swing their shoulders, and the escort guards, twenty paces away at either side of the column and with ten paces between them, started off, their tom­my guns at the ready.
Снегу не было уже с неделю, дорога проторена, убита.
There hadn’t been any new snow for a week now, and the road was well trodden.
Обогнули лагерь — стал ветер наискось в лицо.
They went around the edge of the camp and the wind hit them side­ways.
Руки держа сзади, а головы опустив, пошла колонна, как на похороны.
Hands behind backs and heads lowered, the column started off as if to a funeral.
"Ю — сорок восемь!
Put your hands behind you!" "B-502!
Руки назад!", "
Keep up there!"
ветер сечёт, смотреть мешает.
The wind whipped them and made it hard for them to see.
Тоже служба неважная...
It was no fun for them either...
В колонне, когда потеплей, все разговаривают — кричи не кричи на них.
Everyone talks in the column when it’s wanner, no matter how much they’re shouted at.
А сегодня пригнулись все, каждый за спину переднего хоронится, и ушли в свои думки.
But today everyone was bent forward, hiding behind the back of the man in front and thinking his own thoughts.
Дума арестантская — и та несвободная, все к тому ж возвращается, все снова ворошит:
Even a prisoner’s thoughts weren’t free but kept coming back to the same thing, kept turning the same things over again.
не нащупают ли пайку в матрасе?
Will they find that bread in the mattress?
в санчасти освободят ли вечером?
Will the medics put me on the sick list this evening?
посадят капитана или не посадят?
Will they put the Captain in the cooler or not?
Наверно, подмазал в каптёрке личных вещей, откуда ж?
He must’ve gotten it out of someone in the stores with a bribe. Where else?
И чтобы брюхо не занывало, есть не просило, перестал он думать о лагере, стал думать, как письмо будет скоро домой писать.
And to keep his belly from whining and asking for food, he stopped thinking about the camp and thought instead about that letter he'd soon be send­ing home.
Колонна прошла мимо деревообделочного, построенного зэками, мимо жилого квартала (собирали бараки тоже зэки, а живут вольные), мимо клуба нового (тоже зэки всЈ, от фундамента до стенной росписи, а кино вольные смотрят), и вышла колонна в степь, прямо против ветра и против краснеющего восхода.
The column marched past the carpentry workshop built by the prisoners, past a block of living quarters (also built by the prisoners, but for “free” workers), and past the new club (also the work of prisoners, from the foundations to the decorations on the walls, but it was only the "free" ones who saw the movies there). The column came out mto the steppe with the wind right in their faces, and there was a red sunrise.
Начался год новый, пятьдесят первый, и имел в нем Шухов право на два письма.
It was the beginning of a new year — 1951 — and Shukhov was allowed to write two letters home year.
В Усть-Ижме, там иначе был порядок, пиши хоть каждый месяц.
In Ust-Izhma there had been a different system — you could write once a month if you wanted.
Да чего в письме напишешь?
But what can you say in a letter?
Не чаще Шухов и писал, чем ныне.
He hadn’t written any more often there.
В воскресенье народ из Поломни пришёл от обедни и говорит: война.
One Sunday morning, people had come back from the church in Polomnya and said the war had started.
В Поломне узнала почта, а в ТемгенЈве ни у кого до войны радио не было.
They’d heard about it at the Polomnya post office, but in Temgenyovo — the village he "lived in — no one had a radio before the war.
Сейчас-то, пишут, в каждой избе радио галдит, проводное.
Now, they wrote, there was "piped” radio in every hut, blaring all the time.
Да и они два раза в год напишут — жизни их не поймёшь.
Anyway, they only wrote twice a year, and you couldn't make out how they were getting along.
Председатель колхоза-де новый — так он каждый год новый, их больше года не держат.
They told you there was a new boss in the kolkhoz— but there was nothing new about that, they had a new one every year.
Колхоз укрупнили — так его и раньше укрупняли, а потом мельчили опять.
Or the kolkhoz had been "amalgamated" — but that was nothing new either, they were always amalgamating them and splitting them up again.
Мужиков с войны половина вовсе не вернулась, а какие вернулись — колхоза не признают: живут дома, работают на стороне.
Half the kolkhozniks had not come back after the war, and those who had wouldn't have anything to do with the kolkhoz — they lived there but earned their money somewhere out­side.
Мужиков в колхозе: бригадир Захар Васильич да плотник Тихон восьмидесяти четырёх лет, женился недавно, и дети уже есть.
The only men in the kolkhoz were the gang boss, Zakhar Vasilyevich, and the carpenter, Tikhon, who was eighty-four, had married not long ago, and even had children already.
Вот этого-то Шухову и не понять никак: живут дома, а работают на стороне.
The thing Shukhov just couldn't figure out was these people living on the farm but working outside.
Видел Шухов жизнь единоличную, видел колхозную, но чтобы мужики в своей же деревне не работали — этого он не может принять.
Shukhov had seen how it was on both individual and collective farms, but the idea of peasants not working in their own village — that he just couldn't take.
Вроде отхожий промысел, что ли?
Did they go off to seasonal work or something?
А с сенокосом же как?
And what did they do about getting the hay in?
пятьдесят рублей ковер на любой простыне старой, какую дадут, какую не жалко, — а рисовать тот ковер будто бы час один, не более.
More and more people were doing it and getting good at it. They didn't have any regular.jobs and they helped in the kolkhoz for only a month in the year getting the hay in and harvesting. And they got a paper from the.
И очень жена надежду таит, что вернётся Иван и тоже в колхоз ни ногой, и тоже таким красилЈм станет.
kolkhoz to say that for the other eleven months they’d been let off to take care of their own business and that they owed no taxes. They went all over the country and even flew in planes because their time was valu­able. They raked in thousands of rubles painting carpets all over the place. They got 50 rubles for a carpet painted on some old sheet — these carpets, they said, could be finished in an hour. His wife hoped he’d be back one day and become one of these painters.
И они тогда подымутся из нищеты, в какой она бьётся, детей в техникум отдадут, и заместо старой избы гнилой новую поставят.
Then they'd get out of the poverty with which she was struggling, send the children to technical school, and put up a new hut in place of the rotten old shack they were living in now.
Все красили' себе дома новые ставят, близ железной дороги стали дома теперь не пять тысяч, как раньше, а двадцать пять.
All these carpet painters were putting up new houses, and nowadays it cost you 25,000 rubles, not 5,000 like in the old days, to build a house near the railroad.
И что это за ковры такие дивные, что' на них?
And what was so great about these carpets? What did they put on them?
наложи трафаретку и мажь кистью сквозь дырочки.
You just put on the stencil and dabbed paint through the holes.
один ковер "Тройка" — в упряжи красивой тройка везёт офицера гусарского, второй ковер — "Олень", а третий — под персидский.
One, the “Troika," had a picture of a carriage drawn by three horses with beautiful harness, and a hussar inside. The sec­ond was the “Stag," and the third was imitation Persian.
И никаких больше рисунков нет, но и за эти по всей стране люди спасибо говорят и из рук хватают. Потому что настоящий ковер не пятьдесят рублей, а тысячи стоит.
There weren't any other patterns, but people all over the country were glad enough of even these and couldn't get their hands on them fast enough, because a real carpet doesn't cost 50 rubles — it costs thousands.
По лагерям да по тюрьмам отвык Иван Денисович раскладывать, что' завтра, что' через год да чем семью кормить.
In all the time he spent in camps and prisons, Ivan Denisovich had gotten out of the habit of worrying about the next day, or the next year.,. how to feed his family.
И от своих деревенских отставать вроде обидно...
And it would be sort of wrong if he didn't keep up with the other fellows in the village.
Но, по душе, не хотел бы Иван Денисович за те ковры браться.
But deep down inside, Ivan Denisovich didn't want to have anything to do with this carpet business.
Для них развязность нужна, нахальство, милиции на лапу совать.
You had to have a lot of gall and you had to know how to grease the right palm.
Шухов же сорок лет землю топчет, уж зубов нет половины и на голове плешь, никому никогда не давал и не брал ни с кого и в лагере не научился.
Shukhov had been walking this earth for forty years. He'd lost half his teeth and he was getting bald. He’d never given or taken a bribe from anybody, and he hadn’t learned that trick in the camp either.
Лёгкие деньги — они и не весят ничего, и чутья такого нет, что вот, мол, ты заработал.
Easy money doesn't weigh anything and it doesn’t give you that good feeling you get when you really earn it.
Правильно старики говорили: за что не доплатишь, того не доносишь.
The old saying was true — what you don’t pay for honestly, you don’t get good value for.
Руки у Шухова ещё добрые, смогают, неуж он себе на воле верной работы не найдёт.
Shukhov’s hands were still good for something. Back home he'd surely find himself work making stoves, or something in the carpentry line, or mending pots and pans.
Да ещё пустят ли когда на ту волю?
The only catch was — if you'd been convicted with loss of civil rights, you couldn’t get work anywhere and you weren't allowed back home.
Не навалят ли ещё десятки ни за так?...
So maybe it would have to be those carpets after all.
Колонна тем временем дошла и остановилась перед вахтой широко раскинутой зоны объекта.
The column had now arrived and stopped in front of the guardroom of the vast compound where the building site was.
Ещё раньше, с угла зоны, два конвоира в тулупах отделились и побрели по полю к своим дальним вышкам.
A little before that, two of the escorts in sheepskin coats had peeled off at a corner of the compound and made for the watchtowers at the far end.
Пока всех вышек конвой не займёт, внутрь не пустят.
The prisoners would only be let in when the watchtowers had been manned.
Начкар с автоматом за плечом пошёл на вахту.
The officer in charge, with a tommy gun over his shoulder, went to the guardhouse.
А из вахты, из трубы, дым, не переставая, клубится:
And there were great clouds of smoke pouring out of the guardroom chimney.
вольный вахтёр всю ночь там сидит, чтоб доски не вывезли или цемент.
They had a watchman there all night — a “free” worker, not a prisoner — so boards and cement wouldn't be stolen.
Шухов ее ссунул с лица на шею и стал к ветру спиной.
He shoved it off his face onto his neck and stood with his back to the wind.
Нигде его особо не продрало, а только руки озябли в худых рукавичках, да онемели пальцы на левой ноге: валенок-то левый горетый, второй раз подшитый.
He wasn’t cold all through, but his hands were frozen in the thin mittens and the toes of his left foot had gotten numb — it was that left boot which had a hole burned in it and had to be sewed up again.
Поясницу и спину всю до плечей тянет, ломает — как работать?
He had an aching pain all the way from the small of his back to his shoulders, so how could he work?
Оглянулся — и на бригадира лицом попал, тот в задней пятёрке шел.
He looked around and caught sight of the gang boss. He was at the end of the column.
Хмур стоит.
He looked grim.
СмехуЈчками он бригаду свою не жалует, а кормит — ничего, о большой пайке заботлив.
He didn’t stand for any fucking nonsense in the gang, but he kept them pretty well fed and was always worried about getting them a good ration.
Сидит он второй срок, сын ГУЛАГа, лагерный обычай знает напрожЈг.
He was doing his second sentence and he had lived practically all his life in the camps. What he didn't know about the camps wasn’t worth knowing.
Бригадир в лагере — это всЈ:
In a camp, your gang boss is everything.
А когда с Усть-Ижмы, из общего лагеря, перегнали пятьдесят восьмую статью сюда, в каторжный, — тут его Тюрин подобрал.
And when prisoners sentenced under Article 58 had been switched from the ordinary camp at Ust-Izhma to the penal camp, Tyurin had picked him out.
С начальником лагеря, с ППЧ, с прорабами, с инженерами Шухов дела не имеет:
Shukhov never had any dealings with the Commandant, the PPS, the work-super­visors, and the engineers.
Зато шевельнёт бровью или пальцем покажет — беги, делай.
But he only had to raise an eyebrow or point a finger and you ran off to do what he wanted.
И будешь жив.
That way you’d stay alive.
И хочется Шухову спросить бригадира, там же ли работать, где вчера, на другое ли место переходить — а боязно перебивать его высокую думу.
Shukhov wanted to ask him if they were going to work in the same place like yesterday or if they were going to another place, but he didn’t dare break in on his thoughts.
Только что Соцгородок с плеч спихнул, теперь, бывает, процентовку обдумывает, от нее пять следующих дней питания зависят.
He’d only just wangled them out of the Socialist Community Development, and now he must have been figuring out how to get them good rates for the job. And their ration for the next five days depended on this.
Стоит против ветра — не поморщится, кожа на лице — как кора дубовая.
He could face the wind without wincing — the skin on his face was tough like the bark of an oak tree.
Хлопают руками, перетаптываются в колонне. Злой ветерок!
The men in the column were slapping their hands together and stamping their feet.
Уж, кажется, на всех шести вышках попки сидят — опять в зону не пускают.
The wind was brutal. It looked like the guards were already up on all six watchtowers, but the men were still not being let inside.
Бдительность травят.
They must have another security drive on.
Here it was!
Вышли начкар с контролёром из вахты, по обои стороны ворот стали, и ворота развели.
The officer in charge of the escort came out of the guardroom with an inspector. They stood on each side of the gate and opened it.
Зашагали арестанты как на парод, шагом чуть не строевым.
The prisoners marched as though they were on parade — almost like soldiers.
Только б в зону прорваться, там не учи, что делать.
Once they got into the compound, they knew what to do without being told.
И Дэр туда, десятник из зэков, сволочь хорошая, своего брата-зэка хуже собак гоняет.
And one of the foremen — a man called Der — went over to them. A real bastard. He was a prisoner himself, but he treated everybody else like dirt.
Восемь часов, пять минут девятого (только что энергопоезд прогудел), начальство боится, как бы зэки время не потеряли, по обогревалкам бы не рассыпались — а у зэков день большой, на все время хватит.
It was eight o’clock, maybe five minutes past (the steam engine they used to generate power had just given a blast on its whistle). The fellows in charge were scared stiff about the prisoners wasting time and ducking into shelters to keep warm. But the prisoners had a long day and took their time. As soon as they got into the compound they started bending down to pick up pieces of wood.
Тюрин велел Павлу, помощнику, идти с ним в контору.
Tyurin told his assistant, Pavlo, to come to the office with him.
Цезарь богатый, два раза в месяц посылки, всем сунул, кому надо, — и придурком работает в конторе, помощником нормировщика.
Caesar was rich, got two packages from home every month, and bribed all the right people. He had a soft job in the office, helping the fellow in charge of the work sheets.
А остальная 104-я сразу в сторону, и дЈру, дЈру.
The rest of Gang 104 took off like greased light­ning.
где щиты сборных домов снегом занесены, где кладка каменная начатая, да у фундамента и брошенная, там экскаватора рукоять переломленная лежит, там ковш, там хлам железный, канав понарыто, траншей, ям наворочено, авторемонтные мастерские под перекрытие выведены, а на бугре — ТЭЦ в начале второго этажа.
There were panels for prefabs covered over with snow, and the beginning of a brick wall they’d stopped work on. Then there was a broken part of a bulldozer. And a scoop and some metal scrap. There were ditches, trenches, and holes all over the place. The vehicle-repair shops were finished except for the roofs, and on a rise there was a power plant where they'd started on the second story.
И — попрятались все. Только шесть часовых стоят на вышках, да около конторы суета.
Everybody was out of sight — all but the six sen­tries standing on the watchtowers and the men bustling around the office.
Вот этот-то наш миг и есть!
This was the best moment in the day for a prisoner.
Потому что с вечера до утра у них все наоборот поворачивается.
But it never really worked, because they'd always change their minds by the morning.
А миг — наш!
But as it was they now had a moment to them­selves.
Пока начальство разберётся — приткнись, где потеплей, сядь, сиди, ещё наломаешь спину.
While they were figuring things out, you could find some warm spot and stay there for a spell before you started breaking your back.
Хорошо, если около печки — портянки переобернуть да согреть их малость.
It was good if you could get near the stove to take your foot­cloths off, warm them a little, and then put them on again.
А и без печки — все одно хорошо.
But even if you couldn't get to a stove it was still great.
Одни плиты в формах лежат, другие стоймя наставлены, там арматура сетками.
Some of these blocks were lying around in their molds, others were standing upright, and there was steel meshwork for rein­forcing the concrete.
не для того, чтоб людям греться, а чтобы плиты лучше схватывались.
But it was heated and they weren't stingy with the coal — not so people could get warm, but so the blocks would set better.
Даже градусник висит, и в воскресенье, если лагерь почему на работу не выйдет, вольный тоже топит.
There was even a thermometer, and on Sundays, if the prisoners weren't working, they had a "free” worker in there to keep the fire going.
Ладно, мы и тут, в уголку, ничего.
Okay, so the rest of us have to sit in a comer. What the hell.
Всегда он столько с собой и брал на работу и не посягал до обеда.
He always brought this much with him to work and never touched it before the meal break.
засосало его сейчас ту пайку съесть в тепле.
He felt a great hunger pang and wanted to cat it right away in this warm place.
До обеда — пять часов, протяжно.
There were five hours till the meal break — it was a long time.
Эх, к печечке бы!...
If only he could get near the stove.
Да молоко дули — пусть брюхо лопнет.
And they swilled enough milk to make their bellies burst.
А не надо было так, понял Шухов в лагерях.
But he understood in the camps this was all wrong.
Есть надо — чтоб думка была на одной еде, вот как сейчас эти кусочки малые откусываешь, и языком их мнёшь, и щеками подсасываешь — и такой тебе духовитый этот хлеб чёрный сырой.
You had to eat with all your thoughts on the food, like he was nibbling off these little bits now, and turn them over on your tongue, and roll them over in your mouth — and then it tasted so good, this soggy black bread.
Что' Шухов ест восемь лет, девятый?
What had he eaten this eight years and more?
Nothing at all.
А ворочает? Хо-го!
But the work he'd done on it!
И ели они все пополам, и спали на вагонке сверху на одной.
They shared all their food and slept on the top level of the same bunk.
А были они вовсе не братья и познакомились уж тут, в 104-й. Один, объясняли, был рыбак с побережья, другого же, когда Советы уставились, ребёнком малым родители в Швецию увезли.
But they weren’t brothers at all, they'd only gotten to know each other here in the gang. One of them, they said, had been a fisherman, the other had been taken to Sweden by his parents when the Soviets came to Estonia and he was still a kid.
А он вырос и самодумкой назад институт кончать. Тут его и взяли сразу.
But after he grew up he came back to Estonia of his own accord to get a college education.
Вот, говорят, нация ничего не означает, во всякой, мол, нации худые люди есть.
Nowadays people say it doesn’t matter where you come from and that there are bad people everywhere.
Говорить-то с утра язык не ворочается, каждый в мысли свои упёрся, молчит.
You didn't feel like talking in the morning, and they were all wrapped up in their own thoughts.
Фетюков-шакал насобирал где-тось окурков (он их и из плевательницы вывернет, не погребует), теперь на коленях их разворачивал и неперегоревший табачок ссыпал в одну бумажку.
That scavenger Fetyukov had scrounged together quite a pile of cigarette butts from somewhere (he would even pick them up out of a spittoon without batting an eye), and now he was sorting them out on his knees and putting all the unburned tobacco in a piece of paper.
У Фетюкова на воле детей трое, но как сел — от него все отказались, а жена замуж вышла:
Fetyukov had three children “outside,” but they'd all disowned him when he was arrested, and his wife had married again.
так помощи ему ниоткуда.
So there was no one to send him things.
Буйновский косился-косился на Фетюкова, да и гавкнул:
The Captain kept looking at Fetyukov out of the corner of his eye, and then he yelled:
— Ну, что заразу всякую собираешь!
"Hey, what are you collecting all that crap for?
Throw it out !"
И, недобро усмехнувшись ртом полупустым, сказал: — Подожди, кавторанг, восемь лет посидишь — ещё и ты собирать будешь.
So he just leered at him in a nasty way — he'd lost some of his teeth — and said, “Just wait, Captain, till you've been here eight years, you'll be doing the same thing.
— Чего-чего? —
Fetyukov was judging by himself, but maybe the Captain wouldn't go down so quickly. "What's that? What's that?” Senka Klevshin said.
не дослышал глуховатый Сенька Клевшин.
He was rather deaf and couldn't hear what they were saying.
Он думал — про то разговор идёт, как Буйновский сегодня на разводе погорел. —
He thought they were talking about the Cap­tain's trouble at roll call. “You shouldn't have yelled at them like that.”
Обошлось бы все.
"It would've blown over.”
Сенька Клевшин — он тихий, бедолага.
Senka Klevshin was a quiet fellow and he'd had a very hard life.
Потом в плен попал, бежал три раза, излавливали, сунули в Бухенвальд.
Then he’d been taken prisoner,. but he got away. They caught him and stuck him in Buchen­wald.
В Бухенвальде чудом смерть обминул, теперь отбывает срок тихо.
In Buchenwald he'd stayed alive by a miracle, and now he was here quietly doing his sentence.
Будешь залупаться, говорит, пропадёшь.
He said if you kicked up a fuss you were finished.
Это верно, кряхти да гнись.
The only thing for you was to put your back into the work — that was for sure.
А упрёшься — переломишься.
If you tried to fight them, they’d break your neck.
Корочку эту он обратно в тряпицу белую завернул на обед, тряпицу сунул в карман внутренний под телогрейкой, застегнулся для мороза и стал готов, пусть теперь на работу шлют.
He wrapped up the crust again in the white cloth for the next meal, stuck the cloth in the pocket on the inside of his jacket, buttoned himself up against the cold, and got ready. Let them send him to work now if they wanted.
А лучше б и ещё помедлили.
But he’d like it better if they waited a while.
И хоть сидела 104-я вряд ли минут двадцать, а день рабочий — зимний, укороченный — был у них до шести, уж всем казалось большое счастье, уж будто и до вечера теперь недалеко.
And though they had been sitting down for barely twenty minutes, and the workday — a short winter one — went on only till six, they all thought this had been wonderful luck, and the evening didn’t seem far off now.
— Эх, буранов давно нет! —
"You know there hasn't been a blizzard for a long time!"
вздохнул краснолицый упитанный латыш Кильдигс. —
the Latvian Kilgas said with a sigh. He had red checks and was well fed.
За всю зиму — ни бурана!
“Not one storm all win­ter !
Что за зима?!
What kind of a winter is that?”
— Да...
not a single blizzard...
буранов... —
not a single blizzard."
перевздохнула бригада.
A sigh went through the gang.
от барака до столовой если веревку не протянешь, то и заблудишься.
Without a rope slung between your barracks and the mess hall, you could get lost.
Замёрзнет арестант в снегу — так пёс его ешь.
If a prisoner froze to death in the snow, the dogs could eat him for all anyone cared.
А ну-ка убежит?
But what if he escaped?
Случаи были.
It happened sometimes.
Снег при буране мелочкий-мелочкий, а в сугроб ложится, как прессует его кто.
When there was a storm, the snow was very, very fine, but in the snowdrifts it got packed down.
По такому сугробу, через проволоку переметанному, и уходили.
Prisoners had gotten over the wire across these snowdrifts and made a run for it.
Недалеко, правда.
But it's true they didn't get far.
От бурана, если рассудить, пользы никакой:
Come to think about it, snowstorms weren't much use.
сидят зэки под замком;
They kept the prisoners locked in.
уголь не вовремя, тепло из барака выдует;
The coal was late coming in and the warmth was blown out of the barracks.
муки в лагерь не подвезут — хлеба нет; там, смотришь, и на кухне не справились.
They brought no flour into the camp, and there was no bread, and things got fouled up in the mess hall.
И сколько бы буран тот ни дул — три ли дня, неделю ли, — эти дни засчитывают за выходные и столько воскресений подряд на работу выгонят.
And it didn't matter how long the blizzard lasted — a couple of days or a week — they counted the days they lost as days off, and the men were marched out to work for the same number of Sundays in a row.
Снежку, значит.
Snow, they meant.
Потому что от позёмки никогда бурана стоящего не разыграется.
The thing was that most of the time you only got a little powdered snow, not a real blizzard.
Уж кто-то полез греться к печи 38-й бригады, его оттуда шуранули.
Now someone tried to horn in on Gang 38's stove, but they sent him packing.
Мрачен был он.
He looked black.
Поняли бригадники: что-то делать надо, и быстро.
The men saw that they’d have to get down to work, and right away.
И не проверяя и не пересчитывая, потому что никто у Тюрина никуда уйти не мог, он быстро стал разнаряжать.
And not checking or counting — because nobody could have gone anywhere — he started giving them their working orders in a hurry.
Уж из того стало ясно, что переходит бригада на недостроенную и поздней осенью брошенную ТЭЦ.
It was clear from this that the gang was being put on the unfinished power plant that they’d stopped work on in the autumn.
Четверых нарядил снег чистить около ТЭЦ, и у входа там в машинный зал, и в самом машинном зале, и на трапах.
He told four others to clear the snow from around the plant, by the entrance to the generator room, and inside it, and from the ladders.
И двоим воду носить, а двоим песок, и ещё одному из-под снега песок тот очищать и ломом разбивать.
One man was to take cement there on a small sledge. Two were to carry water, two had to bring sand, and another had to clear the snow off the sand and break it up with a crowbar.
И после всего того остались ненаряженными Шухов да Кильдигс — первые в бригаде мастера.
After all this, only two of them, Shukhov and Kilgas, the best workers in the gang, still hadn't got­ten their orders.
(А был не старше их, но привычка такая у него была — "ребята".)
(He wasn't any older than them, but had this way of calling people “boys.”) "
А сейчас надо утеплить машинный зал.
But now I want you to cover up the windows in the generator room.
Там три окна больших, их в первую очередь чем-нибудь забить.
There are three big windows there, and the first thing is to board them up with something.
Я вам ещё людей на помощь дам, только думайте, чем забить.
I'll send some others along to help, but start thinking what you're going to do it with.
Машинный зал будет нам и растворная и обогревалка.
We'll use the gen­erator room for mixing the mortar and warming up.
Не нагреем — помёрзнем, как собаки, поняли?
If we don't manage to keep it warm, we'll freeze like stray dogs. Get it?"
Как ни тяжко было начинать рабочий день в такой мороз, но только начало это, и важно было переступить только его.
Never mind how hard it was to begin the work­day in such freezing cold, the thing was to get over the beginning — that was the important part.
Они не раз уж работали вдвоём и уважали друг в друге и плотника и каменщика.
They’d often worked together and they looked up to each other because they were both skilled men. Shukhov was a carpenter and Kilgas a bricklayer.
Издобыть на снегу на голом, чем окна те зашить, не было легко.
It wasn't easy to find anything in the snow to board up those windows with.
Кильдигс хотя и латыш, но русский знает, как родной, — у них рядом деревня была старообрядческая, сыздетства и научился.
Kilgas was a Latvian but spoke Russian like a Rus­sian. There was a village of Old Believers near where he came from, and he learned it when he was small.
А в лагерях Кильдигс только два года, но уже все понимает: не выкусишь — не выпросишь.
He'd been in the camps only two years, but he knew his way around and he also knew that if you didn't help yourself, nobody else would.
Зовут Кильдигса Ян, Шухов тоже зовёт его Ваня.
Kilgas and Shukhov had the same name and they called each other Ivan.
Решили идти за толем.
They decided to get the roofing-felt.
Мастерок — большое дело для каменщика, если он по руке и лёгок.
A trowel is a great help to a bricklayer when it's light and fits his hand.
Однако на каждом объекте такой порядок: весь инструмент утром получили, вечером сдали.
But on every working site it's a rule that at night you hand in all the tools they gave you in the morning.
Но Шухов однажды обсчитал инструментальщика и лучший мастерок зажилил.
But Shukhov had once managed to pull a fast one on the fellow in the tool shop and kept the best trowel for himself.
И теперь каждый вечер он его перепрятывает, а утро каждое, если кладка будет, берет.
Now he hid it in a different place every night and got it in the mornings if he was going to do any bricklaying.
Конечно, погнали б сегодня 104-ю на Соцгородок — и опять Шухов без мастерка.
Of course, if they'd sent Gang 104 to the Socialist Community Development today, he wouldn't have been able to get it.
А сейчас камешек отвалил, в щелку пальцы засунул — вот он, вытянул.
But now he rolled away a small stone and stuck his fingers in a crack. There it was! He pulled it out.
Густой пар шел от их дыхания.
There was a cloud of steam from their breath.
Солнце уже поднялось, но было без лучей, как в тумане, а по бокам солнца вставали, кесь, столбы.
The sun had already come up, but there was a mist and they couldn’t sec the rays. They thought they saw something that looked like posts sticking out all around the sun.
— Не столбы ли? — кивнул Шухов Кильдигсу.
"There are posts over there," Shukhov said, and jerked his head.
Кильдигс без шутки слова не знает.
Kilgas couldn't say a word without making a joke.
За то его вся бригада любит.
The whole gang liked him for this.
А уж латыши со всего лагеря его почитают как!
And the way all the Latvians in the camp looked up to him!
Ну, правда, питается Кильдигс нормально, две посылки каждый месяц, румяный, как и не в лагере он вовсе.
But of course Kilgas ate pretty good with his two packages a month. He looked kind of healthy, just like he wasn't in a camp at all.
Будешь шутить.
It was easy for him to make jokes.
Ихьего объекта зона здорова' — пока-а пройдёшь через всю.
This site of theirs was really big. It took quite a while to get across it.
пятьдесят на пятьдесят и глубины пятьдесят, да земля та и летом, как камень, а сейчас морозом схваченная, пойди ее угрызи.
They didn't want very big holes — only a few feet deep. But the ground here was like stone even in summer, and now it was frozen stiff and it was impossible to dig.
Стоят ребятки каждый над своей ямкой, оглянутся — греться им негде, отойти не велят, — давай опять за кирку.
The fellows stood there by their holes and just looked around. There was nowhere to get warm and they couldn't leave. So they went at it again with their picks.
От нее все тепло.
That was the only way to keep warm.
Увидел средь них Шухов знакомого одного, вятича, и посоветовал:
Shukhov saw someone he knew among them — a fellow from Vyatka — and gave him a piece of advice. "Listen, fellows.
— Не велят, — вздохнул вятич. —
"They won’t let us." The man from Vyatka sighed. "
Дров не дают.
"They won’t give us any wood."
— Найти надо.
"You should find some."
— Ну, скажи, Ваня, если б начальство умное было — разве поставило бы людей в такой мороз кирками землю долбать?
"Now tell me, Ivan, if our bosses had any sense, would they send people out to hack the ground with picks in cold weather like this?"
С Кильдигсом Шухов любит работать, у него одно только плохо — не курит, и табаку в его посылках не бывает.
Shukhov liked working with Kilgas. The only bad thing about him was that he didn’t smoke and he never got any tobacco in his packages.
приподняли вдвоём доску, другую — а под них толя рулон закатан.
They picked up a board and then another, and there was the roll of roofing-felt.
They took it out.
Теперь — как нести?
But how could they carry it?
С вышки заметят — это ничто:
It didn’t matter about being seen from a watchtower.
у попок только та забота, чтоб зэки не разбежались, а внутри рабочей зоны хоть все щиты на щепки поруби.
The guards only worried about people running away. That was their only concern. But inside you could chop up all the panels for firewood for all they cared.
он сам приглядывается, что б ему в хозяйство пошло.
They were always on the lookout them­selves for something that might come in handy.
Печётся об них только прораб вольный, да десятник из зэков, да Шкуропатенко долговязый.
The only people who worried were the chief work-supervisor, who wasn't a prisoner, and Der, the foreman, who was, and that beanpole Shkuropatenko.
Издаля не разберёт.
We'll screen it with our bodies, and he won't see what we've got."
Ладно придумал Шухов. Взять рулон неудобно, так не взяли, а стиснули между собой как человека третьего — и пошли.
This was a good idea of Shukhov's. The roll was clumsy to carry, so they didn't pick it up but squeezed it between themselves like a third man and started off.
— А потом на окнах прораб увидит этот толь, все одно догадается, — высказал Шухов.
“If the work-supervisor sees this on the windows later on, he'll guess what happened anyway," Shukhov said.
— А мы при чем? —
“What's that got to do with us?"
Пришли на ТЭЦ, а уж там, мол, было так.
“We can say it was already there when we came to the power plant.
Неужто срывать?
They're not going to tell us to pull it down."
И то верно.
That was true enough.
А валенок левый держит.
And the cold had gotten into his left boot.
Валенки — это главное.
Your boots were the main thing.
Руки в работе разойдутся.
His hands would warm up at work.
Прошли целиною снежной — вышли на санный полоз от инструменталки к ТЭЦ.
They walked over the untouched snow and came out on a sledge track that ran from the tool shop to the power plant.
Должно быть, цемент вперёд провезли.
This meant they must have taken the cement there already.
ТЭЦ стоит на бугре, а за ней зона кончается.
The power plant was on a rise and it was right at the edge of the compound.
Давно уж на ТЭЦ никто не бывал, все подступы к ней снегом ровным опеленаты.
No one had been in the power plant for a long time, and the snow all around it was unmarked.
Тем ясней полоз санный и тропка свежая, глубокие следы — наши прошли.
So the sledge track, the new path, and the deep footprints stood out more clearly and showed the men had gone that way.
И чистят уже лопатами деревянными около ТЭЦ и дорогу для машины.
And they were already clearing snow with wooden shovels near the power plant and clearing a path for a truck.
Да там мотор перегорел, и с тех пор, кажись, не чинили.
But the motor had burned out and it looked like it hadn't been fixed.
Это опять, значит, на второй этаж все на себе. Раствор. И шлакоблоки.
Which meant they'd once more have to carry everything up to the second story themselves — the mortar and the bricks.
У самого входа в машинный зал развалился ящик растворный.
The cement-mixer was right there by the entrance to the generator room, but it had come apart.
Он дряхлый был, ящик, Шухов и не чаял, что его донесут целым.
It was really rickety and Shukhov didn't think they'd get it there in one piece.
Бригадир поматюгался для порядка, но видит — никто не виноват.
The gang boss swore just for the hell of it, but he saw that nobody was to blame.
А тут катят Кильдигс с Шуховым, толь меж собой несут.
Then Kilgas and Shukhov came up, carrying the roofing­felt between them.
Шухову — трубу к печке ладить, чтоб скорей растопить, Кильдигсу — ящик чинить, а эстонцы ему два на помощь, а Сеньке Клевшину — на' топор, и планок долгих наколоть, чтоб на них толь набивать:
He told Shukhov to fix the flue on the stove so they'd get it going as fast as possible. And Kilgas was told to patch up the mixer, with the two Estonians helping him. He gave Senka Klevshin an ax to cut laths to nail the felt on, because it wasn't the right width for the windows.
Чтобы обогревалку сделать, на это прораб досок не выпишет.
The work-super­visor sure wouldn't give them any just to make a shelter.
отбить пару досок, что как перила к трапам на второй этаж пристроены.
All they could do was take the boards used as hand­rails for the ladders up to the second story.
Ходить — не зевать, так не свалишься.
They'd just have to go up carefully if they didn't want to break their necks.
А что ж делать?
There was no other way.
Кажется, чего бы зэку десять лет в лагере горбить?
You might well ask why a prisoner worked so hard for ten years in a camp.
Не хочу, мол, да и только. Волочи день до вечера, а ночь наша.
Why didn't they say to hell with it and drag their feet all day long till the night, which was theirs?
Да не выйдет.
But it wasn't so simple.
На то придумана — бригада.
That's why they'd dreamed up these gangs.
В лагере бригада — это такое устройство, чтоб не начальство зэков понукало, а зэки друг друга.
In the camps they had these gangs to make the prisoners keep each other on their toes. So the fellows at the top didn't have to worry.
Тут так: или всем дополнительное, или все подыхайте.
It was like this — either you all got some­thing extra or you all starved. ("
Ты не работаешь, гад, а я из-за тебя голодным сидеть буду?
("You're not pulling your weight, you swine, and I've got to go hungry because of you.
Инструмент Павло принёс уже, только разбирай.
Pavlo'd come with the tools already. All they had to do was pick out what they needed.
И труб несколько.
And he also brought some pipes.
They'd do it somehow.
Похлопает Шухов рукавицами друг об друга, и составляет трубы, и оббивает в стыках.
Shukhov clapped his mittens together, placed the pipes end to end, and started fixing them up, dove­tailing the joints.
Хоть в бригаде люди свои, а подменить могут.
They were all friends in the gang, but that wouldn't stop one of them from working a switch.
Тот же и Кильдигс).
He wouldn't even put it past Kilgas.
А в углу ещё приземистая печь есть с кирпичным выводом.
There was another potbellied stove in the corner with a brick flue.
Так ту печь растопили, и на нее кавторанг с Фетюковым носилками песок носят.
So they'd already got that one going, and the Captain and Fetyukov were carrying sand there in hods.
Чтоб носилки носить — ума не надо.
You didn't need any brains to carry a hod.
Вот и ставит бригадир на ту работу бывших начальников.
That was why Tyurin gave this work to people who used to run things before they got to the camp.
На машине ездил.
He used to ride around in a car.
Уж к печи с песком сунулись ребята греться, но бригадир предупредил:
The boys tried to get ncar the stove with the sand to warm up, but Tyurin stopped them. "
— Эх, сейчас кого-то в лоб огрею!
"Get on with the job first or I'll warm your asses for you!”
Битой собаке только плеть покажи.
Beat a dog once and you only have to show him the whip.
И мороз лют, но бригадир лютей.
The cold was vicious, but it had nothing on the gang boss.
Который бригадир умный — тот не так на работу, как на процентовку налегает.
A clever boss who knows his business really sweats over these work rates. That's where the ration comes from.
На это большой ум у бригадира нужен. И блат с нормировщиками.
You had to have brains for this and a lot of pull with the fellows who kept the work sheets.
Рассудил Павло — нечего ее и носить.
Pavlo figured there was no point in carrying it.
Скорее тут из снега натопим.
They could get it quicker by melting snow on the spot.
Поставили ведра на печку.
They put the buckets on the stove.
— Иван Денисыч!
He said: "Ivan Denisovich !
Меня научите ложку отлить?
Will you teach me how to make a spoon?"
Посадили Гопчика за то, что бендеровцам в лес молоко носил.
Gopchik had been arrested for taking milk to Bendera partisans in the woods.
Срок дали как взрослому.
They gave him the same sentence a grownup got.
Срок дали как взрослому.
They gave him the same sentence a grownup got.
Он — телёнок ласковый, ко всем мужикам ластится.
He was friendly, like a little calf, and tried to please everybody.
Да ведь всех и не накормишь.
But come to think of it, why should he feed everybody?
Отломили проволоки на ложки, спрятали в углу.
They broke off some wire to make spoons and hid it in a comer.
Сегодня нет ветру, а завтра будет — так чтоб дыму не задувало.
There was no wind today, but there might be tomorrow, and this was to stop the smoke from blowing back.
Лазит, чертёныш, кричит сверху.
He climbed up the windows, the little rascal, and shouted down.
Солнце выше подтянулось, мглицу разогнало, и столбов не стало — и алым заиграло внутри.
The sun was higher now, the haze had gone, and there was no sign of those funny posts any more. And it was all crimson.
Куда радостней!
It was much more cheerful like that.
— В январе солнышко коровке бок согрело! — объявил Шухов.
"It’s only cows who get warm from the sun in January," Shukhov said.
— Слышь, Павло, за эту работу с бригадира сто рублей, меньше не возьму!
"Listen, Pav- lo, this job’ll cost the boss a hundred rubles. I won’t take less!"
— Сто грамм получишь.
"You’ll be lucky if you get a little extra on your ration.”
— Прокурор добавит! — кричит Гопчик сверху.
"You'll get your bonus from the judge,” Gopchik shouted down.
(Не так толь резать стали.)
(They were cutting the roofing-felt the wrong way.)
Показал — как.
He showed them how to do it.
Одну полосу толя нашили, вторую.
They nailed on one strip of the felt and then an­other.
От толя — какое укрывище?
But what protection do you get from roofing­felt?
А все ж вроде стенка сплошная стала.
All the same, it made a kind of solid wall.
И — темней внутри. Оттого печь ярче.
And it was darker inside, so the stove looked brighter.
Алёшка угля принёс.
Alyoshka brought some coal.
Одни кричат ему:
Somebody shouted, "Pile it on!”
сыпь! Другие: не сыпь! Хоть при дровах погреемся!
Someone else yelled, "Don't, we'll get warmer from the wood!”
Стал, не знает, кого слушать.
He didn't know what to do, he just stood there.
Фетюков к печке пристроился и сует же, дурак, валенки к самому огню.
Fetyukov squatted down by the stove, and put his felt boots right up to the fire, the dope.
Кавторанг его за шиворот поднял и к носилкам пихает:
The Captain pulled him up by the scruff of the neck and pushed him over to the hods. "
— Иди песок носить, фитиль!
"Go and carry sand, you bas­tard !"
Только от дверей теперь и свету.
Now the only light came from the door. And the cold came in with it.
They did it.
— Каменщики!
"Hey, you bricklayers!
Это — дело почётное.
Bricklaying was a job you could take pride in.
Трап и без того узок был, да ещё теперь Сенька перила сбил — жмись к стене, каб вниз не опрокинуться.
The ladder was pretty narrow and Senka had taken away the handrails for firewood, so you had to stick close to the wall if you didn't want to fall off.
Ещё то плохо — к перекладинам трапа снег примерз, округлил их, ноге упору нет — как раствор носить будут?
And another thing was the snow had frozen to the rungs and made them slippery, so you couldn’t get a grip with your feet. How the hell could they carry the mortar up?
Поглядели, где стены класть, уж с них лопатами снег снимают.
They looked to see where to start laying. The fel­lows up there were shoveling away the snow already.
Вот тут.
They'd start over here.
чем по трапу таскать, четверых снизу поставить кидать шлакоблоки вон на те подмости, а тут ещё двоих, перекидывать, а по второму этажу ещё двоих, подносить, — и все ж быстрей будет.
It'd be best if they didn't carry them up the ladder but had four fellows down below throw them to the first scaffold, then another two throw them up from there to the second story. And then there'd be two more fellows up here to carry them over to the walls. That'd be the quickest way.
Наверху ветерок не сильный, но тянет.
There wasn't much of a wind up here, but you could still feel it.
Продует, как класть будем.
Enough to go right through you when you were working.
Диво дивное: вот время за работой идёт!
It was a funny thing how time flew when you were working!
Сколь раз Шухов замечал: дни в лагере катятся — не оглянешься.
He was always struck by how fast the days went in camp — you didn’t have time to turn around.
Спустились вниз, а там уж все к печке уселись, только кавторанг с Фетюковым песок носят.
They came down again and found everybody hud­dled around the stove, except the Captain and Fetyukov were carrying sand.
А Кильдигс — своей команде:
Kilgas said to the fellows working with him: "
— Если на перевале, — отозвался кавторанг, — так значит не двенадцать, а час.
"If it's right overhead," the Captain shot back, "that means it’s one o'clock, not twelve."
А с тех пор декрет был, и солнце выше всего в час стоит.
the Captain snapped. "But since then, there's been a law passed and now the sun's highest at one."
— Советской власти!
"The Soviet Government!"
Вышел кавторанг с носилками, да Шухов бы и спорить не стал.
The Captain went out with the hods. But Shukhov wouldn't have gone on arguing anyway.
Побили ещё, постучали, четыре корытца сколотили.
With a little more banging and hammering, they put together four hods.
— Ладно, посыдымо, погриемось, — двоим каменщикам сказал Павло. —
"Okay, let's sit down and warm up," Pavlo said to the two bricklayers. "Senka, you'll be laying bricks after the meal break too.
И — сели к печке законно.
This time they had every right to sit down at the stove.
Все равно до обеда уж кладки не начинать, а раствор разводить некстати, замёрзнет.
They couldn't start the job before lunchtime anyhow, and if they started mixing the mortar too soon it'd freeze.
Уголь накалился помалу, теперь устойчивый жар даёт.
The coal in the stove was really going now and giving out a steady heat.
Только около печи его и чуешь, а по всему залу — холод, как был.
But it only hit you near the stove — the rest of the shed was cold as ever.
Рукавицы сняли, руками близ печки водят все четверо.
All four of them took off their mittens and held their hands over the stove.
А ноги близко к огню никогда в обуви не ставь, это понимать надо.
One thing you had to know was never to put your feet near the stove with your boots on.
А ещё ближе к огню сунешь — сожжёшь.
And if you put them right up to the fire, they got burned.
Так с дырой до весны и протопаешь, других не жди.
Then you had to go along till spring with a hole in them. There weren’t any more where they came from.
— Да Шухов что? —
“Why should Shukhov worry?"
— Вон той, босой, — подкинул кто-то.
"Yeah, the one without the boot," someone but­ted in.
(Шухов левый горетый валенок снял и портянку согревает.)
Shukhov had taken off his left boot — the one with the hole in it — and was warm­ing his foot-cloths.)
— Шухов срок кончает.
“Shukhov’s sentence is almost up."
Шухову и приятно, что так на него все пальцами тычут:
Shukhov sort of liked the way they pointed at him — the lucky guy nearly through with his sentence.
Вон, у кого в войну срок кончался, всех до особого распоряжения держали, до сорок шестого года.
Take the fellows who should’ve been let out in the war. They were all kept in till forty — six — "till further notice."
Закон — он выворотной.
They twisted the law any way they wanted.
Кончится десятка — скажут, на' тебе ещё одну.
You finished a ten-year stretch and they gave you another one.
Или в ссылку.
Or if not, they still wouldn’t let you go home.
А иной раз подумаешь — дух сопрёт:
But sometimes you got a kind of funny feeling inside.
Господи! Своими ногами — да на волю, а?
God, just to think you might walk out and go home!
— Двадцать пять ты свои не считай.
"Don't start count­ing up all the years you've got to go.
Двадцать пять сидеть ли, нет ли, это ещё вилами по воде.
Whether you'll be here for the whole twenty-five years or not is any­body's guess.
А уж я отсидел восемь полных, так это точно.
All I know is I've done eight of mine, that's for sure.”
Так вот живёшь об землю рожей, и времени-то не бывает подумать: как сел? да как выйдешь?
So you just went on living like this, with your eyes on the ground, and you had no time to think about how you got in and when you'd get out.
И показания он дал, что таки да, он сдался в плен, желая изменить родине, а вернулся из плена потому, что выполнял задание немецкой разведки.
And it's true he gave evidence against himself and Said he'd surrendered to the enemy with the inten­tion of betraying his country, and come back with instructions from the Germans.
Какое ж задание — ни Шухов сам не мог придумать, ни следователь.
But just what he was supposed to do for the Germans neither Shukhov nor the interrogator could say.
Так и оставили просто — задание.
So they just left it at that and put down: "On instructions from the Ger­mans.”
А было вот как:
It happened like this.
И вот в группе такой одной Шухов в плену побыл пару дней, там же, в лесах, — и убежали они впятером.
The Germans tracked them down in the woods and rounded them up. Shukhov spent a couple of days in a POW cage in the forest. Then he got away with four others.
И ещё по лесам, по болотам покрались — чудом к своим попали.
They made their way through the forest and the bogs and got back to their own lines.
Только двоих автоматчик свой на месте уложил, третий от ран умер, — двое их и дошло.
And when they got there, a machine gun­ner opened fire. Two of them were killed on the spot and another died from his wounds. So only two of them made it.
Были б умней — сказали б, что по лесам бродили, и ничего б им.
If they'd had any sense, they'd have said they got lost wandering in the woods — then nothing would have happened to them. But they told the truth and said they'd gotten away from the Germans. (“From the Germans, eh, you mother­fuckers!")
А они открылись:
If all five of them had made it, maybe they'd have checked their story and believed it.
мол, из плена немецкого. Из плена?
But just the two of them didn't have a chance.
— Я из плена три раза бежал. И три раза ловили.
"I got away three times and they caught me every time."
Так про него и знают мало, только то, что он в Бухенвальде сидел и там в подпольной организации был, оружие в зону носил для восстания.
He couldn't hear what people said and usually kept his mouth shut. So they didn't know much about him. All they knew was he'd been in Buchenwald and was in the camp underground there. He'd smuggled arms in for an uprising.
И как его немцы за руки сзади спины подвешивали и палками били.
Then the Germans hung him up with his arms tied behind his back and beat him.
— Ты, Ваня, восемь сидел — в каких лагерях? —
"But what kind of camps were you in for those eight years, Ivan?"
Ты в бытовых сидел, вы там с бабами жили. Вы номеров не носили.
"Most of the time you've been in those ordinary camps with women, where they don't make you wear numbers.
А вот в каторжном восемь лет посиди!
But eight years in a penal camp is a different story!
Ещё никто не просидел.
Nobody's ever come out of this alive."
С брёвнами, значит.
All I ever saw was logs."
Уж заполночь до лагеря дотянутся, утром опять в лес.
They used to get back to camp after midnight and go out again in the morning.
— Не-ет, братцы...
"Don't kid yourself, fellows, it's easier here," he said in his funny way (he had that gap in his teeth). "
Выполнил, не выполнил — катись в зону.
Quota or no quota, they march you back to the camp.
Особый — и пусть он особый, номера тебе мешают, что ль?
So what if it is a 'Special' camp? Do the numbers bother you or something?
Они не весят, номера.
They don't weigh anything."
— Поспокойне'й! —
"The hell it's easier!"
Фетюков шипит (дело к перерыву, и все к печке подтянулись). —
Fetyukov hissed. (It was getting close to the meal break and they were all drawn up around the stove.) "
Людей в постелях режут!
"They slit your throat here while you're in bed!
You call that easy?"
— Нэ людин, а стукачи'в! —
"That happens only to squealers, not human be­ings!”
Павло палец поднял, грозит Фетюкову.
Pavlo put a finger up, like he was warning Fetyukov.
И правда, чего-то новое в лагере началось.
It was true enough. This was a new thing in the camp.
Двух стукачей известных прям на вагонке зарезали, по подъёму.
Two stool pigeons had their throats slit right in their bunks after reveille.
И потом ещё работягу невинного — место, что ль, спутали.
And then they killed a guy who was really straight. They must've gotten him mixed up with somebody else.
Такого в бытовых не было.
It was a funny business, this. It never happened in the ordinary camps.
Да и здесь-то не было...
And it was some. thing new here too.
Он не сразу во всю мочь загудел, а сперва хрипловато так, будто горло прочищал.
It didn't go off full blast right away, but sounded kind of hoarse at first, like it was clearing its throat.
Полдня — долой!
They’d gotten through half a day.
Эх, пропустили!
Hell, they'd been slow!
Давно б в столовую идти, очередь занимать.
They should've gone to the mess hall long ago to get in line.
На объекте одиннадцать бригад, а в столовую больше двух не входит.
There were eleven gangs on the site, but the mess hall wouldn't hold more than two at a time.
Бригадира все нет.
Tyurin hadn't come back yet.
Як Гопчика до вас пришлю — веди'ть за'раз бригаду!
Kilgas, when Gopchik gets back to you, send the gang along at once!"
Места их у печи тут же и захватили, окружили ту печку, как бабу, все обнимать лезут.
Other fellows moved into their places by the stove right away. It could have been a woman the way they cuddled up to it.
кричат ребята. —
somebody shouted. "
"Let's have a smoke!"
И друг на друга смотрят — кто закурит.
They looked at each other to see who'd light up.
А закуривать некому — или табака нет, или зажимают, показать не хотят.
But nobody did. Either they didn’t have any tobacco or if they did they weren't letting anybody know.
— Потеплело, — сразу определил Шухов. —
"It's a little warmer," Shukhov said when they got outside.
Хорошо будет класть.
Good weather for bricklaying."
Оглянулись на шлакоблоки — уж ребята на подмости покидали многие, а какие и на перекрытие, на второй этаж.
They turned around and looked at the bricks. A lot had already been thrown up to the scaffold, and some were already on the floor of the second story.
А наоткрыте, где ветру простор, все же потягивает, пощипывает. Не забывайся, мол, помни — январь.
Out here in the open where there was nothing to stop it, the wind was blowing quite hard and bit your face, to let you know it was still January.
Орудуют на той кухне двое — повар и санинструктор.
The kitchen was run by two people — the cook and a sanitary inspector.
С утра, как из лагеря выходить, получает повар на большой лагерной кухне крупу.
When they left in the morning, the cook got an issue of groats from the big kitchen in the camp.
На брата, наверно, грамм по пятьдесят, на бригаду — кило, а на объект получается немногим меньше пуда.
It worked out to about two ounces a head — about two pounds for each gang. That is, a little over twenty pounds for everybody working on the site.
Сам повар того мешка с крупой три километра нести не станет, даёт нести шестёрке.
The cook didn't carry that stuff himself on the two-mile march from the camp. He had a trusty who carried it for him.
Чем самому спину ломать, лучше тому шестёрке выделить порцию лишнюю за счёт работяг.
He thought it was better to slip an extra portion of the stuff to a trusty at the expense of the prisoners' bellies rather than break his own back.
миски тоже из лагеря носить приходится (на объекте не оставишь, ночью вольные сопрут), так носят их полсотни, не больше, а тут моют да оборачивают побыстрей (носчику мисок — тоже порция сверх).
And they got their cut too. It's easy to give away things, that don't belong to you. The rule was you had to eat inside the mess hall. So they had to bring bowls from the camp every day. (They couldn't leave them on the site overnight because they'd be pinched by “free” work­ers.)
Чтоб мисок из столовой не выносили — ставят ещё нового шестёрку на дверях — не выпускать мисок.
So they brought about fifty of them over and washed them for each new batch that came in to eat. (And the man who carried the bowls got his cut.) To stop people taking the bowls out of the mess hall, they put another trusty at the door.
Но как он ни стереги — все равно унесут, уговорят ли, глаза ли отведут.
But they could watch as much as they liked, people took them out all the same. They talked their way past the trusty or slipped by while he wasn't looking.
И тому порцию.
Both these got their cut too.
Сам повар только вот что делает:
All the cook did was put groats and salt in the caldron, and if there was any fat he split it between the caldron and himself. (
Ещё — помешивает кашу, как доспевает.
Then his only job was to stir the mush when it was nearly ready.
А санинструктор и этого не делает:
The sanitary inspector didn’t even do that much.
сидит — смотрит.
He just sat and watched.
Дошла каша — сейчас санинструктору: ешь от пуза. И сам — от пуза.
When the mush was ready, the cook gave him some right away and he could eat all he wanted.
Тут дежурный бригадир приходит, меняются они ежедЈн — пробу снимать, проверять будто, можно ли такой кашей работяг кормить.
And so could the cook. Then one of the gang bosses— they took turns, a — different one every day — came to taste it and see if it was good enough for the men to eat.
Тут и гудок.
After all this, the whistle went off.
Тут приходят бригады в черед и выдаёт повар в окошко миски, а в мисках тех дно покрыто кашицей, и сколько там твоей крупы — не спросишь и не взвесишь, только сто тебе редек в рот, если рот откроешь.
Now the other gang bosses came and the cook handed them their bowls through a kind of hatch in the wall. The bowls had this watery mush in them. And you didn't ask how much of the ration they'd really put in it. You'd get hell if you opened your mouth.
Свистит над голой степью ветер — летом суховейный, зимой морозный.
The wind was whistling over the plain. It was hot and dry in summer and freezing cold in winter.
Хлеб растёт в хлеборезке одной, овёс колосится — на продскладе.
The only grain they knew about grew in the place where they handed out the bread ration, and oats ripened only in the camp stores.
И хоть спину тут в работе переломи, хоть животом ляжь — из земли еды не выколотишь, больше, чем начальничек тебе выпишет, не получишь.
And you could kill yourself with work here or you could lay down and die, but you'd never beat any more food out of this earth than what the Commandant handed over.
И здесь воруют, и в зоне воруют, и ещё раньше на складе воруют.
They stole all the way down the line — out here on the site, in the camp, and in the stores too.
А ты — вкалывай и бери, что дают. И отходи от окошка.
But it was you who sweated, and you took what they gave you and didn’t hang around the hatch.
Вошли Павло с Шуховым и с Гопчиком в столовую — там прямо один к одному стоят, не видно за спинами ни столов куцых, ни лавок.
Pavlo, Shukhov, and Gopchik went into the mess hall. The men were standing jammed up against each other — so many backs you couldn’t even see the low tables or the benches. Some were eating sitting down, and others on their feet.
Теперь и поевши не уйдёт — уходить ей некуда.
Even if they’d finished eating, they still hung around.
Ругаются на нее другие, а ей что по спине, что по стене — все отрадней, чем на морозе.
Where else could they get a little warmth? The others were swearing at them. But you might just as well swear at a brick wall. What did they care? It was better here than out in the cold.
Пробились Павло и Шухов локтями.
Pavlo and Shukhov pushed their way through.
Хорошо пришли:
They’d come at a good time.
одна бригада получает, да одна всего в очереди, тоже помбригадиры у окошка стоят.
One gang was getting its stuf, another was waiting in line, and the assistant gang bosses were standing by the hatch too.
Миски! —
повар кричит из окошка, и уж ему суют отсюда, и Шухов тоже собирает и сует — не ради каши лишней, а быстрее чтоб.
the cook shouted through the hatch, and people were shoving them at him from the other side. Shukhov got some bowls too and shoved them through the hatch, not to get anything extra for himself but to speed things up.
Ещё там сейчас за перегородкой шестёрки миски моют — это тоже за кашу.
Some of the cook's pals were washing bowls in the kitchen. And. they weren't doing it for nothing.
Ещё там сейчас за перегородкой шестёрки миски моют — это тоже за кашу.
Some of the cook's pals were washing bowls in the kitchen. And. they weren't doing it for nothing.
Начал получать тот помбригадир, что перед Павлом, — Павло крикнул через головы:
The assistant gang boss in front of Pavlo was get­ting the stuff for his men, and Pavlo shouted back over people's heads: “Gopchik !"
— Гопчик! — Я! — от двери.
"I'm here," Gopchik answered from the door.
— Зови бригаду!
“Call the gang!"
Gopchik ran off.
Главное, каша сегодня хороша, лучшая каша — овсянка.
The mush they were giving out today wasn't bad. It was the best kind, made of oats.
Не часто она бывает.
It didn't come very often.
— Мисок!
кричат из окошка.
they were shouting from the hatch.
Тоже за счёт работяг идёт — и тоже никто не перечит.
This came out of their bellies too. And again nobody said a thing.
На каждого бригадира такую дают, а он хоть сам ешь, хоть помощнику отдавай.
Every gang boss had the right to a double portion, and he could eat it himself or give it to his assistant.
вклинился он за столом, двух доходяг согнал, одного работягу по-хорошему попросил, очистил стола кусок мисок на двенадцать, если вплоть их ставить, да на них вторым этажом шесть станут, да ещё сверху две, теперь надо от Павла миски принимать, счёт его повторять и доглядывать, чтоб чужой никто миску со стола не увёл.
Now Shukhov squeezed through to one of the tables, chased away a couple of “goners," asked an­other prisoner to have a heart and go away, and cleared enough room at the table for twenty bowls. (First he'd put twelve close together, then another six on top of them, and another two on top of those.) Next he had to take the bowls from Pavlo, count them over and make sure nobody swiped one from the table.
А тут же рядом вылезают с лавки, влезают, едят.
And on both sides men were getting up from the bench or sitting down to eat.
Надо глазом границу держать: миску — свою едят? или в нашу залезли?
He had to keep an eye on them to be sure they were eating their own stuff and not what belonged to his gang.
считает повар за окошком.
the cook counted on the other side of the hatch.
Что это Гопчик бригаду не ведёт?
Why wasn't Gopchik there with the gang yet?
Да мисок не достало на кухне.
Then they ran out of bowls in the kitchen.
Мимо головы и плеча Павла видно Шухову: две руки повара поставили две миски в окошечке и, держась за них, остановились, как бы в раздумье.
Over Pavlo's head and shoulders, Shukhov could see the cook put two bowls down on the ledge and stop with his hands still on them, like he was thinking about something.
Должно, он повернулся и посудомоев ругает.
He must have turned around to bawl out the dishwashers.
А тут ему в окошечко ещё стопку мисок опорожнённых суют.
Just then a pile of empty bowls was shoved at him through the hatch.
Шухов покинул всю гору мисок своих за столом, ногой через скамью перемахнул, обе миски потянул и, вроде не для повара, а для Павла, повторил не очень громко:
Shukhov took his eyes off the pile of bowls he had on the table, turned around and threw one leg over the bench, grabbed both the bowls and said, "Four­teen,” but not. loud. This was meant for Pavlo and not for the cook.
— Наш, наш, — подтвердил Павло.
"They’re ours! They’re ours!" Pavlo shouted back.
— Ваш-то, ваш, да счета не сбивай!
"They may be yours, but don’t make me lose count!"
— Четырна'йцать, — пожал плечами Павло.
"Well, it was fourteen," Pavlo said, and shrugged his shoulder.
Он-то бы сам не стал миски косить, ему, как помбригадиру, авторитет надо держать, ну, а тут повторил за Шуховым, на него же и свалить можно.
He wouldn't have gone in for this kind of thing on his own because he had his position to think of. But he went along with Shukhov, and he could always get out of it by saying it wasn’t his fault.
— Ну что ж, что говорил! а сам не дал, руками задержал! —
"Sure you did, but you didn't give them out, you had your hands on them!"
шумнул Шухов. —
Shukhov shouted. "
Иди считай, не веришь?
"Come over here and count 'em if you don't believe me.
Вот они, на столе все!
They're all over here on the table!"
Шухов кричал повару, но уже заметил двух эстонцев, пробивавшихся к нему, и две миски с ходу им сунул.
While he was shouting like this at the cook, Shukhov saw the two Estonians coming through the crowd and he slipped the two extra bowls to them.
И ещё он успел вернуться к столу, и ещё успел сочнуть, что все на месте, соседи спереть ничего не управились, а свободно могли.
Then he turned back to the table again and counted up to see if al the bowls were still there. But his neighbors had been slow, they hadn't pinched anything, though they easily could have.
— Где миски? —
"Where are they?”
строго спросил он.
He was getting nasty.
— На, пожалуйста! —
".Take a look. You’re welcome!”
кричал Шухов. —
Shukhov shouted. "
толкнул он кого-то. —
He gave somebody a shove. "
Вот две! —
"Here’s two!”
И вон три ряда по четыре, аккурат, считай.
"And here's the other twelve by rows of four. Count em!"
— Ни, нэма ще бригады, — покачал головой Павло.
"They’re not here yet,” Pavlo said and shook his head.
И все услышали окрики кавторанга в дверях, как с капитанского мостика:
They could all hear the Captain yelling in the doorway like he was still on the bridge of his ship: "
— Чего столпились?
"What’s everybody hanging around for?
Поели — и выходи!
You’ve had your meal, so get out!
Дай другим!
Give somebody else a chance!"
Повар пробуркотел ещё, выпрямился, и опять в окошке появились его руки.
The cook grumbled something, straightened up, and now all you could see was his hands in the hatch again.
И, последнюю налив, двойную:
Then he ladled out the last one, a double helping. "
That’s it!
Стали пробиваться бригадники, и Павло протягивал им миски, кому через головы сидящих, на второй стол.
The other fellows in the gang pushed through and Pavlo handed their bowls to them. Some went over to another table, and he had to pass the bowls over people's heads.
Смуглый молодой Павло, однако, спокойно ел свою двойную, и по его лицу никак было не знать, видит ли он, кто тут рядом, и помнит ли, что две порции лишних.
But Pavlo — he was a young, dark fellow — just went on eating, and you couldn't tell from his face if he could see the people next to him or not, and if he remembered about the two extra bowls.
Шухов доел кашу.
Shukhov finished the first bowl.
Наконец миска была чиста, как вымыта, разве чуть замутнена.
When he'd gotten enough of it together, he licked it all off and then started over again. When he was through, the bowl was clean like it had been washed, except it wasn't so shiny.
Он через плечо отдал миску сборщику и продолжал минуту сидеть со снятой шапкой.
He handed the bowl over his shoulder to one of the dishwashers and went on sitting there for a minute with his cap still off.
Хоть закосил миски Шухов, а хозяин им — помбригадир.
Though it was Shukhov who'd finagled the bowls, it was Pavlo who doled them out.
Павло потомил ещё немного, пока тоже кончил свою миску, но не вылизывал, а только ложку облизал, спрятал, перекрестился.
Pavlo kept him dangling a little longer, till he'd finished eating. Pavlo didn't lick his bowl, only the spoon. Then he put it away and crossed himself.
И тогда тронул слегка — передвинуть было тесно — две миски из четырёх, как бы тем отдавая их Шухову.
Then he touched the two extra bowls — there were so many others on the table, he couldn't shove them across — sort of telling Shukhov they were his.
— Иван Денисович.
"Ivan Denisovich, take one for yourself.
И сейчас же он наклонился над своей законной добычей и стал есть рассудительно, не чувствуя, как толкали его в спину новые бригады.
So he bent down over this windfall that was now his by right and took his time over it, and he didn’t even feel it when fellows from the new gang coming in pushed him.
Он досадовал только, не отдали бы вторую кашу Фетюкову.
The only thing that worried him was that Fetyukov might get an extra helping.
Шакалить Фетюков всегда мастак, а закосить бы смелости не хватило.
You couldn’t beat Fetyukov when it came to scrounging, though he didn’t have the guts to pinch anything.
Он давно уже кончил свою кашу и не знал, что в бригаде есть лишние, и не оглядывался, сколько их там осталось у помбригадира.
He’d finished his mush some time ago and didn’t know the gang had gotten any extras. And he didn’t keep looking around to see what Pavlo still had there.
Он просто разомлел, разогрелся, не имел сил встать и идти на мороз или в холодную, необогревающую обогревалку.
He was feeling nice and warm here and didn’t have the strength to get up and go out again in the freezing cold or back to that power plant where there was no warmth at all.
Такие минуты, как сейчас, были (он не знал этого) особо важными для него минутами, превращавшими его из властного звонкого морского офицера в малоподвижного осмотрительного зэка, только этой малоподвижностью и могущего перемочь отверстанные ему двадцать пять лет тюрьмы.
He hadn’t been in the camp very long. It was moments like this (though he didn’t know it) that were very important for him. This was the sort of thing that was changing him from a bossy, loudmouth naval officer into a slow-moving and cagey prisoner. He’d have to be like this if he wanted to get through his twenty-five years in camp.
....На него уже кричали и в спину толкали, чтоб он освобождал место.
People were already shouting at him and shoving him in the back to get him to leave his place.
А, капитан?
Hey, Captain!"
Буйновский вздрогнул, как просыпаясь, и оглянулся.
The Captain started, like out of his sleep, and turned around.
Павло протянул ему кашу, не спрашивая, хочет ли он.
Pavlo handed him the mush without asking if he wanted it or not.
Брови Буйновского поднялись, глаза его смотрели на кашу, как на чудо невиданное.
The Captain's eyebrows went up, and he looked at the stuff as if he'd never seen anything like it in all his life.
— Берить, берить, — успокоил его Павло и, забрав последнюю кашу для бригадира, ушёл.
"Take it, take it," Pavlo said to set his mind at rest. He grabbed the last bowl of mush for the gang boss and went out.
А по Шухову правильно, что капитану отдали.
But to Shukhov's way of thinking, it was only right to give it to the Captain.
Придёт пора, и капитан жить научится, а пока не умеет.
The time would come when he'd learn the ropes, but as it was he didn't know his way around yet.
— В контору! — оттолкнул он шестёрку на дверях, не пропускавшего с миской.
"Going to the office," he said to the trusty at the door, who wasn’t supposed to let people through with bowls, and pushed past him.
Контора была — рубленая изба близ вахты.
The office was a wooden shack next to the guard­room.
Дым, как утром, и посейчас все валил из ее трубы.
Smoke was still belching out of the chimney, just like in the morning.
Топил ее дневальный, он же и посыльный, повременку ему выписывают.
The stove was kept going by an orderly who also worked as a messenger and was given a piece rate for this.
Заскрипел Шухов дверью тамбура, ещё потом одной дверью, обитой паклею, и, вваливая клубы морозного пара, вошёл внутрь и быстренько притянул за собой дверь (спеша, чтоб не крикнули на него: "
The outside door and then the inside door (it was padded with rope) creaked when Shukhov opened them. He slipped in and brought a billowing cloud of steam with him, and pulled the door to fast (so they wouldn't yell at him "Shut the door, you bastard!").
Через окна с обтаявшим льдом солнышко играло уже не зло, как там, на верху ТЭЦ, а весело.
The sun looked playful through the melting ice on the windowpanes — it wasn’t angry like on top of the power plant.
И расходился в луче широкий дым от трубки Цезаря, как ладан в церкви.
And smoke from Caesar’s pipe was curling through the sunbeams like incense in a church.
А печка вся красно насквозь светилась, так раскалили, идолы.
The stove was glowing red-hot — they’d stoked it up so much, the bastards.
И трубы докрасна.
And the flues were red-hot too.
Второй, прорабской, дверь недоприкрыта, и оттуда голос прораба гремит:
There were two rooms in the office. The second one, the work-supervisor’s, had the door slightly ajar. You could hear him shouting in there:
Совещание, значит, у прораба.
From the sound of things the supervisor was hav­ing a conference.
Должно, с десятниками.
Must have been with the foremen.
Дальше Шкуропатенко, Б-219, жердь кривая, бельмом уставился в окошко, доглядает и сейчас, не прут ли его дома сборные.
Next to him was B-219, Shkuropatenko. He was like a bent beanpole. He was staring through the window and watching so nobody pinched his precious prefabs.
Толь-то проахал, дядя.
He’d been caught napping over the roofing-felt, the sucker!
Бухгалтера два, тоже зэки, хлеб поджаривают на печке.
There were two bookkeepers — they were prisoners too — toasting bread on the stove.
Цезарь трубку курит, у стола своего развалясь.
Caesar was lolling in his chair at a table and smoking his pipe.
К Шухову он спиной, не видит.
He had his back to Shukhov and couldn't see him.
— Нет, батенька, — мягко этак, попуская, говорит Цезарь, — объективность требует признать, что Эйзенштейн гениален. "
"You're wrong, pal,” Caesar was saying, and he was trying not to be too hard on him. “One must say in all objectivity that Eisenstein is a genius.
Сцена в соборе!
The scene in the cathedral!”
— Но какую трактовку пропустили бы иначе?...
“But what other treatment of the subject would have been let through... ?"
— Ах, пропустили бы?!
"Ha! Let through, you say?
Так не говорите, что гений!
Then don’t call him a genius!
Гении не подгоняют трактовку под вкус тиранов!
A genius doesn’t adapt his treatment to the taste of tyrants!"
— Гм, гм, — откашлялся Шухов, стесняясь прервать образованный разговор.
“Hm, hm !" Shukhov cleared his throat. He was afraid to butt in on this learned conversation.
Цезарь оборотился, руку протянул за кашей, на Шухова и не посмотрел, будто каша сама приехала по воздуху, — и за своё:
Caesar looked around and stretched out his hand for the mush, as if it had just come to him out of thin air. He didn’t even look at Shukhov and went back to his talk.
— Но слушайте, искусство — это не что, а как.
"But listen! It’s. not what but how that matters in art."
Постоял Шухов ровно сколько прилично было постоять, отдав кашу.
Anter he’d handed over the mush, Shukhov went on standing there for just as long as was decent.
И Шухов, поворотясь, ушёл тихо.
So Shukhov turned and walked out quietly.
Кладка сегодня как ни то пойдёт.
They'd do all right with the bricklaying today.
Подобрал, сунул в карман брюк.
He picked it up and put it in the knee pocket of his pants.
Спрятать ее на ТЭЦ.
He'd hide it in the power plant.
Запасливый лучше богатого.
It's better to be thrifty than wealthy.
Потом уж нырнул в растворную.
Then he ducked into the shed where they made the mortar.
Сгрудились все около круглой печурки, поставленной Шуховым, и около той, где песок греется, пуская из себя парок.
The men were huddled around two stoves — the one Shukhov had set up here and the other one where the sand, steaming a little, was being heated.
Кому места не хватило — сидят на ребре ящика растворного.
Those who didn't have a place were sitting on the edge of the trough where the mortar was mixed.
Бригадир у самой печки сидит, кашу доедает.
The gang boss was sitting right by the stove eating his mush.
Шу-шу — среди ребят.
The men were whispering among themselves.
Повеселели ребята.
They were a little more cheerful.
бригадир процентовку хорошо закрыл.
had managed to wangle better rates for them.
Весёлый пришёл.
He'd come back from the office in a good mood.
"Хорошо закрыл" — значит, теперь пять дней пайки хорошие будут.
Tyurin got "better rates," which meant they’d have good bread rations for five days.
из пяти дней один захалтыривает начальство, катит на гарантийке весь лагерь вровень, и лучших и худших.
The higher-ups always cheat on one day out of five. On the "guaranteed" day off they put every­body on an equal footing, both good and bad.
Вроде не обидно никому, всем ведь поровну, а экономят на нашем брюхе.
Just- so-nobody-gets-upset sort of thing, and share and share alike. They saved something on this and it came out of the men's bellies.
Ладно, зэка желудок все перетерпливает:
So what? A prisoner's belly can stand anything.
С этой мечтой и спать ложится лагерь в день гарантийки.
That's what they all dream when they lie down to sleep on the day off.
А разобраться — пять дней работаем, а четыре дня едим.
But come to think of it, they ate four days for every five they worked.
У кого есть — покуривают втихомолку.
The guys with tobacco were smoking on the sly.
Сгрудились во теми — и на огонь смотрят.
They were huddling in the dark­ness and looking at the. fire.
Слушают, как бригадир у печки двум-трем рассказывает.
They were listening to the boss tell a story to a couple of the guys near the stove.
—....Я и перед командиром батальона дрожал, а тут комполка! "
"I was scared enough in front of the Major," he was saying, "but now I was up in front of the Colonel. ‘
Из-под бровей диких уставился: "
He stared at me and his eyebrows were fierce. '
"А зовут как, а по отчеству?"
'What’s your first name and your father’s first name?’
Мне тогда, в тридцатом году, что ж, двадцать два годика было, телёнок. "
'And your date of birth?' I tell him that too. I was twenty-two then, in 1930, just a kid. '
"Ну, как служишь, Тюрин?" — "
'Well, how are you serving, Tyurin?' '
"Служу трудовому народу!"
'I serve the working people!’
"Служишь ты трудовому народу, да кто ты сам, подлец?!"
'You serve the working people, but what are you, you bastard?’
Отличник боевой и полити..." — "
Top marks in military and political...' I say. '
"Ка-кой первый номер, гад?
'What do you mean, first class, you swine?
Отец твой кулак!
Your father’s a kulak!
Отец твой кулак, а ты скрылся, второй год тебя ищут!"
Your father's a kulak and you ran away. They’ve been hunting you for two years now !’
Побледнел я, молчу.
I got pale all over and said nothing.
Год писем домой не писал, чтоб следа не нашли.
I didn’t write home for a year so they wouldn't get on my track.
И живы ли там, ничего не знал, ни дома про меня. "
I didn’t know whether my folks were still alive and they knew nothing about me. '
"Какая ж у тебя совесть, — орёт, четыре шпалы трясутся, — обманывать рабоче-крестьянскую власть?"
'You've got no conscience,' he bawls, 'deceiving the Workers' and Peasants' Government!' and his four shoulder straps were shaking.
Я думал, бить будет.
I thought he was going to beat me up.
Я раз...бай был, не знал, что могу не сдать, послать их...
I was all fucked up and didn't know I could have kept the other uniform and told them to go to hell....
"Уволен из рядов... как сын кулака".
'Dismissed from the ranks as the son of a kulak.'
Только на работу с той справкой.
Some chance of getting a job with that!
Там уж были они пролетарии или кулаки. Имели совесть или не имели...
It didn't make much difference then whether they were proletarians or kulaks, whether they had a conscience or not...
Долго терпишь да больно бьёшь".
He's long-suffering, but when he hits you, it hurts.'"
— Слышь, Эйно, на одну закрутку займи мне до завтра.
"Listen, Eino, lend me a little till tomorrow — just enough for one cigarette.
Ведь я не обману.
You know I won't gyp you."
Оторвал, скрутил, поднял уголёк, скатившийся меж ног бригадира, — и потянул! и потянул!
He tore a piece off, rolled a cigarette, and lit it with a cinder that had fallen between the boss's feet.
И кружь такая пошла по телу всему, и даже как будто хмель в ноги и в голову.
And then he dragged and dragged on it, over and over again! He had a giddy feeling all over his body, like it was going to his feet as well as his head.
Только закурил, а уж через всю растворную на него глаза зеленые вспыхнули:
The minute he started to smoke, he saw a pair of green eyes flashing at him from the other end of the shed.
It was Fetyukov.
Можно б и смиловаться, дать ему, шакалу, да уж он сегодня подстреливал, Шухов видел.
He might have taken pity on that scavenger, but he'd been cadging already today. Shukhov had seen him at it.
А лучше Сеньке Клевшину оставить.
Better leave the butt for Senka Klevshin.
Он и не слышит, чего там бригадир рассказывает, сидит, горюня, перед огнём, набок голову склоня.
He couldn't hear the boss's story, poor devil, and was just sitting there in front of the stove with his head on one side.
Бригадира лицо рябое освещено из печи.
The boss’s face — it was all pockmarked — was lit up by the fire.
Купил из-под полы две буханки хлеба, уж карточки тогда были.
"I sold the junk I had for a quarter of its worth to a dealer and bought two loaves of bread on the black market. They'd brought in ration cards by then.
На перрон тоже не было ходу: в дверях милиция, с обех сторон станции охранники по путям бродят.
You couldn't even get into the station — they had militia­men at the gates and guards on both sides of the tracks.
Солнце холодное клонится, подстывают лужи — где ночевать?...
The sun was going down and the puddles were freezing over. Where could I spend the night?
Там постоял — никто не гонится.
I hid out there for a while, but there was no one after me.
Выхожу как пассажир, солдатик.
Then I came out, just like I was a pas­senger, a soldier in uniform.
А на путе' стоит как раз Владивосток — Москва.
The Vladivostok-Mos­cow was standing right there on the track.
За кипятком — свалка, друг друга котелками по головам.
There was a great scramble for getting boiling water and people were hitting each other on the head with their kettles.
"На, говорю, буханки мои, сейчас тебе кипятку!"
‘Here, hold these,’ I said and gave her my loaves. ‘I’ll get it for you!' By the time I got it, the train was just ready to go.
Пока налил, а поезд трогает. Она буханки мои дЈржит, плачет, что с ими делать, чайник бросить рада. "
She was standing there with my loaves and crying and didn’t know what to do with them — she wouldn't have minded losing her kettle. ‘
"Беги, кричу, беги, я за тобой!"
‘Run!’ I shouted, ‘Run! I'll come after you!’
Она впереде', я следом.
So she made a dash for the train.
Догнал, одной рукой подсаживаю, — а поезд гону! Я — тоже на подножку.
I caught up with her and pushed her into the coach — the train was already moving — with one arm and then jumped on myself.
Не стал меня кондуктор ни по пальцам бить, ни в грудки спихивать: ехали другие бойцы в вагоне, он меня с ними попутал.
The conductor didn’t try to hit me over the knuckles or push me off — there were other soldiers in the coach and he thought I belonged with them."
— Шесть их, девушек, в купе закрытом ехало, ленинградские студентки с практики.
"There were six other girls in the compartment — it was reserved — students from Leningrad they were, going back home from some fieldwork or other.
На столике у них маслице да фуяслице, плащи на крючках покачиваются, чемоданчики в чехолках.
They had bread and butter and all kinds of fancy things on the tables in front of them. Their coats were hung up on hooks and they had covers on their suitcases.
Едут мимо жизни, семафоры зеленые...
They didn't know what real life was — they’d had it easy all the way...
из такого я, девочки, вагона, что вам жить, а мне умирать...
I sighed and told them the truth. 'Girls,' I said, 'in the coach I come from you can't live....' "
Тихо в растворной.
It was quiet in the shed.
Печка горит.
The stove was blazing.
До Новосибирска дотаили, довезли...
They got me all the way to Novosibirsk like that....
Между прочим, одну из тех девочек я потом на Печоре отблагодарил:
By the way, I met one of those girls later in one of the Pechora camps and did her a favor in return.
она в тридцать пятом в Кировском потоке попала, доходила на общих, я ее в портняжную устроил.
She'd been picked up in thirty-five over the Kirov business and she was just about on her last leg doing 'hard.' I managed to fix her up in one of the workshops."
— Може, раствор робыть? —
"Maybe I should start making the mortar?"
Не слышит бригадир.
But the boss didn't hear him. He went. on with his story:
— Домой я ночью пришёл с огородов.
"I got home late one night and went in through the back garden.
Я подсел к ним: "Слушай, господа бесштанные! Возьмите моего братишку в обучение, научите его, как жить!" Взяли...
I went and sat down with them and I said, 'Listen here, gentlemen of the gutter, take this kid brother of mine and give him an edu­cation.
Жалею, что и сам к блатным не пристал...
Teach him how to live.’ And they did. Sorry I didn't go off with them myself..."
Тюрин зевнул.
The boss yawned.
Ещё зевнул.
And he yawned once more.
Сказал: —
Then he said:
Ну, не горюй, ребята!
“Don’t worry, boys!
Обживёмся и на ТЭЦ.
We’ll make ourselves at home in the power plant.
Кому раствор разводить — начинайте, гудка не ждите.
You boys making the mortar’d better get busy. Don't wait for the whistle."
Начальник и в рабочий-то час работягу не сдвинет, а бригадир и в перерыв сказал — работать, значит работать.
The higher-ups had a job to get a prisoner to work even in working hours, but your boss only had to say the word, even if it was the meal break, and you worked.
И зря не заставит тоже.
And he wouldn’t make you work if you didn’t have to.
По гудку если раствор разводить, так каменщикам — стой?
If they didn’t start making the mortar before the whistle, the men laying the bricks would be held up.
— Пойти лёд сколоть.
“I’ll go and clear the ice."
А все же встаёт, понимает.
All the same he got to his feet.
Бригаду держать из-за себя нельзя.
He knew he couldn’t hold up the gang just for himself.
— Подожди, Ваня, и я пойду! — обзывает.
“Hold it, Ivan, I’ll come along too," he said.
На себя б работал — ещё б раньше поднялся.
If he'd been working for him­self, he'd have been on his feet even sooner. (
(А ещё потому Шухов поспешил, чтоб отвес прежде Кильдигса захватить, отвес-то из инструменталки взят один.)
(And another reason Shukhov was in a hurry — he wanted to grab the plumb line before Kilgas. They'd only gotten one from the tool shop.)
Павло спросил бригадира:
"Will there be three laying the bricks?"
Ще одного нэ поставимо?
“Should we put another man on?
Або раствора нэ выстаче?
Or won't there be enough mortar?"
Бригадир насупился, подумал.
The boss frowned and thought a while.
— Четвёртым я сам стану, Павло.
“I'll be the fourth man myself, Pavlo.
А ты тут — раствор!
And what's that about the mortar?
Ящик велик, поставь человек шесть, и так:
The mixer's so big you could put six men on the job.
Чтобы мне перерыву ни минуты!
You just see we're not held up a single minute!"
— Эх! —
Pavlo jumped up.
Павло вскочил, парень молодой, кровь свежая, лагерями ещё не трепан, на галушках украинских ряжка отъеденная. —
He was a young fellow and he had a good color. He still hadn't been too hard hit by life in the camps. And his cheeks were still round from eating those Ukrainian dumplings back home.
Як вы сами класть, так я сам — раствор робыть!
“If you lay bricks," he said, ''I'll make the mortar.
А дэ тут найдлинниша лопата?
Where's the biggest shovel around here?"
Вот это и есть бригада!
That's what these gangs did to a man.
Стрелял Павло из-под леса да на районы ночью налётывал — стал бы он тут горбить!
There was Pavlo who used to carry a gun in the forests and make raids on villages. Why the hell should he kill himself with work in this place?
А для бригадира — это дело другое!
But there's nothing you wouldn't do for your boss.
Догадался, глухой.
He’d gotten the idea, deaf as he was.
На втором этаже стены только начаты кладкой:
The walls for the second story had only just been started.
в три ряда кругом и редко где подняты выше.
Three rows of bricks all around and a little higher in places.
Самая эта спорая кладка — от колен до груди, без подмостей.
This was the quickest part of the job — from knee level up to your chest and no need to stand on scaffolds.
Далеко видно с верха ТЭЦ: и вся зона вокруг заснежЈнная, пустынная (попрятались зэки, греются до гудка), и вышки чёрные, и столбы заострённые, под колючку.
You could see a lot from the top of the plant — the whole compound covered with snow and not a soul in sight (the prisoners were all under cover, trying to get warm before the whistle blew), the black watchtowers, and the pointed poles with barbed wire.
Сама колючка по солнцу видна, а против — нет.
You couldn't see the wire if you looked into the sun, only if you looked away from it.
Солнце яро блещет, глаз не раскроешь.
It was shining bright and your eyes couldn't stand the light.
А ещё невдали видно — энергопоезд.
And close by, you could see the steam engine that made the power.
Ну, дымит, небо коптит!
It was smoking like hell and mak­ing the sky black.
И — задышал тяжко.
Then it started breathing hard.
Хрип такой больной всегда у него перед гудком.
It always wheezed like a sick man before it sounded the whistle. There it came now.
Вот и загудел. Не много и переработали.
They hadn’t put in that much overtime after all.
— Да на твоей стене смотри лЈду сколько!
"Look at all that ice on your part of the wall!" Shukhov jeered back at him. "
Ты лёд к вечеру сколешь ли?
"Do you think you can dear it off by the evening?
He was right.
Так спорей.
It would be easier like that.
И не видел больше Шухов ни озера дальнего, где солнце блеснило по снегу, ни как по зоне разбредались из обогревалок работяги — кто ямки долбать, с утра недодолбанные, кто арматуру крепить, кто стропила поднимать на мастерских.
Shukhov no longer saw the view with the glare of sun on the snow. And he didn't see the prisoners leaving their shelters either and fanning out over the compound, some to finish digging holes started in the morning and others to put up the rafters on the roofs of the workshops.
Он указал Сеньке, где тому снимать лёд, и сам ретиво рубил его то обухом, то лезвием, так что брызги льда разлетались вокруг и в морду тоже, работу эту он правил лихо, но вовсе не думая.
He showed Senka where to hack off the ice and he hacked away at it himself for all he was worth with the head and blade of his pick, so that chips of ice were flying all around and in his face too. He was doing a good job and he was fast, but his mind wasn’t on it.
Стену в этом месте прежде клал неизвестный ему каменщик, не разумея или халтуря, а теперь Шухов обвыкал со стеной, как со своей.
He didn’t know the man who'd worked on it in his place before. But that guy sure didn’t know his job. He’d messed it up. Shukhov was now getting used to the wall like it was his own.
Вот тут наружу стена пузом выдалась — это спрямить ряда за два.
Then in another spot the wall was bulging out a little, and he'd have to make that flush too.
Там, на углу, рассчитал он, Кильдигс не удержится, за Сеньку малость положит, вот ему и легче будет.
There on the corner, he guessed, Kilgas wouldn’t be able to hold back and he’d do some of Senka’s job for him so it would be a little easier on Senka.
— Мне носи!
"Bring ’em over to me!
кричит Павло снизу. —
Pavlo shouted from down below. "Any-
Тримайтэ раствор!
Here we come with the mortar!"
Понял, глухой.
He got it, deaf as he was.
Губы закуся, глаза перекосив, в сторону бригадировой стены кивает — мол, дадим огоньку?
He bit his lips and squinted over at the boss's wall as if to say, "We'll show ’em. We'll keep up with 'em."
А уж по трапу и раствор несут.
Now they were bringing the mortar up the ladder.
Раствор будут четыре пары носить.
There'd be eight men on the job, working in twos.
Решил бригадир ящиков растворных близ каменщиков не ставить никаких — ведь раствор от перекладывания только мёрзнуть будет. А прямо носилки поставили — и разбирай два каменщика на стену, клади.
The boss told them not to put troughs with mortar near the bricklayers — the mortar’d only freeze before they got to use it — but to have the stuff brought up to them in the hods so they could take it out right away, two at a time, and slap it on the wall.
Тем временем подносчикам, чтобы не мёрзнуть на верхотуре зря, шлакоблоки поверху подбрасывать.
And so the guys who brought up the hods wouldn't stand around freezing up here on top, they’d carry bricks over to the layers.
Как вычерпают их носилки, снизу без перерыву — вторые, а эти катись вниз.
And when their hods were empty, the next two came up from down below without wasting any time, and the first two went down again.
Там ящик носилочный у печки оттаивай от замёрзшего раствору, ну и сами сколько успеете.
Then they thawed out their hod by the stove to get the frozen mortar off it and try to get as warm as they could themselves. -
Принесли двое носилок сразу — на Кильдигсову стену и на шуховскую. Раствор парует на морозе, дымится, а тепла в нем чуть.
Two hods came up together, one for Kilgas' wall and the other for Shukhov’s. The mortar was steam­ing in the freezing cold, though there wasn't much warmth in it.
Мастерком его на стену шлёпнув да зазеваешься — он и прихвачен.
When you slapped it on the wall with your trowel you had to work quick so it wouldn’t freeze.
И бить его тогда тесачком молотка, мастерком не собьёшь. А и шлакоблок положишь чуть не так — и уж примерз, перекособоченный.
If it did, you couldn’t get it off again, either with your trowel or the back of your gavel, and if you laid a brick a little out of place it froze to the spot and stuck there.
Теперь только обухом топора тот шлакоблок сбивать да раствор скалывать.
Then the only thing to do was pry it off with the back of the pick and hack the mortar away again.
И хватает из кучки шлакоблок (но с осторожкою хватает — не продрать бы рукавицу, шлакоблоки дерут больно).
Then he’d pick up a brick out of the pile, but with great care so he wouldn’t get a hole in his mitten — they were pretty rough, these bricks.
И ещё раствор мастерком разровняв — шлёп туда шлакоблок!
Then he’d level off the mortar with a trowel and drop the brick on top.
Теперь, если по бокам из-под него выдавилось раствору, раствор этот ребром же мастерка отбить поскорей, со стены сошвырнуть (летом он под следующий кирпич идёт, сейчас и не думай) и опять нижние швы посмотреть — бывает, там не целый блок, а накрошено их, — и раствору опять бросить, да чтобы под левый бок толще, и шлакоблок не просто класть, а справа налево полозом, он и выдавит этот лишек раствора меж собой и слева соседом.
If any mortar was squeezed out from under a brick, you had to scrape it off with the edge of your trowel fast as you could and throw it away (in summer you could use it for the next brick, but not in this weather). This could happen when you had a brick with a piece broken off the end, so you had to lay on a lot more mortar to fill in. You couldn’t just lay a brick like that, but you had to slide it up to the next one, and that’s when you’d get this extra mortar running out. He was hard at work now. Once he ironed out the snags left by the guy who’d worked here before and laid a couple of rows of his own, it’d be easy going.
И Сенька там на углу с бригадиром разошёлся, тоже сюда идёт.
He'd started together with the boss at the comer, but the boss was now going the other way.
Такая пошла работа — недосуг носу утереть.
He was so busy he didn’t have time to wipe his nose.
Как сошлись с Сенькой да почали из одного ящика черпать — а уж и с заскребом.
When he and Senka came together, they started taking mortar out of the same hod. There wasn’t enough to go around.
— Да-е-мо'! —
"Here she comes!"
Павло кричит.
Pavlo shouted back.
Принесли ящик.
Another hod came along, and they used up what was still soft.
Нарастёт коростой — вам же таскать вверх-вниз.
There was no sense in them carrying all the frozen stuff down again.
"Okay, that's it.
Шухов и другие каменщики перестали чувствовать мороз.
Shukhov and the other bricklayers didn’t feel the cold any more.
Только Клевшин нога об ногу постукивал:
Only Klevshin kept banging one foot against the other.
Буйновский сперва, с обеда, с Фетюковым вместе раствор носил.
At first it was the Captain and Fetyukov who car­ried the stuff up together.
По трапу и круто, и оступчиво, не очень он тянул поначалу, Шухов его подгонял легонько:
The ladder was steep and slippery, and for a time the Captain went pretty slow. Shukhov tried to push him a little: "Come on there, Captain.
Костыльнул его Шухов в спину разок:
Once Shukhov gave him a poke in the back. "
А директором был — небось с рабочих требовал ?
I bet you really took it out on the fellows in that factory you managed!"
Переставил бригадир:
So Tyurin switched them around.
Алёшка — тихий, над ним не командует только кто не хочет.
Alyoshka was a quiet fellow and he took orders from anybody who felt like giving them. "Full steam ahead, sailor," the Captain shouted at him. "
Улыбается Алёшка уступчиво:
Alyoshka gave him that meek smile of his. "
И потопали вниз.
And they went down the ladder.
Смирный — в бригаде клад.
A meek fellow like that is a real godsend in any gang.
То полгода ни одной не было, то как прорвало их.
They hadn’t brought a brick for six months and now they were coming thick and fast. This was.
А потом простой будет, не разгонишься.
It was only the first day. If things got held up later on they'd never get back in the swing of it.
И ещё вниз ругается бригадир. Что-то о подъёмнике.
Down below the boss was swearing again, some­thing about the hoist.
И узнать Шухову хочется, и некогда:
Shukhov would've liked to find out what was going on, but he didn’t have the time.
стену выравнивает.
He was finishing off a row.
Монтёр копается, прораб смотрит.
The foreman in charge of electrical work had come with him. He was a "free" worker and he just stood looking while the electrician tinkered with the motor.
Это — как положено:
That's how it always was.
один работает, один смотрит.
One fellow looked on while the other worked.
Уж повёл Шухов третий ряд (и Кильдигс тоже третий начал), как по трапу прётся ещё один дозорщик, ещё один начальник — строительный десятник Дэр.
Shukhov was already on his third row of bricks (and so was Kilgas) when another of those higher- ups who were always looking over your shoulder came up the ladder. This was the building foreman, Der. He was from Moscow.
Москвич. Говорят, в министерстве работал.
They said he’d once worked in a ministry there.
Шухов от Кильдигса близко стоял, показал ему на Дэра.
Shukhov was standing close to Kilgas and he jerked his thumb over at Der.
В инженеры лезет, свинячья морда!
Der was trying to rise in the world and get himself made an engineer, the damn swine.
А один раз показывал, как кирпичи класть, так Шухов обхохотался.
He’d once tried to show them how to lay bricks and Shukhov just laughed himself sick.
По-нашему, вот построй один дом своими руками, тогда инженер будешь.
To his and every­body else's way of thinking, you should build a house with your own hands before you started talking about being an engineer.
В ТемгенЈве каменных домов не знали, избы из дерева.
In Shukhov's home village there were no stone houses, only wooden shacks.
И школа тоже рубленая, из заказника лес привозили в шесть саженей.
And the school was built of logs too — they got as much wood as they liked from the forest.
Кто два дела руками знает, тот ещё и десять подхватит.
Anybody who knew two trades could pick up a dozen more just like that.
— Тю-урин! — кричит, и глаза навыкате. —
"Tyurin," he yelled, and his eyes were popping out of his head. "
"Tyurin !"
Бушлат у Дэра лагерный, но новенький, чистенький.
Der was wear­ing a quilted coat like everybody else in the camp, Lut it was new and clean.
Шапка отличная, кожаная. А номер и на ней, как у всех: Б-731.
He had a good leather cap on his head, but he had a number on it like everybody else — B-731.
— Ну? —
"What is it?"
Тюрин к нему с мастерком вышел.
Tyurin came up to him with his trowel.
И пропустить никак нельзя, и раствор стынет в корытце.
Shukhov didn't want to miss it, but the mortar was freezing in his hod.
Кладёт Шухов, кладёт и слушает.
He kept right on working while he listened.
— Да ты что?! —
"What the hell is this?"
Дэр кричит, слюной брызгает. —
Der bawled. He was foaming at the mouth.
Это не карцером пахнет!
“You'll get more than a stretch in the can for this.
Это уголовное дело, Тюрин!
This is a criminal matter, Tyurin.
Третий срок получишь!
You'll get another sentence for this on top of the two you already have."
На Кильдигса глянул — и тот уж понял.
He shot a glance at Kilgas — he'd already caught on.
It was the roofing-felt!’
Толь увидал на окнах.
Der had seen it on the windows.
За себя Шухов ничуть не боится, бригадир его не продаст.
Shukhov wasn't a bit worried about himself — his boss wouldn't give him away — but he was scared for Tyurin.
За такие дела второй срок на севере бригадиру вполне паяли.
Up here in the North they were always slapping on new sentences for things like this.
Ух, как лицо бригадирово перекосило!
God, the way the boss's face twitched all over.
Ка-ак швырнёт мастерок под ноги! И к Дэру — шаг!
The way he threw his trowel on the floor and went over to Der.
Дэр оглянулся — Павло лопату наотмашь подымает.
Der looked around. Pavlo was standing there with his shovel up.
И Сенька, даром что глухой, — понял:
And Senka, deaf as he was, had seen what it was all about.
тоже руки в боки и подошёл.
And he came out with his hands on his hips.
Дэр заморгал, забеспокоился, смотрит, где пятый угол.
Der started blinking. He was worried and he looked around for a way out.
Бригадир наклонился к Дэру и тихо так совсем, а явственно здесь наверху:
The boss leaned over close to Der and said kind of quiet, but so you could hear it up there: "
— Прошло ваше время, заразы, срока' давать!
"Times have changed for scum like you, handing out new sen­tences!
— Ну что вы, что вы, ребята! —
"Take it easy, boys. Take it easy," Der said.
Дэр бледный стал — и от трапа подальше.
He was all pale and he edged away from the ladder a little.
И Павло с лопатой медленно пошёл вниз.
And Pavlo went slowly downstairs again with his shovel.
Very slowly....
личностью доктор и не торопится ничуть.
He had a face like a doctor and he was never in a rush.
К Дэру он все спиной, будто его и не видал.
He stood with his back to Der line he hadn't seen him.
Где и спесь его вся.
He was singing a different tune now. "
— Что ж я прорабу скажу, Тюрин?
"What do I say to the work-super­visor, Tyurin?”
Бригадир кладёт, головы не поворачивая:
The boss went on laying bricks and didn't tum his head: "
— А скажете — было так.
"Tell him — it was there before.
Пришли — так было.
Say it was here when we came."
Постоял ещё Дэр.
Der hung around a little longer.
Прошёлся тихонько, руки в карманы заложил.
He walked up and down with his hands in his pockets.
— Дозвольте заметить, — прошепелявил он, а с насмешечкой: — что, если слой толстый сейчас ложить, весной эта ТЭЦ потечёт вся.
"You might like to know, my dear sir,” Shukhov said through that gap in his teeth and leered at him, "if I lay this stuff on thick now, this power plant'll just melt away in the spring."
— Ты — каменщик и слушай, что тебе десятник говорит, — нахмурился Дэр и щеки поднадул, привычка у него такая.
Der scowled. "You're a bricklayer and you have to do what your foreman tells you." And he puffed up his cheeks the way he always did.
Ну, кой-где, может, и тонко, можно бы и потолще, да ведь это если класть не зимой, а по-человечески.
Well, maybe Shukhov was laying it on a little thin in places and it could be a little thicker, but only if you worked in the right weather, not in this freezing cold.
Надо ж и людей пожалеть. Выработка нужна.
They should have a heart, but all they think about is output.
Да чего объяснять, если человек не понимает!
But how could you get this across to people who didn't have any brains?
И пошёл Дэр по трапу тихо.
Der took his time going down the ladder.
Что мы — ишаки? На второй этаж шлакоблоки вручную!
"What do you think we are, mules or something, hauling bricks up here by hand?"
— Тебе подъём оплачивают, — Дэр ему с трапа, но смирно.
"You get a rate for haulage," Der answered from the ladder, but he wasn't shouting any more.
— "На тачках"?
"You mean that crap in the rules and regulations about 'Wheelbarrows, For the Use of'?
А ну, возьмите тачку, прокатите по трапу. "
I'd like to see you running a wheelbarrow up that ladder.
"На носилках" оплачивайте!
Give us a rate ‘Hods, For the Use of.'"
— Да что мне, жалко?
"You don't think I'd mind, do you?
Не проведёт бухгалтерия "на носилках".
Trouble is, the bookkeeping section wouldn't pass it."
— Бухгалтерия!
"You and your damn bookkeepers!
Сколько я заработаю?
What’s it going to look like on the work sheet?”
Кричит бригадир, а сам кладёт без отрыву.
He didn't stop laying bricks for a second while he was saying all this.
кричит вниз.
he shouted down.
перенимает Шухов.
Shukhov shouted right after him.
ВсЈ подровняли на третьем ряду, а на четвёртом и развернуться.
They'd finished up the third row of bricks and they could really get going on the fourth.
Надо б шнур на рядок вверх перетянуть, да живет и так, рядок без шнура прогоним.
He ought to raise the level of the string, but he didn't want to waste time and he'd manage as it was and do the next row without it.
В контору, греться. Неприютно ему небось.
He was shiver­ing and was going to the office to get warm.
А и думать надо, прежде чем на такого волка идти, как Тюрин.
He hadn't felt too good up at the power plant. He should’ve thought twice before taking on a tough customer like Tyurin.
С такими бригадирами он бы ладил, ему б и хлопот ни о чем: горбить не требуют, пайка высокая, живет в кабине отдельной — чего ещё?
He could've gotten along fine with the gang bosses — he didn't have to kill himself working, he had a big ration and a room to himself, so what more did he want?
Так ум выставляет.
He just couldn't help throwing his weight around and acting smart.
Значит, ишачь!
So they just had to go on doing the work of mules.
Сколько Шухов производств повидал, техника эта или сама ломается, или зэки ее ломают.
Shukhov had been on lots of different jobs and it was always the same story. Machines either broke down themselves or they were broken by the pris­oners. He remembered how they'd broken the con­veyor belt in the lumber camp.
Балан-то велят к балану класть, не разогнёшься.
They wanted a rest. You had to keep piling those logs on without a break.
— Шлакоблоков!
"More bricks, more bricks, more bricks!"
Шлакоблоков! — кричит бригадир, разошёлся. И в мать их, и в мать, подбросчиков и подносчиков.
the boss was yelling, and he told them to go screw their mothers, the whole damn bunch of them, the hod men and the fellows bringing the bricks.
— Павло спрашивает, с раствором как? — снизу шумят.
"Pavlo wants to know what to do about the mor­tar,” they shouted up from below.
— Разводить как!
"How much more do you want?"
— Так разведённого пол-ящика!
"We've still got half a trough down there."
— Значит, ещё ящик!
"Well, give us another one."
Ну, заваруха! Пятый ряд погнали.
Things were really moving fast now — they were on the fifth row of bricks.
То, скрючимшись, первый гнали, а сейчас уж под грудь, гляди!
They'd had to bend double for the first one and now the wall was up to their chests.
И надо б шнур перетянуть, да поздно.
They should've put the string up higher, but it was too late.
— Своё дело знай, сморчок!
"Get on with the job, you little squirt.
Таскай кирпичи!
Keep those bricks moving."
Оглянулся Шухов.
Shukhov looked around.
Да, солнышко на заходе.
Yeah, the sun was going down.
А разогнались — лучше не надо.
And just when they'd gotten into stride.
Теперь уж пятый начали — пятый и кончить. Подровнять.
They were on the fifth row now and that would be the last today.
Ему ведь лет, кавторангу, сорок не сорок, а около.
The Captain looked kind of gray in the face. He was forty, after all, or thereabout.
Холод градусы набирает.
It was getting colder all the time.
И в левый валенок мороза натягивает.
And the cold was coming into Shukhov's left boot.
Топ-топ им Шухов, топ-топ.
He kept stomping it on the floor.
К стене теперь нагибаться не надо стало, а вот за шлакоблоками — поломай спину за каждым, да ещё за каждой ложкой раствора.
He didn’t have to bend down to lay the wall any more, but he had the backbreaking business of bending down for every brick and every scoop of mortar.
— Ребята! Ребята! —
"Hey, you guys, hey!”
Шухов теребит. —
He started badgering the men bringing the bricks and mortar. "
Уж кавторанг и рад бы, да нет сил.
The Captain would have done it gladly, but he didn’t have the strength.
Непривычный он. А Алёшка:
He wasn’t used to this sort of work.
— Хорошо, Иван Денисыч. Куда класть — покажите.
But Alyoshka said, "Okay, Ivan Denisovich, whatever you say.”
Безотказный этот Алёшка, о чем его ни попроси.
Alyoshka would never say no. He always did whatever you asked.
Каб все на свете такие были, и Шухов бы был такой.
If only everybody in the world was like that, Shukhov would be that way too.
Это верно у них.
They were right on that, these people.
По всей зоне и до ТЭЦ ясно донеслось: об рельс звонят. СъЈм! Прихватил с раствором.
From way over on the other side of the compound — it came over loud and clear at the power plant — they could hear them pounding the rail.
Эх, расстарались!...
The signal to knock off! They’d made too much mortar. That's what came of trying too hard.
А там ящик новый только заделан!
They’d just mixed a lot more so they’d have to go on laying now.
если ящика не выбрать, завтра весь тот ящик к свиньям разбивай, раствор окаменеет, его киркой не выколупнёшь.
If they didn’t empty the mixer they'd have to smash it up the next morning because the mortar would be hard as iron and they'd never be able to hack it out.
— Ну, не удай, братцы! —
"Come on, keep at it, fellows!"
Шухов кличёт.
Shukhov was shouting.
Кильдигс злой стал.
Kilgas didn’t like this.
Не любит авралов.
He didn’t like rush jobs but he went on for all he was worth. He couldn’t do anything else. Pavlo came running upstairs with a hod on his back and a trowel in his hand.
Быстро — хорошо не бывает.
You can't work well if you’re in too much of a hurry.
Сейчас, как все за быстротой погнались, Шухов уж не гонит, а стену доглядает.
Now that the others were going full blast, Shukhov slowed down and took a good look at the wall.
Сеньку налево перетолкнул, сам — направо, к главному углу.
He went to the main corner on the right and sent Senka over to the left-hand one.
А оттуда, с угла, глядь — у Сеньки вроде прогибик получается.
Then he saw at the other end that Senka was doing the wrong thing at his corner.
К Сеньке кинулся, двумя кирпичами направил.
He dashed over and straightened things out with a couple of bricks.
Кавторанг припёр носилки, как мерин добрый.
The Captain trudged up with another hod. He was as willing as an old carthorse.
С ног уж валится кавторанг, а тянет.
He could hardy stand on his feet any more, the Captain, but he kept on going.
Такой мерин и у Шухова был до колхоза, Шухов-то его приберегал, а в чужих руках подрезался он живо.
Shukhov had an old horse like that at home once. He took good care of that old horse, but he worked himself to death.
И шкуру с его сняли.
And then they skinned the hide off him.
Теперь уж и без Гопчика видать: не только все бригады инструмент отнесли, а валом повалил народ к вахте. (
They didn’t need Gopchik to tell them — they could see all the other gangs had handed in their tools and were crowd­ing over to the guardroom. (
(Сразу после звонка никто не выходит, дурных нет мёрзнуть там.
(Nobody ever went over right away after they’d pounded the rail — they weren’t crazy enough to stand around there freezing.
Сидят все в обогревалках.
They stayed put in their shelters.
Но настаёт такой момент, что сговариваются бригадиры, и все бригады вместе сыпят.
But then after a while the gang bosses would agree among themselves on the right moment for all the gangs to come out together.
— Эх, — кричит, — дерьма не жалко!
"Hey!" he shouted. "Don’t worry about all that shit.
Who cares about it?
А ты, Павло, бери двоих, инструмент собирай, тащи сдавать.
And you, Pavlo, get a couple of other guys, collect all the tools, and tum them in.
Я тебе с Гопчиком три мастерка дошлю, вот эту пару носилок последнюю выложим.
I’ll send the last three trowels over with Gopchik. We’ll just finish off these two hods here."
Накинулись. Молоток у Шухова забрали, шнур отвязали.
They rushed over and grabbed Shukhov's gavel out of his hand and took his string down.
Подносчики, подбросчики — все убегли вниз в растворную, делать им больше тут нечего.
Then the hod men and the brick carriers beat it down the ladder. There was nothing more for them to do up here.
Остались сверху каменщиков трое — Кильдигс, Клевшин да Шухов.
There were just the three bricklayers left — Kil- gas, Klevshin, and Shukhov.
He was pleased.
— Хорошо положили, а? За полдня.
Not bad, eh, for one afternoon’s work?
Без подъёмника, без фуЈмника.
And without that fucking hoist too.
Тужит Шухов — в инструменталке бригадира бы не ругали за мастерки.
He was worried about Tyurin getting hell in the tool shed for not bringing the. trowels back on time.
— Слышь, ребята, — Шухов доник, — мастерки-то несите Гопчику, мой — несчитанный, сдавать не надо, я им доложу.
"Listen, boys.” Shukhov had a bright idea. "You give yours to Gopchik so he can take ’em over and I’ll finish off the job with mine. They don’t know I’ve got it so they won’t have to check it in.”
— Ну как тебя на свободу отпускать?
"What the hell are we going to do without you when you’ve served your time?
Без тебя ж тюрьма плакать будет!
We'll all be crying our hearts out for you.”
Смеётся и Шухов. Кладёт.
Shukhov laughed too and then went on with the job.
И 104-я сама пошла через поле, без бригадира.
And the rest of 104 started off for the guardroom without the boss.
Бригадир — сила, но конвой — сила посильней.
True, the boss’s word went a long way, but what the escort guards said was law.
Перепишут опоздавших — и в кондей.
If they booked you for being late, you could land in the cooler.
Грозно сгустело у вахты.
There was a great crowd around the guardroom.
Все собрались.
Everybody was there.
Кажись, что и конвой вышел — пересчитывают.
From the looks of it the escort had begun counting them.
А если померещится ещё не так — и за воротами считают.)
And if they thought there was something wrong, they did a recount outside.
машет бригадир. —
The boss waved his arm.
Выкидывай его через стенку!
“Dump it over the wall and clear out.”
Остались вдвоём с глухим.
Shukhov was on his own with the deaf fellow now.
С этим много не поговоришь, да с ним и говорить незачем:
You couldn’t talk with him very much, but you didn’t have to either.
он всех умней, без слов понимает.
He was smarter than every­body and caught on to everything without having to be told.
Шлёп раствор!
Slap on the mortar!
Шлёп шлакоблок!
Slap on the bricks !
Раствор. Шлакоблок...
Mortar, brick, mortar, brick....
Кажется, и бригадир велел — раствору не жалеть, за стенку его — и побегли.
The boss had said not to worry about the mortar. ("Dump it over the wall and dear out.") But Shukhov was kind of funny about these things.
всякую вещь и труд всякий жалеет он, чтоб зря не гинули.
He still worried about every little thing and about all kinds of work. He couldn't stand seeing things wasted.
Сенька кричит. — Айда!
"Let's get the hell out of here."
Носилки схватил — и по трапу.
He grabbed the hod and went down the ladder.
А Шухов, хоть там его сейчас конвой псами трави, отбежал по площадке назад, глянул.
But Shukhov — the guards could set the dogs on him for all he cared now — ran back to have a last look.
Not bad.
Эх, глаз — ватерпас!
His eye was true as a level.
The wall was straight as a die.
Ещё рука не старится.
His hands were still good for something!
Побежал по трапу.
He ran down the ladder.
— Ну! Ну! — оборачивается.
"Come on, come on," Senka said over his shoulder.
— Беги, я сейчас! —
"You go ahead. I'm coming," Shukhov said and waved his hand.
Мастерка так просто бросить нельзя.
He couldn't leave his trowel just like that.
Может, завтра Шухов не выйдет, может, бригаду на Соцгородок затурнут, может, сюда ещё полгода не попадёшь — а мастерок пропадай?
Maybe he wouldn't be on the job tomorrow. Or maybe they'd put the gang on the Socialist Community Development and they wouldn't be here for another six months. He'd never see his trowel again.
Зана'чить так заначить!
So he had to stash it aWay.
Темно. Страшно.
It was dark and he felt sort of scared.
Не то страшно, что темно, а что ушли все, недосчитаются его одного на вахте, и бить будет конвой.
He wasn't scared about the dark itself but because he was here alone. And he'd be missed at the checkout and the guards might beat him up.
А все ж зырь-зырь, довидел камень здоровый в углу, отвалил его, под него мастерок подсунул и накрыл.
All the same he took a close look around till he found a rock in the comer. He rolled it back,' put the trowel under it, and covered it up.
Now everything was okay!
Теперь скорей Сеньку догонять.
All he had left to do was catch up with Senka fast as he could.
А он отбежал шагов на сто, дальше не идёт.
But Senka'd only gone a few lards and was waiting for him. He wasn't the kind to leave you in the lurch.
Никогда Клевшин в беде не бросит. Отвечать — так вместе.
If you were in trouble, he was al­ways there to take the rap with you.
Есть же бездельники — на стадионе доброй волей наперегонки бегают.
There are some people with nothing better to do than race each other around a track just for sport and of their own free will.
Есть же бездельники — на стадионе доброй волей наперегонки бегают.
There are some people with nothing better to do than race each other around a track just for sport and of their own free will.
Вот так бы их погонять, чертей, после целого дня рабочего, со спиной, ещё не разогнутой, в рукавицах мокрых, в валенках стоптанных — да по холоду.
How would they like it, the bastards, if they had to do it after a real day's work, without a chance to straighten their backs, with their mittens soaked in sweat, and their boots worn all thin — and in freezing cold like this?
Вот прямо на толпу бегут, страшно.
Now they were almost back with the others, and it frightened them.
Как пятьсот человек на тебя разъярятся — ещё б не страшно!
"Scum! Bas­tards! Motherfuckers... !" It's a terrible thing when hundreds of men start shouting at you all at once. What really bothered them was what would the escort guards do to them?
Но главное — конвой как?
But it looked like the guards didn't give a damn.
Так орут — даже Сенька многое услышал, дух перевёл да как завернёт со своей высоты!
They were screaming so even Senka, deaf as he was, could hear it. And he got so mad he started shouting back.
Всю жизнь молчит — ну, и как гахнет!
He was a quiet sort of fellow but now he laced into them. He shook his fist and he looked like he'd go for them.
— Эй, сто четвёртая!
“Hey, 104," somebody shouted. "
Так он у вас не глухой? —
"We thought that guy of yours was deaf.
Смеются все. И конвой тоже.
They all laughed, even the escorts.
А ворот не открывают.
They didn’t open the gates.
Сами себе не верят.
They weren’t sure everything was all right yet.
Подали толпу от ворот назад. (К воротам все прилипли, как глупые, будто от того быстрей будет.)
And they shoved the crowd back (they’d all pushed up to the gate, the dopes, as if that’d get ’em out sooner).
И как пятёрку назовут, та вперёд проходит метров на несколько.
And they started moving forward by fives, a few yards at a the, as they were called.
И ущербляться, кесь, чуть начал.
The moon had come up full and it looked all purple, and maybe it was on the wane already.
Вчера об эту пору выше много он стоял.
It had been much higher up this time the day before.
Шухову весело, что все сошло гладко, кавторанга под бок бьёт и закидывает:
Shukhov was glad they’d gotten off so easy, and he poked the Captain in the ribs, sort of kidding him.
— Слышь, кавторанг, а как по науке вашей — старый месяц куда потом девается?
“Captain, tell me what it says in those books you’ve studied about what happens to the old moon when it goes down."
— Как куда?
"What d'you mean? Where does it go?
You’re just ignorant.
Просто не виден!
It's simply you can't see it!"
Шухов головой крутит, смеётся:
Shukhov shook his head and laughed. "
— Так что ж, по-твоему, — дивится капитан, — каждый месяц луна новая?
"So you think" — the Captain just looked at him— "so you think we get a brand-new moon every month?"
Люди вон что ни день рождаются, так месяцу раз в четыре недели можно?
If people are born every day, why shouldn't there be a brand-new moon every four weeks?"
— Вот я ж и спрашиваю тебя — куда? —
"Well, that's what I'm asking you," Shukhov said,
Шухов зубы раскрыл. — Ну? Куда?
and you could see the gap in his teeth.-
— У нас так говорили:
Shukhov sighed and said with that funny lisp of his: "
старый месяц Бог на звезды крошит.
"The old people at home used to say God breaks the old moon up into stars."
— Вот дикари! — Капитан смеётся. —
"What ignorance," the Captain said and laughed. "
Никогда не слыхал!
"Never heard that one before.
— А то? —
"And why not?"
Как громыхнёт — пойди, не поверь!
"When He thun- ders up there in the sky, how can you help believe in Him?"
— Чего?
"Do what?"
— Месяц на звезды крошит — зачем?
"Break the moon up into stars,” the Captain said.
Шухов пожал плечами. —
And Shukhov shrugged his shoulders. "
Звезды-те от времени падают, пополнять нужно.
"The stars keep falling down, so you've got to have new ones in their place.”
— Повернись, мать... —
"Get a move on there, you motherfuckers!"
конвой орёт. —
the guards yelled. "
"Line up!”
Конвой сумутится, толкует по дощечкам счётным.
The escort guards got worried and looked at the board they were checking off from.
Не хватает!
Somebody miss- ing!
Насчитали четыреста шестьдесят два, а должно быть, толкуют, четыреста шестьдесят три.
By their count it was four hundred and sixty-two, but they had an idea there ought to be four hundred and sixty-three.
Опять всех оттолкали от ворот (к воротам снова притиснулись) — и ну:
They pushed the men back from the gates (they'd crowded up to them again). And now it started all over: "
Эти пересчёты ихие тем досадливы, что время уходит уже не казённое, а своё.
The worst thing about these recounts was it cut into your time, not theirs. And you still had to walk those two miles back to the camp and line up in front of the friskers before they let you in.
Это пока ещё степью до лагеря допрешься да перед лагерем очередь на шмон выстоишь!
So everybody from all the sites was in one hell of a hurry to get back and make it inside the camp before anybody else.
Да бывает, конвою тоже скорее нас сдать — да к себе в лагерь.
And the escorts weren’t sorry to see the last of them and hand them over at the camp. It was no fun for them either.
А вот не сходится счёт их.
They’d gotten mixed up in the count again.
Счётчики к начкару, с дощечками. Толкуют. Начкар кричит:
The fellows keeping count went up to the chief of the escort with their boards and linked it over.
— Бригадир сто четвёртой!
The chief shouted: "Boss of 104!”
— Я.
— У тебя на ТЭЦ никого не осталось?
"Do you have anybody on at the power plant still?
— Нет.
— Подумай, голову оторву!
“Use your brains or I'll beat ’em out."
А сам на Павла косится — не заснул ли кто там, в растворной?
But he looked sideways at Pavlo. Maybe some- body'd fallen asleep in the power plant.
кричит начкар.
the chief of the escort shouted.
бригада вся с руками порожними, до того заработались дурни, что и щепок не подсобрали.
Shukhov saw most of them had nothing in their hands. They'd been so busy they hadn't picked up any pieces of wood, the crazy bas­tards.
Игра эта идёт каждый день:
It was the same game every day.
перед съёмом собирают работяги щепочек, палочек, дранки ломаной, обвяжут тесемочкой тряпичной или верёвочкой худой, и несут.
Before the signal to knock off the men picked up scraps of wood, sticks, and broken laths and tied them up with a piece of rag or worn-out rope to take back to camp.
Первая облава — у вахты прораб или из десятников кто.
First they frisked you for it by the guardroom com­ing out — either the work-supervisor or a foreman.
Если стоит, сейчас велит все кидать (миллионы уже через трубу спустили, так они щепками наверстать думают). Но у работяги свой расчёт:
If one of them was standing there they told you to throw it on the ground (they'd already sent mil­lions of rubles up the chimney and they thought they could make up for it with these splinters of wood).
если каждый из бригады хоть по чутку палочек принесёт, в бараке теплей будет.
But what the prisoners figured was if every man from every gang brought just one little piece back with him, it'd be that much warmer in the barracks.
А то дают дневальным на каждую печку по пять килограмм угольной пыли, от нее тепла не дождёшься.
Because the orderlies only brought in ten pounds of coal dust for each stove and you didn't get much warmth from that.
Поэтому и так делают, что палочек наломают, напилят покороче, да суют их себе под бушлат.
So what they did was break these pieces up or saw them short as they could and stick them under their coats.
Так прораба и минуют.
To get past the work-super­visor.
Конвой же здесь, на объекте, никогда не велит дрова кидать:
The escort guards never told you to throw firewood down out here on the site.
конвою тоже дрова нужны, да нести самим нельзя.
They needed firewood too, but they couldn't carry it themselves.
Одно дело — мундир не велит, другое — руки автоматами заняты, чтобы по нас стрелять.
For one thing, they weren't supposed to in uniform, and for another, they were holding their tommy guns with both hands to shoot at the prisoners if they had to.
Конвой как к лагерю подведёт, тут и скомандует: "
But once they got them back to camp it was a different story and they gave the order: "
"От такого до такого ряда бросить дрова вот сюда".
"Row Such-and-Such to Row Such-and-Such, drop your wood here!” But they had a heart.
Так и получается: носи дрова каждый зэк и каждый день. Не знаешь, когда донесёшь, когда отымут.
So what happened was every prisoner carried wood every day but you never knew if you'd get it through or when they'd take it away from you.
Пока Шухов глазами рыскал, нет ли где щепочек под ногами подсобрать, а бригадир уже счёл и доложил начкару:
At the same time Shukhov was looking around the place to see if there was anything to pick up, the boss counted them al and said to the chief escort: "104
И Цезарь тут, от конторских к своим подошёл.
Caesar'd left the fellows in the office too and come over.
Огнём красным из трубки на себя попыхивает, усы его чёрные обындевели, спрашивает:
You could see the red light from the pipe he was puffing away at and his mustache was all white with frost. He asked the Captain: "
— Ну как, капитан, дела?
"Well, how're things, Captain?"
Гретому мёрзлого не понять. Пустой вопрос — дела как?
A guy who's warm doesn’t know what it's like to be frozen or he wouldn't ask stupid questions like that.
— Да как? — поводит капитан плечами. —
The Captain shrugged his shoulders and said: "
Наработался вот, еле спину распрямил.
"How're things, you say? Well, I’ve broken my back with work and I can hardly stand up straight."
Ты, мол, закурить догадайся дать.
What he wanted to say was: "Don't you see I want a smoke?"
Даёт Цезарь и закурить.
And Caesar gave him some tobacco.
Он в бригаде одного кавторанга и придерживается, больше ему не с кем душу отвесть.
The Captain was the only man in the gang he tried to stay friends with. There was nobody else around he could have a heart-to-heart talk with now and then.
А тот молдаван — настоящий.
But the Moldavian was a real one.
Начкар как глянул в список, так и почернел весь.
The chief of the escort looked at his list and his face turned black.
А толпу всю и Шухова зло берет.
Shukhov and the whole crowd got mad too.
Ведь это что за стерва, гад, падаль, паскуда, загребанец?
Who did he think he was, this goddamn skunk, the son-of-a-bitch, the fucking bastard!
Казённого дня мало, одиннадцать часов, от света до света?
Was the working day too short for him, the fucker, with only eleven hours from dawn to sundown?
Прокурор добавит, подожди!
Maybe the judge'd give him a little more!
И Шухову чудно', чтобы кто-то так мог работать, звонка не замечая.
Even Shukhov thought it was funny for somebody to go on working like that and not hear the signal to knock off.
Шухов совсем забыл, что сам он только что так же работал, — и досадовал, что слишком рано собираются к вахте.
He’d clean forgot how he’d kept on working himself a little while back and gotten mad because people were going over to the guardroom too early, but now he was standing there freezing and bitching along with the others.
Толкуют люди — мог ли убежать молдаван?
Some guys were asking if the Moldavian could’ve gotten away.
Ну, если днём ещё убег — другое дело, а если схоронился и ждёт, чтобы с вышек охрану сняли, не дождётся.
If he’d beat it in the daytime it was one thing, but if he was hiding out now and waiting for the guards to leave the watchtowers he had an­other guess coming — they’d never leave without him.
Если следа под проволокой не осталось, где уполз, — трое суток в зоне не разыщут и трое суток будут на вышках сидеть.
If there was no mark under the wires to show where he’d gotten away they’d search the compound for three days and keep the fellows up there on the watchtowers till they found him. For a whole week if need be.
Вообще, если кто бежал — конвою жизнь кончается, гоняют их безо сна и еды.
If anybody got out it was hell on the guards and they were kept on the go without food or sleep.
— Например, пенсне на корабельной снасти повисло, помните?
"Wel, you re­member that scene with those eyeglasses changing up there on the rigging, don't you?"
— М-да... — Кавторанг табачок покуривает.
“Mnnn ye-es," the Captain said — he was smok­ing Caesar's tobacco.
— Или коляска по лестнице — катится, катится.
"Or the scene with that baby carriage coding slowly, slowly down the steps?"
— Да... Но морская жизнь там кукольная.
"But it gives you a cockeyed idea of life in the navy."
— Видите ли, мы избалованы современной техникой съемки...
"But the trouble is we're rather spoiled by modem close-up techniques."
— Но более мелких средствами кино не покажешь!
"But you can't do that sort of thing small-scale on film."
"Yaaaaah !"
из авторемонтных три фигурки выскочило, значит с молдаваном.
They saw three shapes coming out of the repair shop. So they'd gotten the Moldavian.
люлюкает толпа от ворот.
The crowd at the gates booed.
Вобрал голову, бежит, как мышонок.
The Moldavian came out with his head hanging down and he looked smaller than a mouse.
конвой кричит. И записывает: —
one of the guards shouted and started writing in his book. "
А сам подходит и прикладом карабин поворачивает.
The sergeant came over to him and he was twist­ing the butt of his rifle.
Из толпы всЈ кричат:
Some of the crowd went on yelling: "
— Сволочь! Блевотина! Паскуда!
"Craphead, son of a whore, stinking bas­tard!"
Молчит молдаван, голову нагнул, от конвоя пятится.
The Moldavian stood there with his head down and said nothing. He sort of backed away from the guard.
Помбригадир 32-й выступил вперёд:
The assistant boss of 32 came up front and said: "
— Он, падло, на леса штукатурные залез, от меня прятался, а там угрелся и заснул.
"The bastard was up there on the scaffold for the plasterers. He went up there to get away from me and he got warm and fell asleep."
И по захрястку его кулаком! И по холке!
And he rammed his fist into the back of the fellow's neck.
А тем самым отогнал от конвоира.
He let him have it real good. That was just to get him clear of the guard.
Это тебе не то, что шпионить.
This was a lot tougher than spying.
А попробуй в каторжном лагере оттянуть десяточку на общих!
It was a nice clean game and real fun, not like slaving away in a penal camp for ten years.
Опустил конвоир карабин. А начкар орёт:
The guard lowered his rifle and the chief of the escort bawled out: "
— А-тайди от ворот!
"Get away from those gates.
Вот собаки, опять считать!
So they were going to do another count, the dirty dogs.
Чего ж теперь считать, как и без того ясно?
What was the point of making another count? Everything was clear as it was.
Загудели зэки.
The prisoners groaned.
Все зло с молдавана на конвой переметнулось.
They forgot about the Moldavian now and all their hate turned on the escorts.
Загудели и не отходят от ворот.
They wouldn't back away from the gates.
— Что-о? —
"What's all this about?"
начкар заорал. —
the chief escort screamed. "
На снег посадить?
"D'you want to sit on your asses in the snow?
Сейчас посажу. До утра держать буду! Ничего мудрого, и посадит.
That's where I'll put you if you like and that's where I'll keep you till morning!"
Сколь раз сажали.
And he sure would. He wouldn't think twice about it if he wanted.
И клали даже: "Ложись! Оружие к бою!" Бывало это все, знают зэки. И стали легонько от ворот оттрагивать.
It'd happened plenty of times before and sometimes they had to go down on their knees with the guards point­ing their guns at the ready.
— Ат-ходи!
The prisoners knew all about that sort of thing so they started backing away from the gates. "Get back!
понуждает конвой.
the guard shouted to get them moving quicker.
— Да и чего, правда, к воротам-то жмётесь, стервы? —
"Yeah! Why're you bunching up at the gates like that, bastards?"
задние на передних злятся.
the fellows at the back shouted. They were sore at the ones up front.
И отходят под натиском.
So what else could they do?
Передние, кого просчитали, оборачиваются, на цыпочки лезут смотреть — в пятёрке последней двое останется или трое.
The fellows up front were standing on their toes and looking back to see who’d been missed in the count and if the last row had two or three.
Показалось было Шухову, что в последней пятёрке их четверо останется.
It looked to Shukhov like there were four fellows in the back row. He — got limp all over he was so scared.
Обомлел со страху: лишний! Опять пересчитывать!
Now there was one too many so they’d start the count from scratch again.
А оказалось, Фетюков, шакал, у кавторакга окурок достреливал, зазевался, в свою пятёрку не переступил вовремя, и тут вышел вроде лишний.
It was that scavenger Fetyukov who'd gotten out of his own line of five to scrounge the butt of the Captain’s cigarette and didn’t get back in time. So that’s why he was there looking sort of out of place. The second-in-charge of the escort gave him a clout on the neck.
В последней — три человека.
And now there were only three men back there.
Сошлось, слава тебе Господи!
The number was right now, thank God.
— А-тайди от ворот! —
"Get away from the gates!"
выходят солдаты из вахты и оцепляют плац с той стороны ворот.
They could see the soldiers coming out of the guardroom on the other side of the gate and ringing off the ground outside.
Значит, выпускать будут.
Which meant they were getting ready to let them through.
Десятников вольных не видать, прораба тоже, несут ребятишки дрова.
There was no sign of the work-supervisor or his foremen — they were “free” workers. So they might get their firewood through this check.
Распахнули ворота. И уж там, за ними, у переводин бревенчатых, опять начкар и контролёр:
They opened the gates wide and the chief escort was standing outside by the wooden railings with another fellow who had to doublecheck.
— Пер-рвая! Вторая!
“First, second, third...!”
he yelled.
Ещё раз если сойдётся — снимать будут часовых с вышек.
If the count came out right this time they’d take the sentries off the watchtowers.
А от вышек дальних вдоль зоны хо-го сколько топать!
They had a hell of a long way to walk'back over the compound from those towers.
сойти! И если начкар умный — тут же и трогает, знает, что зэку бежать некуда и что те, с вышек, колонну нагонят.
If you got an escort chief with any brains he’d start marching you back to the camp right away because he knew the prisoners couldn’t make a run for it now and the fellows from the watchtowers would catch up with them.
А какой начкар дурак — боится, что ему войска не хватит против зэков, и ждёт.
But if the chief on duty was a dope he always waited because he was scared he wouldn’t have enough men to deal with the prisoners.
Из тех остолопов и сегодняшний начкар. Ждёт.
Today’s guy was that kind of blockhead, and he waited.
Но и все ж их не так мороз разбирает, как зло:
They’d been waiting around like this a whole hour now but it wasn’t so much the cold that got ’em.
пропал вечер!
What really made them sore was the thought of that lost evening.
Уж никаких дел в зоне не сделаешь.
There’d be no time for al those things they wanted to do back in camp. Somebody was asking the Captain in the row next to Shukhov: "
Ну, уже достаточно, чтобы вмазать вам двадцать пять.
Then after the war some British admiral who should've had more sense sent me a little souvenir with an inscription that said: 'In gratitude.' I was really shocked and I cursed like hell, so now I'm inside with all the others.
(Дуди-дуди, Шухов про себя думает, не встревая.
It looked sort of eerie all over, with the bare plain, the empty compound, and the moon gleaming on the snow. The guards had already gotten in place ten paces away from each other and their guns at the ready.
Сенька Клевщин с американцами два дня жил, так ему четвертную закатили, а ты месяц на ихем корабле околачивался, — так сколько ж тебе давать?)
There was this black herd of prisoners, and in among them, in a black coat like everybody else, was that man, S-311, who'd worn golden shoulder straps in his time and been pals with a British admiral. And now he had to carry hods with Fetyukov.
Человека можно и так повернуть, и так...
"Get a move on,” the chief escort shouted. "Get a move on, front rank !"
— Шире шаг! — кричит начкар. — Шире шаг, направляющий! Хрен тебе — "шире шаг"!
The escort chief went on shouting at them for a while but he saw it was no use — they wouldn't go any faster.
Так и пошли ровненько, аккуратно. Скрипят себе снежком.
So they took their own sweet time and all you could hear was the snow crunching under their boots.
Кто разговаривает тихонько, а кто и так.
Some of them talked a little, but others didn't bother.
Стал Шухов вспоминать — чего это он с утра ещё в зоне не доделал?
Shukhov tried to think what it was had gone wrong in camp this morning. Then it came to him.
Как раз сейчас прием в санчасти.
The medics would be seeing people about now.
Так теперь вроде и не ломает.
But that pain was pretty much gone.
И температуры не намерят...
He wasn't even sure they’d bother to see if he had a fever.
Время тратить!
He’d just be wasting his time.
Перемогся без докторов.
He'd gotten over it without the quacks.
Не санчасть его теперь манила — а как бы ещё к ужину добавить?
He forgot all about the medics now and started thinking how to get a little more for supper.
Надежда вся была, что Цезарь посылку получит, уж давно ему пора.
What he hoped was Caesar might’ve gotten a new package from home. There hadn't been one for quite a while and it was high time.
Как хвост на холм вывалил, так и Шухов увидел:
Shukhov could see what it was all about when the column cleared a rise they'd been passing.
справа от них, далеко в степи, чернелась ещё колонна, шла она нашей колонне наперекос и, должно быть увидав, тоже припустила.
Way over on the plain there was another column heading for the camp, right across their path. These fellows must’ve spotted them too and put a spurt on.
Могла быть эта колонна только мехзавода, в ней человек триста.
This must be the fellows from the tool factory. There were about three hundred of them.
И им, значит, не повезло, задержали тоже.
So they’d had lousy luck too and been kept waiting around!
А их за что?
What had happened with them?
Да им-то по'пустя, они в тепле целый день.
But it wasn’t so tough for them. They were inside all day and kept warm at least
И конвой взялся рысцой, только начкар покрикивает:
They started to run, and the guards ran with them. The escort chief was yelling: "
И кто о чем говорил, и кто о чем думал — всЈ забыли, и один остался во всей колонне интерес:
Everybody forgot what they’d been talking or thinking about. There was only one thing they had their minds on now — get ahead of those other guys and beat 'em to it!
— Обогнать! Обжать!
So everything was turned upside down.
И так все смешалось, кислое с пресным, что уже конвой зэкам не враг, а друг.
Every­thing was all mixed up now — bitter was sweet and sweet was bitter. Even the guards were with them. They were all in it together.
Враг же — та колонна, другая.
The people they hated now were the guys over in that other column.
Развеселились сразу все, и зло прошло.
They al felt better and they weren’t half as mad.
— Давай! Давай! —
"Come on, get going up there!"
задние передним кричат.
the fellows in back were shouting.
Дорвалась наша колонна до улицы, а мехзаводская позади жилого квартала скрылась.
Their column was now on one of the streets that led into the camp and they'd lost sight of the guys from the tool works behind a housing block on an­other street.
Пошла гонка втёмную.
But they were still racing each other.
И конвоирам с боков тоже не так спотычливо.
The going was easier and it wasn't so rough underfoot for. the guards either.
Тут-то мы их и обжать должны!
They were bound to beat those others to it!
Ещё потому мехзаводцев обжать надо, что их на лагерной вахте особо долго шмонают.
Another reason they had to get in ahead of that bunch from the tool works — those guys got a real going-over from the friskers and took up the longest time at the guardroom of anybody.
С того случая, как в лагере резать стали, начальство считает, что ножи делаются на мехзаводе, в лагерь притекают оттуда.
It all started with the killing of those stool pigeons — the higher-ups had gotten the idea it was the fellows in the tool works who’d made the knives and brought them in.
И потому на входе в лагерь мехзаводцев особо шмонают.
That's why they frisked them like they did before they let them through.
Поздней осенью, уж земля стуженая, им все кричали:
Way back last fall — the ground was getting cold by then — they started yelling at them every time: "
— Снять ботинки, мехзавод!
"Take your boots off, tool works!
Взять ботинки в руки!
Hold them up in your hands!"
Так босиком и шмонали.
So they had to stand there in their bare feet for the frisk.
А и теперь, мороз не мороз, ткнут по выбору:
And now, in the freezing cold, the guards made ’em take off just one of their boots and they pointed at the one they wanted. "
А ты — левый сними!
And you there, take off the left one!"
Так полубе'гом клуб новый миновали, и жилой квартал, и деревообделочный — и выперли на прямой поворот к лагерной вахте. — Ху-гу-у! —
They went past the new recreation hall on the double, past some houses and the carpentry shop, and turned a comer on the stretch that went up to the guardroom.
колонна так и кликнет единым голосом.
The column let out a great roar like it was one man. This was just the spot they wanted to be, where the two streets came together.
На этот-то стык дорог и метили!
The fellows from the tool shop were way behind — five hundred yards down the road. They could let up now.
Заячья радость: мол, лягушки ещё и нас боятся.
It was like a bunch of scared rabbits gloating over another bunch of scared rabbits.
И вот — лагерь.
Now they were back at the camp.
Какой утром оставили, такой он и сейчас:
It was the same as they'd left it in the morning — it was night then and it was night now.
ночь, огни по зоне над сплошным забором и особо густо горят фонари перед вахтой, вся площадка для шмона как солнцем залита.
There were plenty of lights around the fence but it was nothing to what they had around the guardroom. The place the friskers were waiting for them was light as day.
Но, ещё не доходя вахты... — Стой! — кричит помначкар.
But before they could get there the second-in­charge of the escort yelled:
И, отдав автомат свой солдату, подбегает к колонне близко (им с автоматом не велят близко). —
“Halt!” He handed his gun to a soldier and ran up close to the column (they weren't supposed to come too near the men with their guns). "
А снаружи-то их открыто и несли, ему всех видно.
The fellows on the outside weren't trying to hide it. Little bundles of firewood started flying through the air.
Одна, другая вязочка полетела, третья.
Some of them tried to pass the stuff to men in the middle of the column.
— Из-за тебя и у других отымут!
“They'll take it away from everybody else and all because of you!
Бросай по-хорошему!
Throw it over there like he tells you!"
— Ма-арш! —
"Forward march!”
кричит помначкар.
the second-in-charge shouted.
И пошли к вахте.
So they went over to the guardroom.
К вахте сходятся пять дорог, часом раньше на них все объекты толпились.
Five streets came together at the guardroom. An hour before they'd all been crowded with the men corning in from the other sites.
Если по этим всем дорогам да застраивать улицы, так не иначе на месте этой вахты и шмона в будущем городе будет главная площадь.
When all these streets were finished, the main square in the town they were building would be right here by the guardroom where they were going to frisk them. And the people.
И как теперь объекты со всех сторон прут, так тогда демонстрации будут сходиться.
who'd be corning to live in this new town would pa­rade here on the big days, just like the prisoners were pouring in now.
Надзиратели уж на вахте грелись.
The warders were already at the guardroom warming themselves.
Выходят, поперек дороги становятся.
They came out and stood across from the prisoners: "
Сейчас расстёгивать не страшно, домой идём.
It wasn't so bad opening up their clothes now. They were nearly home.
Так и говорят все — "домой".
That's just what they said — “home.”
О другом доме за день и вспомнить некогда.
You didn’t have any other home to think about when you were out there working.
Уж голову колонны шмонали, когда Шухов подошёл к Цезарю и сказал:
They were frisking the guys at the front of the column now, and Shukhov went over to Caesar and said: "
— Цезарь Маркович! Я от вахты побегу сразу в посылочную и займу очередь.
"Caesar Markovich, when we’re through, I'll go to the package room right away and hold a place for you in line."
Повернул Цезарь к Шухову усы литые, чёрные, а сейчас белые снизу:
Caesar turned around. The ends of his neat black mustache were all white with frost. Then Caesar said to him: "
— Чего ж, Иван Денисыч, занимать?
"What's the point in that, Ivan Denisovich?
Может, и посылки не будет.
Suppose I don't have any package?”
Десять минут подожду, не придёте — я и в барак.
I'll hang around for ten minutes and if you don't come I'll go over to the barracks."
(Сам Шухов думает: не Цезарь, так, может, кто другой придёт, кому место продать в очереди).
What Shukhov had at the back of his mind was — even if Caesar hadn't gotten anything, he could sell his place in the line to some other guy.
Видно, истомился Цезарь по посылке:
It looked like Caesar wanted a package real bad. "
— Ну ладно, Иван Денисыч, беги, занимай.
"Okay, Ivan Denisovich. Go over and get in line.
Десять минут жди, не больше.
But don't wait more than ten minutes."
или, затенясь последней пятёркой, незаметно сбросить ее на снег (где ее следом найдут, но не будут знать чья), или нести!
He could throw it out in the snow while he was still covered by the backs of the men in front (they’d find it later, but they’d never know where it came from) or he could try and get it through.
Бросать было жалко.
It could mean more bread.
И Шухов сунул ее в ватную варежку.
He couldn't stand throwing it away so he slipped it in one of his mittens.
Тут скомандовали пройти на шмон следующей пятёрке. И на полном свету их осталось последних трое: Сенька, Шухов и парень из 32-й, бегавший за молдаваном.
Now the row of five in front was ordered up to the friskers, so there were just three of them left out there under the bright light — Senka, Shukhov, and the young fellow from 32 who'd helped bring the Moldavian in.
— Ну, подводи мехзавод!
"Let’s have the fel­lows from the tool works."
Месяц выкатывал все выше, в белой светлой ночи настаивался мороз.
The moon was going up higher all the time and the night cold was getting stronger.
Начальник конвоя, идя на вахту, чтоб там ему расписку вернули за четыреста шестьдесят три головы, поговорил с Пряхой, помощником Волкового, и тот крикнул:
On his way to the guardroom to sign in the four hundred and sixty-three men the escort chief stopped and had a word with Pryakha — this was Volkovoy's deputy — and he shouted: "K-460!"
— Кэ — четыреста шестьдесят! Молдаван, схоронившийся в гущу колонны, вздохнул и вышел к правой переводине.
The Moldavian, who'd tried to keep out of sight in the middle of the column, gave a sigh and — came up to the rail on the right.
показал ему Пряха вокруг коновязи.
Pryakha wanted him to come around the other side.
Молдаван обошёл.
The Moldavian went around.
И велено ему было руки взять назад и стоять тут.
They told him to put his hands behind his back and wait there.
Значит, будут паять ему попытку к побегу.
So he was going to get it in the neck for "at­tempted escape."
В БУР возьмут.
They'd put him in the can.
Вот с этого-то пересчёта, в первый раз с тех пор, как в полседьмого утра дали звонок на развод, зэк становится свободным человеком.
It was best to keep out of their way. The orderly from HQ got scared when he saw them come in. Now for the first time since roll call at six-thirty that morning the men were on their own.
Прошли большие ворота зоны, прошли малые ворота предзонника, по линейке ещё меж двух прясел прошли — и теперь рассыпайся кто куда.
They went through the big outside gates, through the smaller one inside, across the yard through another pair of rails, and broke loose all over the compound.
Кто куда, а бригадиров нарядчик ловит:
All except the gang bosses, who were stopped by a work-controller: "
— Бригадиры! В ППЧ!
"Gang bosses, go to the PPS!"
На бумаге в лагере меньше пишут, а больше — на фанере.
The names of all the people with pack­ages were written up there with a pencil. They didn't use much paper in the camps.
Оно как-то твёрже, вернее — на доске.
They wrote mostly on these boards. Plywood lasted longer.
На ней и вертухаи и нарядчики счёт головам ведут.
The work-controllers and the screws used it when they counted heads.
А назавтра соскоблил — и снова пиши.
They could wipe it dean and write on it again the next day.
It was a great saving.
Кто в зоне остаётся, ещё так шестерят:
There was always some scrounging to be done around this post by people who hadn't been working outside.
прочтут на дощечке, кому посылка, встречают его тут, на линейке, сразу и номер сообщают.
They'd find out from this board who'd gotten a package, go and meet the fellow at the gate, and tell him the number.
Занял Шухов.
Shukhov got in it too.
Человек пятнадцать впереди, это больше часу, как раз до отбоя.
There were fifteen fellows ahead of him so there'd be an hour's wait and that'd take him up to lights out.
А уж кто из тэцовской колонны пошёл список смотреть, те позади Шухова будут. И мехзаводские все.
If anybody else from his bunch had a package — he'd have to go and look at the list first — he'd be way behind Shukhov.
Им за посылкой как бы не второй раз приходить, завтра с утра.
So would all the fellows from the tool works. They might have to come back again early in the morning.
Стоят в очереди с торбочками, с мешочками.
They stood in line with little bags and sacks and things.
Там, за дверью (сам Шухов в этом лагере ещё ни разу не получал, но по разговорам), вскрывают ящик посылочный топориком, надзиратель все своими руками вынимает, просматривает.
Over inside, behind the door ( Shukhov hadn't gotten a package since he'd been in this camp, but he knew from what people said), a warder pried open the wooden box with your stuff in it, took it all out and went through it real careful.
Что разрежет, что переломит, что прощупает, пересыплет.
He cut things up, broke them in pieces, and gave them a good going- over.
Если жидкость какая, в банках стеклянных или жестяных, откупорят и выливают тебе, хоть руки подставляй, хоть полотенце кулёчком.
If it was anything liquid in a glass jar or a can they opened it and poured it out for you. All you could do to try and catch it was cup your hands or get a bag under it.
А банок не отдают, боятся чего-то.
They didn't hand cans or jars over to you.
Если из пирогов, сладостей подиковинней что или колбаса, рыбка, так надзиратель и откусит. (
It made 'em kind of jumpy. If there was any pastry or candy or something fancy like that, or any sausage or fish, the warder always bit off a hunk. (
(А качни права попробуй — сейчас придерётся, что' запрещено, а что' не положено — и не выдаст.
(And it wasn't worth while kicking up a fuss because then he'd say it was forbidden and you weren't sup­posed to have it.)
С надзирателя начиная, кто посылку получает, должен давать, давать и давать.)
Anybody who got a package had to give handouts all along the line, starting with the warder.
А когда посылку кончат шмонать, опять же и ящика посылочного не дают, а сметай себе все в торбочку, хоть в полу бушлатную — и отваливай, следующий.
And when they were through poking around in your package they wouldn't let you have the box — you had to stuff it all into a bag or into the lining of your coat. Then they kicked you out and called the next fellow.
Так заторопят иного, что он и забудет чего на стойке.
They sometimes hustled you so much you left something behind on the counter.
За этим не возвращайся.
And it was no use coming back for it.
It wouldn't be there any more.
Ещё когда-то в Усть-Ижме Шухов получил посылку пару раз.
Back in the Ust-Izhma days Shukhov had gotten packages a couple of times.
Но и сам жене написал: впустую, мол, проходят, не шли, не отрывай от ребятишек.
But he wrote to his wife and told her not to send any more because there wasn't much left by the time it reached him.
Хотя на воле Шухову легче было кормить семью целую, чем здесь одного себя, но знал он, чего те передачи стоят, и знал, что десять лет с семьи их не потянешь.
Better keep it for the kids. Though it was easier for Shukhov to feed his whole family back home than it was just to keep himself alive in the camp, he knew the price they paid for these packages and he knew he couldn't go on taking the bread out of their mouth for ten years.
Так лучше без них.
So he'd rather do without.
И хоть он накрепко запретил жене даже к пасхе присылать и никогда не ходил к столбу со списком, разве что для богатого бригадника, — он почему-то ждал иногда, что прибегут и скажут: — Шухов!
And though he told his wife she must never send him anything, even for Easter, and he never went to that post with the list on it — unless it was to take a look for some other guy who was well off — still he sometimes had the crazy idea somebody might run up to him one day and say: "
Да что ж ты не идёшь?
"Shukhov, what are you waiting for?
Тебе посылка!
You've got a package!"
Сейчас, стоя среди тех, кто тешил своё нутро близкой надеждой врезаться зубами в сало, намазать хлеб маслом или усластить сахарком кружку, Шухов держался на одном только желании:
He was standing in line with these people who were keeping their bellies happy with the hope they'd soon be sinking their teeth into a chunk of fatback, eating their bread with butter, and sweetening their tea with sugar.
успеть в столовую со своей бригадой и баланду съесть горячей, а не холодной. Холодная и полцены не имела против горячей.
But Shukhov had only one thing to hope for — he might still make it to the mess hall with the rest of his gang in time to eat his gruel before it got cold.
Он рассчитывал, что если Цезаря фамилии в списке не оказалось, то уж давно он в бараке и умывается.
It didn't do you half as much good if it was cold. He figured if Caesar's name wasn't on the list he'd be back in the barracks by now and getting cleaned up.
А если фамилия нашлась, так он мешочки теперь собирает, кружки пластмассовые, тару.
But if Caesar's name was on it he'd now be getting together bags and plastic mugs to put the stuff in.
Для того десять минут и пообещался Шухов ждать.
That's why Shukhov said he'd wait ten minutes — just to give him time.
Тут, в очереди, услышал Шухов и новость:
Shukhov picked up some news from the fellows in the line.
воскресенья опять не будет на этой неделе, опять зажиливают воскресенье.
There wasn't going to be any Sunday again this week. They were going to be swindled out of it.
Так он и ждал, и все ждали так: если пять воскресений в месяце, то три дают, а два на работу гонят.
That was nothing new, they'd known it all along — if there were five Sundays in the month, they let you off on three and chased you out to work on the other two.
Так он и ждал, а услышал — повело всю душу, перекривило:
He knew this — but when he heard it he felt sick all over and it turned his stomach.
воскресеньице-то кровное кому не жалко?
You couldn't help feeling bad about losing your Sunday.
Ну да правильно в очереди говорят:
Though it was right what the fellows were saying in the line.
выходной и в зоне надсадить умеют, чего-нибудь изобретут — или баню пристраивать, или стену городить, чтобы проходу не было, или расчистку двора.
Even if you got Sunday off, they still found jobs for you to do around the camp — putting up a new bathhouse or building a new wall to keep you from getting through somewhere, or clearing up the yard.
А то смену матрасов, вытряхивание, да клопов морить на вагонках.
Then there was always airing the mattresses and shaking them out or delousing the bunks.
Или проверку личности по карточкам затеют.
Or they’d have an "identity parade" to check your pus against your picture.
Или инвентаризацию: выходи со всеми вещами во двор, сиди полдня.
Or they’d say it was time for stock-taking and you had to spread all your junk out in the yard and they kept you hanging around there half the day.
Зашли без очереди, никого не спросясь, оттолкнув переднего, — парикмахер один, один бухгалтер и один из КВЧ.
Three fellows —a camp barber, a bookkeeper, and one of the guys from the CES — pushed up front, and they weren't too polite about it either.
Но это были не серые зэки, а твёрдые лагерные придурки, первые сволочи, сидевшие в зоне.
These weren't just poor slobs like the rest but high and mighty trusties and the biggest bastards in the camp.
Людей этих работяги считали ниже дерьма (как и те ставили работяг).
To the men’s way of thinking they were worse than shit, and they didn’t have much use for the men either.
у придурни меж собой спайка и с надзирателями тоже.
They all stuck together and they were in good with the warders.
Оставалось все же впереди Шухова человек десять, и сзади семь человек набежало — и тут-то в пролом двери, нагибаясь, вошёл Цезарь в своей меховой новой шапке, присланной с воли. (
There were ten fellows ahead of Shukhov and seven more in back of him. Now Caesar came along. He had to duck down to get in through the doorway in the new fur cap he’d gotten from home. (That was another thing, these hats.
(Тоже вот и шапка. Кому-то Цезарь подмазал, и разрешили ему носить чистую новую городскую шапку.
Caesar had given a bribe to somebody in the right place so they let him keep this fancy new cap, the sort they wore in the big cities.
А с других даже обтрепанные фронтовые посдирали и дали лагерные, свинячьего меха.)
But others who’d been brought in with their service caps, straight from the front, had them taken away and got the plain pigskin caps they gave you in the camp.)
Цезарь Шухову улыбнулся и сразу же с чудаком в очках, который в очереди все газету читал: — Аа-а!
Caesar shot a smile at Shukhov and started talking right away with some crazy guy in glasses who was reading a newspaper in the line. "
Петр Михалыч!
"Glad to see you, Pyotr Mikhailovich, old man."
И — расцвели друг другу, как маки.
And they glowed at each other like a couple of poppies.
Тот чудак:
The nut with the glasses said: "
— А у меня "Вечерка" свежая, смотрите!
"Look, I’ve just gotten an Evening News fresh from Moscow.
— Да ну?! —
"You don’t say!"
И суётся Цезарь в ту же газету.
And Caesar stuck his nose in the newspaper too. (
А под потолком лампочка слепенькая-слепенькая, чего там можно мелкими буквами разобрать?
(There wasn’t much light from the bulb on the ceiling. How the hell could they read those tiny letters!) "
— Тут интереснейшая рецензия на премьеру Завадского!...
"There is a most interesting arti­cle here on the opening night of the new Zavadsky."
Они, москвичи, друг друга издаля' чуют, как собаки. И, сойдясь, все обнюхиваются, обнюхиваются по-своему.
These fellows from Moscow can smell each other a long way off and when they get together they kind of sniff at each other like dogs.
И лопочут быстро-быстро, кто больше слов скажет.
And they jabber away real fast to see who can say the most words.
— Так я это... Цезарь Маркович... —
"Caesar Markovich, is it all right if I go now?"
шепелявит Шухов. — Может, пойду?
Shukhov asked through that gap in his teeth.
— Конечно, конечно. —
"Of course, of course.”
Цезарь усы чёрные от газеты поднял. —
Caesar lifted his black mustache up from the paper. "
Так, значит, за кем я?
"But tell me now, who’s in front of me and who’s behind me in the line?"
Кто за мной?
Shukhov told him where his place was.
— А ужин вам принести?
"Want me to bring you your supper?" (
(Это значит — из столовой в барак, в котелке.
(This meant he’d have to carry it from the mess hall to the barracks in a can. You weren't supposed to.
Носить никак нельзя, на то много было приказов.
They were very strict about this and kept bringing out rules against it.
Ловят, и на землю из котелка выливают, и в карцеры сажают — и все равно носят и будут носить, потому что у кого дела, тот никогда с бригадой в столовую не поспеет).
If they caught you they poured the stuff out on the ground and dragged you off to the cooler. The men went on doing it all the same because anybody who had something to do before supper could never make it on time to the mess hall with his gang.)
Спросил, принести ли ужин, а про себя думает: "
When he asked about bringing Caesar’s supper over, he was thinking: "
"Да неужто ты шквалыгой будешь? Ужина мне не подаришь?
"You're not going to be stingy now, are you, and not let me have your sup­per?"
Ведь на ужин каши нет, баланда одна голая!..."
They didn't get any mush for supper but only thin gruel.
Только этого Шухов и ждал!
That was all Shukhov was waiting for.
Теперь-то он, как птица вольная, выпорхнул из-под тамбурной крыши — и по зоне, и по зоне!
He tore out of the package room like a bat out of hell and chased across the compound. There were pris­oners wandering around all over the place.
Очень начальник лагеря упирался в тот приказ. Никто перечить ему не смел.
There’d been a Commandant who was strict as hell about this order and nobody liked to cross him.
Очень начальник лагеря упирался в тот приказ. Никто перечить ему не смел.
There’d been a Commandant who was strict as hell about this order and nobody liked to cross him.
Надзиратели хватали одиночек, и номера писали, и в БУР таскали — а поломался приказ.
The warders jumped on anybody going around by himself and put ’em in the cells. But the whole thing broke down.
Натихую, как много шумных приказов ломается.
It didn’t happen all at once, it sort of faded out little by little like a lot of these high-sound­ing orders. Suppose the screws called you out, well, you couldn’t go along with a whole bunch.
А тот в КВЧ надумал, газеты читать, да кто ж с ним пойдёт?
Or some guy who got it in his head to go over to the CES and read the newspapers, who the hell did he think’d go along with him? And then there were fellows going over to get their felt boots repaired or their things dried out.
Приказом тем хотел начальник ещё последнюю свободу отнять, но и у него не вышло, пузатого.
That pot-bellied bastard of a Commandant had made this order to take their last bit of freedom away, but it didn't work out like that.
В бараке — галдёж: у кого-то пайку днём увели, на дневальных кричат, и дневальные кричат.
There was one hell of a racket inside — somebody's bread ration had been pinched while they were all out at work and every­body was shouting at the orderlies, and the orderlies were shouting back.
А угол 104-й пустой.
There was nobody from 104 there.
И — бегом наружу! В столовую!
So he dashed out again and went to the mess hall.
На дворе все светлей в сиянии месячном.
The moonlight in the yard was getting more and more bright.
Фонари везде поблёкли, а от бараков — чёрные тени.
The lights in the camp looked dim and there were black shadows from the barracks.
Но над ним фонарик побалтывается, визжит на морозе.
There was a little bulb over the door and it was swinging and creaking in the freezing cold.
Радужно светятся лампочки, от мороза ли, от грязи.
And there. was a kind of rainbow around all the lights but it was hard to say if this was from the frost or because they were so dirty.
Дневальным по столовой цепко держался Хромой.
This was Clubfoot's job and he wouldn't let go of it for anything in the world.
Хромоту свою в инвалидность провёл, а дюжий, стерва.
With that limp of his he'd gotten himself classed as an invalid, the bastard, but there really wasn't a thing wrong with him.
Завёл себе посох березовый и с крыльца этим посохом гвоздит, кто не с его команды лезет. А не всякого.
He had a stick cut from a birch tree and he lashed out with it from the top of the steps if anybody tried to go up before he gave the word.
Быстрометчив Хромой и в темноте в спину опознает — того не ударит, кто ему самому в морду даст.
But he was careful who he hit. Clubfoot was sharp-eyed as they come and he could spot you in the dark from behind.
Прибитых бьёт.
He never went for anybody who could hit back and let him have it in the puss. He only beat a fellow when he was down.
Шухова раз гвозданул.
He'd let Shukhov have it once.
Название — "дневальный".
And this was the kind they called "orderlies," but if you thought about it they didn't take orders from anybody.
Без надзирателей управляются, полканы.
There were three of them up there — Clubfoot, the trusty who worked under him, and even the fellow in charge of the mess hall, big as life — and they were trying to handle things on their own, the crapheads.
Завстоловой — откормленный гад, голова как тыква, в плечах аршин.
The manager of the mess hall was a fat bastard with a head like a pumpkin and shoulders a yard wide.
До того силы в нем избывают, что ходит он — как на пружинах дёргается, будто ноги в нем пружинные и руки тоже.
He had so much strength he didn't know what to do with it and he bounced up and down like on springs and his hands and legs jerked all the time.
И носит меховой жилет барашковый, на том жилете на груди — маленький номерок, как марка почтовая, — Волковому уступка, а на спине и такого номера нет.
There weren’t many people “outside” with a cap like that.. He had a lamb's-wool jacket and there was a number on it the size of a postage stamp — just big enough to keep Volkovoy happy — but he didn't have a number on his back.
Завстоловой никому не кланяется, а его все зэки боятся.
He didn't give a damn for anybody and all the men were scared of him.
Он в одной руке тысячи жизней держит.
He had a thousand lives in the palm of his hand.
Его хотели побить раз, так все повара на защиту выскочили, мордовороты на подбор.
Once they'd tried to beat him up but the cooks all rushed out to help him. And a choice bunch of ugly fat-faced bastards they were too.
Беда теперь будет, если 104-я уже прошла, — Хромой весь лагерь знает в лицо и при заве ни за что с чужой бригадой не пустит, нарочно изгалится.
Shukhov would be in trouble if 104 had gone in already. Clubfoot knew everybody in camp by sight, and when the manager was there he never let any­body through if he wasn't with his own gang. Just for the hell of it.
Тоже и за спиной Хромого через перила крылечные иногда перелезают, лазил и Шухов.
The fellows sometimes climbed the rails going up the steps and got in behind Clubfoot's back. Shukhov had done this too. But you couldn't get away with it when the manager was there. He'd knock you all the way from here to the hospital block.
А тут как раз поднапёрли, поднапёрли бригады (деваться некуда — уж отбой скоро!)
But there were so many of them milling around now like they were storming a fortress (what could they do, it was getting close to lights out?)
— Стой,....я'ди! —
"Stop, you fucking sonsofbitches !"
Хромой орёт и палку поднял на передних. —
Clubfoot yelled, and hit out at them with his stick. "
передние орут. —
those up front yelled.
Сзади толкают!
“They’re pushing from the back!"
Тогда Хромой перехватил свой посох поперек грудей, как шлагбаум закрытый, да изо всей прыти как кинется на передних!
They wanted to break through to the mes hall Then Clubfoot held his stick across his chest to make a kind of barrier. And he threw all his weight behind it.
И помощник Хромого, шестёрка, тоже за тот посох схватился, и завстоловой сам не побрезговал руки марать — тоже.
His trusty got his hand on the stick too and helped him push. Even the manager didn’t worry about getting his precious hands dirty and took hold of the stick.
кричат из толпы, но скрываясь.
some of the guys in the crowd shouted. But they made sure they weren't seen.
Остальные упали молча, подымаются молча, поживей, пока их не затоптали.
The others kept their mouth shut and just scrambled to their feet fast so’s not to get trampled on. And they got the steps cleared.
Спины сдвинули — ну, нет сил, не пробьёшься.
He was real glad and started pushing his way through fast. But the men were jammed tight and he couldn’t make it.
И Шухов тоже прет силодЈром.
Shukhov pushed for all he was worth too.
Крыльцо трясут, фонарь над крыльцом повизгивает.
The steps were shaking and the bulb over the doorway was making a sort of creaking noise.
Да палкой, палкой кого-то по плечам, по спине, да спихивает, спихивает одних на других.
Clubfoot was mad as hell. He hit a couple of the fellows on the back and shoulders with his stick and pushed them over on the others.
Очистил снова.
He cleared the steps again.
Бригаду сюда водит он, Тюрин в толкотню эту не ходит пачкаться.
Pavlo’d taken charge of the gang because Ty­urin didn’t like to get mixed up in this kind of mob.
Павло сверху кричит. —
Pavlo shouted from up there. "
А вы посуньтесь, друзья!
"Let ’em through you guys up front!”
Хрен тебе друзья посунутся!
The hell they’d let ’em through!
Тот бы рад пустить, но жмут и его отовсюду.
Shukhov grabbed hold of the man in front of him. The fellow would have been glad to get out of the way but he was wedged in there too.
Законную баланду.
They were really killing themselves to get that gruel they had coding.
Тогда Шухов иначе:
So Shukhov tried another tack.
слева к перилам прихватился, за столб крылечный руками перебрал и — повис, от земли оторвался.
He clutched the rail going up the steps on the left, pulled himself up by his arms, and swung through to the other side.
Ногами кому-то в колена ткнулся, его по боку огрели, матернули пару раз, а уж он пронырнул:
He hit somebody on the knee with his feet. They kicked back at him and called him every name they could of. But he'd made it.
Увидели его свои ребята, руку протянули.
The other fellows from his gang saw him and stuck out their hands.
Завстоловой, уходя, из дверей оглянулся:
The manager looked out from the door and said to Clubfoot: "
А ты куда, падло, лезешь?
"And where d’you think you’re going, you bastard!"
И — посохом по шее того, чужого.
he said to a fellow from another gang and hit him on the neck with his stick.
— Сто четвэртая! — Павло кричит, своих пропускает.
"104!” Pavlo shouted after him and started letting his own men through.
Щ-208 несёт на подносе пять мисок всего, значит — последний поднос в бригаде, иначе бы — чего ж не полный?
He had a sharp eye and right away spotted S-208 drying a tray with only five bowls on it for one of the other gangs. The tray wasn’t full so it meant was the last time he'd need it.
Я на поднос — за тобой!
"Gimme that tray when you're through, pal."
— Да там у окошка ждёт один, я обещал...
"But there's another guy over at the hatch waiting for it.”
So they made a deal — S-208 put his bowls on the table and Shukhov snatched the tray.
— Они зазевались, — смеётся, — а я утянул!
"Get outa the way! Don't hold things up! I've got trays!" Gopchik the little rascal was lugging one over too. He was laughing.
Из Гопчика правильный будет лагерник.
"I grabbed it while some other guys weren't look­ing." Gopchik would go a long way in the camp and make a real old hand.
Ещё года три подучится, подрастёт — меньше как хлеборезом ему судьбы не прочат.
He needed a couple more years to learn all the tricks and grow up and then he'd have it made — like cutting the bread rations in the stores. Or even a bigger job.
три раздаточных общих, одно для тех, кто по списку кормится (больных язвенных человек десять да по блату бухгалтерия вся), ещё одно — для возврата посуды (у того окна дерутся, кто миски лижет).
There were five of these hatches — three for dishing out the food, one for men on the sick list (there were ten men with ulcers who got special food, and all the book­keepers had wangled this diet for themselves too), and the fifth for handing back the bowls. Here the men fought to see who’d get to lick ’em out.
Окошки невысоко — чуть повыше пояса.
These hatches weren't very high up — a little above your waist.
Руки у повара белые, холёные, а волосатые, здоровы'. Чистый боксёр, а не повар. Карандаш взял и у себя на списке на стенке отметил:
The cook had soft white hands but they were damn big and had hair all over them, more like a boxer's than a cook's. He picked up a pencil and checked off from his list on the wall: "104 —
Ничего он не болен, сука.
Like hell he’d been sick, that sonofabitch !
И, перехватив черпак на семьсот пятьдесят грамм, начал им, далеко не окуная, черпать.
Then he picked up another ladle that held one and a half pints — enough for four bowls — and began to dish out. But he didn’t dip down very deep. "
— Раз, два, три, четыре...
"One, two, three, four...”
Шухов приметил, какие миски набраты, пока ещё гущина на дно бака не осела, и какие по-холостому — жижа одна.
Shukhov watched to see which bowls he filled before the good part settled back on the bottom of the caldron and which had only the watery stuff off the top.
Гопчик ему машет от вторых столбов:
Gopchik was waving at him from a place by the second pair of posts. "
— Сюда, Иван Денисыч, сюда!
"This way, Ivan Denisovich, over here!"
Миски нести — не рукавом трясти.
You had to be careful carrying these bowls.
И Ермолаев десять поднёс.
Yermolayev brought over another ten.
А Гопчик побежал, и с Павлом четыре последних принесли в руках.
And then Gopchik ran back to the hatch.and came back with Pavlo. They were carrying the last four in their hands.
Ещё Кильдигс принёс хлеб на подносе.
Kilgas brought their bread ration on another tray.
Сегодня по работе кормят — кому двести, кому триста, а Шухову — четыреста.
Today the ration was according to output. Some got six ounces, others eight. Shukhov got ten.
Взял себе четыреста, горбушку, и на Цезаря двести, серединку.
He took his ten (it had a lot of good crust on it) and Caesar's six — from the middle of the loaf.
Тут и бригадники со всей столовой стали стекаться — получить ужин, а уж хлебай, где сядешь.
Now the men in their gang were coming from all over the mess hall to get their supper. It was up to them to find a place to sit down and eat it.
Шухов миски раздаёт, запоминает, кому дал, и свой угол подноса блюдёт.
Shukhov handed out the bowls and kept an eye on who’d gotten one, and guarded his comer of the tray.
В одну из мисок густых опустил ложку — занял, значит.
He put his spoon in one of the two good bowls to stake a claim.
Фетюков свою миску из первых взял и ушёл:
Fetyukov took his bowl — he was one of the first — and went off.
расчёл, что в бригаде сейчас не разживёшься, а лучше по всей столовой походить — пошакалить, может, кто не доест (если кто не доест и от себя миску отодвинет — за нее, как коршуны, хватаются иногда сразу несколько).
He figured there wouldn't be good pickings in his own gang and it’d be better to snoop around the mess hall and scavenge — there might be somebody who’d left something. Anytime a guy didn’t finish his gruel and pushed the bowl away, others swooped down on it like vultures and tried to grab it — a whole bunch. of them sometimes.
Подсчитали порции с Павлом, как будто сходятся.
Shukhov checked over the helpings with Pavlo and everything looked all right. He pushed one of the good bowls to Pavlo for Tyurin.
Подносы отдали.
They gave up their trays to some other fellows.
Снял Шухов шапку, на колена положил.
Shukhov took off his cap and put it on his knee.
Проверил одну миску ложкой, проверил другую.
He dipped his spoon in both his bowls to see what they were like. It wasn't bad.
Ничего, и рыбка попадается.
He found a little bit of fish even.
Вообще-то по вечерам баланда всегда жиже много, чем утром: утром зэка надо накормить, чтоб он работал, а вечером и так уснёт, не подохнет.
The gruel was always thinner than in the morning — they had to feed you in the morning so you'd work, but in the evening they knew you just flopped down and went to sleep.
Начал он есть.
He began to eat.
Сперва жижицу одну прямо пил, пил.
He started with the watery stuff on the top and drank it right down.
It was great!
Вот он, миг короткий, для которого и живет зэк!
This was what a prisoner lived for, this one little moment.
Сейчас ни на что Шухов не в обиде: ни что срок долгий, ни что день долгий, ни что воскресенья опять не будет.
Shukhov didn't have a grudge in the world now — about bow long his sentence was, about bow long their day was, about that Sunday they wouldn't get.
Сейчас он думает:
All he thought now was: ‘
‘We'll get through !
Переживём все, даст Бог кончится!
We'll get through it all And God grant it'll all come to an end.”
С той и с другой миски жижицу горячую отпив, он вторую миску в первую слил, сбросил и ещё ложкой выскреб.
He drank the watery stuff on the top of the other bowl, poured what was left into the first bowl and scraped it clean with his spoon.
Так оно спокойней как-то, о второй миске не думать, не стеречь ее ни глазами, ни рукой.
It made things easier. He didn't have to worry about the second bowl or keep an eye on it and guard it with his hands.
Глаза освободились — на соседские миски покосился.
So he could let his eyes wander a little and look at other bowls around him.
Слева у соседа — так одна вода.
The fellow on the left had nothing but water.
Вот гады, что делают, свои же зэки!
The way these bastards in the kitchen treated a man! You'd never they were just prisoners too!
И стал Шухов есть капусту с остатком жижи.
Shukhov started to pick out the cabbage in his bowl.
Картошинка ему попалась на две миски одна — в Цезаревой миске.
There was only one piece of potato and that turned up in the bowl he got from Caesar.
Средняя такая картошинка, мороженая, конечно, с твердинкой и подслажЈнная.
It wasn't much of a potato. It was frostbitten of course, a little hard and on the sweet side.
А рыбки почти нет, изредка хребтик оголенный мелькнёт.
And there was hardly any fish, just a piece of bone here and there without any flesh on it.
Но и каждый рыбий хребтик и плавничок надо прожевать — из них сок высосешь, сок полезный.
But every little fishbone and every piece of fin had to be sucked to get all the juice out of it — it was good for you.
в обед две порции и в ужин две порции оторвал.
He'd had a real good day — he'd managed to get an extra helping at noon and for supper too.
Такого дела ради остальные дела и отставить можно.
So he could skip everything else he wanted to do that evening. Nothing else mattered now.
Разве к латышу сходить за табаком.
The only thing was he ought to go see the Latvian to get some tobacco.
Брюхо — злодей, старого добра не помнит, завтра опять спросит.
So he’d save the bread. You get no thanks from your belly — it always forgets what you’ve just done for it and comes begging again the next day.
за новым ничем он не охотился, а ел своё законное.
He didn’t have to because he’d eaten his own good share of gruel and wasn't on the lookout for anybody else's.
И все ж он заметил, как прямо через стол против него освободилось место и сел старик высокий Ю-81. Он был, Шухов знал, из 64-й бригады, а в очереди в посылочной слышал Шухов, что 64-я-то и ходила сегодня на Соцгородок вместо 104-й и целый день без обогреву проволоку колючую тянула — сама себе зону строила.
But all the same he couldn't help seeing a tall old man, Y-81, sit down on the other side of the table when somebody got up. Shukhov knew he was from Gang 64, and in the line at the package room he'd heard it was 64 that had gone to the Socialist Community Development today in place of 104. They'd been there all day out in the cold putting up barbed wire to make a compound for themselves.
Изо всех пригорбленных лагерных спин его спина отменна была прямизною, и за столом казалось, будто он ещё сверх скамейки под себя что подложил.
In the camp you could pick him out among all the men with their bent backs because he was straight as a ramrod. When he sat at the table it looked like he was sitting on something to raise himself up higher.
На голове его голой стричь давно было нечего — волоса все вылезли от хорошей жизни.
There hadn't been anything to shave off his head for a long time-he'd lost all his hair because of the good life.
Глаза старика не юрили вслед всему, что делалось в столовой, а поверх Шухова невидяще упёрлись в своё.
His eyes didn't shift around the mess hall all the time to see what was going on, and he was staring over Shukhov's head and looking at something nobody else could see.
Он мерно ел пустую баланду ложкой деревянной, надщербленной, но не уходил головой в миску, как все, а высоко носил ложки ко рту.
He ate his thin gruel with a worn old wooden spoon, and he took his time. He didn't bend down low over the bowl like all the others did, but brought the spoon up to his mouth.
Зубов у него не было ни сверху, ни снизу ни одного: окостеневшие десны жевали хлеб за зубы.
He didn't have a single tooth either top or bottom — he chewed the bread with his hard gums like they were teeth.
Лицо его все вымотано было, но не до слабости фитиля-инвалида, а до камня тесаного, темного.
His face was all worn-out but not like a "goner's" — it was dark and looked like it had been hewed out of stone.
трехсотграммовку свою не ложит, как все, на нечистый стол в росплесках, а — на тряпочку стираную.
You could see his mind was set on one thing — never to give in. He didn't put his eight ounces in all the filth on the table like every­body else but laid it on a clean little piece of rag that'd been washed over and over again.
Однако Шухову некогда было долго разглядывать его.
But Shukhov couldn't spend any more time look­ing at the old man.
Окончивши есть, ложку облизнув и засунув в валенок, нахлобучил он шапку, встал, взял пайки, свою и Цезареву, и вышел.
When he finished eating he licked his spoon and pushed it in the top of his boot. He jammed his cap on his head, got up, took his own bread ration and Caesar's, and went out.
Вышел Шухов с брюхом набитым, собой довольный, и решил так, что хотя отбой будет скоро, а сбегать-таки к латышу.
Shukhov came out with a full belly and he felt good. He thought he might look in on the Latvian, though there wasn't much time to go before lights out.
И, не занося хлеба в девятый, он шажисто погнал в сторону седьмого барака.
So he headed for Barracks 7 and didn’t stop off at his own barracks to leave the bread there.
Месяц стоял куда высоко и как вырезанный на небе, чистый, белый.
The moon was way up now. It was all white and clear and looked like it had been cut out of the sky.
Небо все было чистое. И звезды кой-где — самые яркие.
And the sky was clear too and the stars were as bright as could be.
Одно понимал он — что мороз не отпускает.
But he saw one thing — the cold wasn’t letting up.
Кто от вольных слышал, передавали: к вечеру ждут тридцать градусов, к утру — до сорока.
Some of the fellows had heard from the "free" workers outside that it’d go down to twenty in the night and forty by morning.
Слыхать было очень издали: где-то трактор гудел в посёлке, а в стороне шоссе экскаватор повизгивал.
From somewhere outside the camp he could hear the noise of a tractor, and a bulldozer was grinding away on the new road they were building.
И от каждой пары валенок, кто в лагере где шел или перебегал, — скрип.
And every time anybody walked or ran through the camp you could hear the crunch of their felt boots in the snow.
А ветру не было.
There was no wind.
Нравится товар, не нравится — а на сколько заявление начальнику написал, на столько и накупай. Не купишь — все равно деньги пропали, уж они списаны.
And you had to write to the Commandant beforehand and tell him what you wanted to buy, and if you didn't like the stuff you could either take it or leave it, and if you didn't take it you could say good — by to your money anyway — they'd already taken it out of your account.
К Шухову деньги приходили только от частной работы: тапочки сошьёшь из тряпок давальца — два рубля, телогрейку вылатаешь — тоже по уговору.
Shukhov got his money by doing odd jobs — making slippers (for two rubles) out of the rags the cus­tomer gave you or patching up a jacket (you named the price for the job).
Ну, ещё кабина под парашной, да старшего барака кабина.
And each room had its own latrine and the guy in charge of the barracks had his own cubicle.
Да художники живут в кабине.
The artists lived here in their own cubi­cles too.
Зашёл Шухов в ту комнату, где его латыш.
Shukhov went into the part where the Latvian was.
Лежит латыш на нижних нарах, ноги наверх поставил, на откосину, и с соседом по-латышски горгочет.
He was lying on a lower bunk with his feet up on the ledge and he was jabbering in Latvian with the fellow next to him.
Подсел к нему Шухов. Здравствуйте, мол. Здравствуйте, тот ног не спускает.
Shukhov sat down on the edge of the bunk and said hello, and the Latvian said hello but didn't take his legs down.
А комната маленькая, все сразу прислушиваются — кто пришёл, зачем пришёл.
In small rooms like these the men pricked up their ears to see who'd come and what he was after.
Оба они это понимают, и поэтому Шухов сидит и тянет:
They both knew this. That's why Shukhov sat there talking about nothing very much. (
Да ничего.
“Not bad." "
оттого-де, что китайцы вступились, так будет мировая война или нет), наклонился к латышу:
They were arguing whether there'd be a world war or not now the Chinese had come in. And then he leaned dose to the Latvian: "
— Самосад есть?
"Got any tobacco?"
— Покажи.
“Lemme see."
Латыш ноги с откосины снял, спустил их в проход, приподнялся.
The Latvian took his feet off the ledge, dropped them on the floor, and sat up.
Жи'ла этот латыш, стакан как накладывает — всегда трусится, боится на одну закурку больше положить.
He was real tight- fisted, this Latvian, and when he put the stuff in the plastic mug he was always scared he'd give you one smoke more than you paid for.
Он потому сказал набей, что тот внатруску насыпает.
It is always the same." "Okay," Shukhov said. ‘Pack that mug for me and I’ll have a smoke out of it, and then maybe I’ll take another mug." He said "pack" because this fellow always sprinkled it in sort of loose.
Достал латыш из-под подушки ещё другой кисет, круглей первого, и стаканчик свой из тумбочки вынул.
The Latvian got another pouch from under his pillow — it was fatter than the other one. And he took his mug out of the locker.
Стаканчик хотя пластмассовый, но Шуховым меренный, гранёному равен.
This mug was made of plastic but Shukhov knew just how much it'd hold and that it was as good as something made of glass.
And the Latvian started filling it.
Шухов ему и пальцем тычет сам.
And Shukhov poked his. finger in to show him how.
— Я сам знай! —
"I know how, I know how.”
сердито отрывает латыш стакан и сам пригнетает, но мягче.
The Latvian got mad again and pulled the mug away and pressed down himself — but not so hard.
И опять сыплет.
Then he went on filling it.
А в комнате орут:
Somebody in the room was yelling: "
— Пожале-ет вас батька усатый!
"You think that old bastard in Moscow with the mustache is going to have mercy on you?
— Пожале-ет вас батька усатый!
"You think that old bastard in Moscow with the mustache is going to have mercy on you?
Он брату родному не поверит, не то что вам, лопухам!
He wouldn’t give a damn about his own brother, never mind slobs like you!"
Чем в каторжном лагере хорошо — свободы здесь от пуза.
The great thing about a penal camp was you had a hell of a lot of freedom.
А здесь кричи с верхних нар что хошь — стукачи того не доносят, оперы рукой махнули.
But here you could yell your head off about anything you liked and the squealers didn't even bother to tell on you. The security fellows couldn't care less.
Только некогда здесь много толковать...
The only trouble was you didn't have much time to talk about anything.
— Ну, на, на! —
"All right, all right."
добавил тот щепоть сверху.
And the Latvian put a little more on top.
Шухов вытянул из нутряного карманчика свой кисет и перевалил туда самосад из стакана.
Shukhov took his own pouch out of the inside pocket he'd sewed himself and emptied the mugful of tobacco into it.
— Ладно, — решился он, не желая первую сладкую папиросу курить на бегу. —
"Okay," he said. "Give me another mugful." He didn't bother about trying it out beforehand because he didn't want to have his first sweet smoke in a hurry.
Набивай уж второй.
He haggled a little more with the Latvian and emptied another mugful into his pouch.
Но он не был шакал даже после восьми лет общих работ — и чем дальше, тем крепче утверждался.
He knew he had, but even after eight years of hard labor he was still no scavenger and the more time went on, the more he stuck to his guns.
— Возьми его себе, Иван Денисыч!
and he waved the bread away. "You keep it, Ivan Denisovich."
Баланда да ещё хлеба двести грамм — это был полный ужин и уж, конечно, полная доля Шухова от Цезаревой посылки.
Caesar's gruel and now his six ounces of bread — that was a whole extra supper — and this, of course, was as much as he could hope to make on that package.
Вот хлеба четыреста, да двести, да в матрасе не меньше двести.
He had his own ten ounces of bread and now this ration of Caesar's and then there was that hunk of bread in the mattress.
И хватит.
That was more than enough!
Хорошо, что Шухов обоспел, зашил — из тумбочки, вон, в 75-й упёрли — спрашивай теперь с Верховного Совета!
And he'd leave that old ration where it was in the mattress for the time being. Good thing he'd sewed it in — look how that fellow from 75 had his stolen out of the locker, and there wasn't a thing you could do about it.
Бывает, перед передачей и посылочники-те рады лишнюю кашу выслужить. И стреляют докурить.
And just before a new package came in they were only too glad to pick up an extra bowl of mush and they went around cadging butts.
Надзирателю, бригадиру, — а придурку посылочному как не дать?
The guy with the pack­age had to give something to his warder, his gang boss, and the trusty in his barracks.
А банщику, чтоб ему отдельное белье порядочное подкидывал, — сколько ни то, а дать надо?
Then you had to pay off people who’d helped you get it, like Shukhov. And if you wanted the guy in the wash house to give you back your own underwear from the wash, you had to let him have a little something too.
А в КВЧ, чтоб ему письма отдельно откладывали, не затеривали?
And what about the guys in the CES so they’d put your letters aside for you and not lose ’em?
А захочешь денёк закосить, в зоне на боку полежать, — доктору поднести надо.
Suppose you wanted to wangle a day off and lie around in bed? You couldn't go to the doctor with empty hands.
А соседу, кто с тобой за одной тумбочкой питается, как кавторанг с Цезарем, — как же не дать? Ведь он каждый кусок твой считает, тут и бессовестный не ужмётся, даст.
And you had to give something to the fellow next to you in the bunk who shared your locker, like the Captain shared Caesar's. He'd count every little piece you put in your mouth, and even the biggest heel couldn't get out of giving him something.
Так что пусть завидует, кому в чужих руках всегда редька толще, а Шухов понимает жизнь и на чужое добро брюха не распяливает.
Some fellows always thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Let them envy other people if they wanted to, but Shukhov knew what life was about. And he was not the kind who thought anybody owed him a living.
Тем временем он разулся, залез к себе наверх, достал ножовки кусок из рукавички, осмотрел и решил с завтрева искать камешек хороший и на том камешке затачивать ножовку в сапожный нож.
He took his boots off and climbed up to his bunk. He got that piece of steel out of his mitten and had a good look at it. He figured he’d look for the right kind of stone tomorrow to grind it down for a knife he could use to mend shoes.
Дня за четыре, если и утром и вечером посидеть, славный можно будет ножичек сделать, с кривеньким острым лезом.
And in four or five days, if he worked at it a little mornings and nights, he'd make himself a pretty good knife with a sharp curved blade.
Прошёл по бараку Фетюков, всхлипывая.
Fetyukov came through the barracks and he was crying.
Сгорбился. У губы кровь размазана.
He was all hunched up and there was blood on his lips.
Опять, значит, побили его там за миски.
So he must've gotten beat up again for trying to scrounge somebody's bowl.
Ни на кого не глядя и слез своих не скрывая, прошёл мимо всей бригады, залез наверх, уткнулся в матрас.
He went past the whole gang, didn't look at anybody, and didn't bother hiding his tears. He climbed up to his bunk and dug his face in his mattress.
Разобраться, так жаль его.
You couldn't help feeling sorry for him if you thought about it.
Срока ему не дожить.
He'd never live out his time in the camp.
Не умеет он себя поставить.
He just didn't know how to do things right.
В бараке стоят две бочки с чаем, но что то за чай?
But it wasn’t the kind they got in the camp. They had two tubs with tea in the barracks, but who'd call that tea?
Это чай для простых работяг.
But this tea was only for poor suckers.
Довольный такой, внизу за тумбочку устраивается.
He looked pleased with himself and set it up on the locker. "
— Чуть пальцев не ожёг под струёй! — хвастает.
"I nearly scalded my fingers under the faucet," he said as if he was proud of it.
— Денисыч!
He stood up and peered over at Shukhov and winked at him. "
"I say, Shukhov....
Десять суток дай!
be a good fellow and loan me that 'ten days' of yours, will you?"
Это значит, ножичек дай им складной, маленький.
What he wanted was Shukhov's little penknife (you could get ten days in the cooler if they found something like this on you).
Цезарь кивнул и вниз скрылся.
He stuck his hand under the board again and got it out. Caesar gave him a nod and ducked down out of sight.
дай нам, мол, ножик, мы будем колбасу резать, а тебе хрен в рот.
And if anybody borrowed it from you to cut off some sausage or something he'd have to have a heart of stone if all you got out of it was a kick in the ass.
Сейчас же он взял оттуда щепоть, ровную с той, что занимал, и через проход протянул эстонцу: спасибо, мол.
He took out as much tobacco as he’d borrowed earlier that day, reached it over to the Estonian in the top bunk across from him, and said "Thanks."
Шухов бы и сам попробовал, но какими-то часами там, в нутре своём, чует, что осталось до проверки чуть-чуть.
Shukhov would have lit up himself to try the stuff out, but he could feel from that timekeeper he had inside of him it was getting very near the night check.
В бараке ничуть не тепло, и та же обметь снежная по потолку.
The barracks was pretty cold and that ice was still up there on the roof.
Ночью продрогнешь, но пока сносно кажется.
It wasn’t so bad right now but he'd get frozen through in the night.
Берите вот рыбца копчёного. Колбасу берите.
Have some of the smoked fish, and there's some sausage here too!"
— Спасибо, беру.
"Thank you, I don’t mind if I do."
— Батон маслом мажьте!
"And put some butter on your bread.
Настоящий московский батон!
Real French bread from Moscow, you know."
Гам стоял в половине барака от двухсот глоток, все же Шухов различил, будто об рельс звонили. Но не слышал никто.
There was a hell of a racket in their part of the barracks — two hundred fellows talking at once — but all the same Shukhov could hear them pound the rail outside.
И ещё приметил Шухов:
And he was the only one who did.
вошёл в барак надзиратель Курносенький — совсем маленький паренёк с румяным лицом.
He saw Snubnose, one of the warders, coming in the barracks. He was a stocky little fellow with a red face.
Держал он в руках бумажку, и по этому, и по повадке видно было, что он пришёл не курильщиков ловить и не на проверку выгонять, а кого-то искал.
He had a piece of paper in his hand and you could see from this and from the way he walked that he hadn’t come to catch smokers or to chase every­body out for the check. He was after somebody.
А эстонцы папиросу припрятали и дым разогнали.
The Estonians hid their cigarettes and waved their hands to get rid of the smoke.
— А бригадир где?
"And where’s your boss?"
— Ну? —
"What d’you want?"
Тюрин с койки, ноги на пол едва приспустя.
Tyurin said from his bunk and just put one foot down on the floor.
— Объяснительные записки, кому сказано, написали?
"What's happening about the reports those two guys of yours were supposed to hand in about their extra clothing?"
— Пишут! — уверенно ответил Тюрин.
"They're writing them," Tyurin said and he didn’t bat an eye.
— Сдать надо было уже.
"They should've been handed in already."
— У меня — малограмотные, дело нелегкое. (
“The trouble is they can't hardly read or write, so it's not easy." (
(Это про Цезаря он и про кавторанга.
(It was Caesar and the Captain he was talking about!
Ну, и молодец бригадир, никогда за словом не запнётся).
He was a great guy, the boss, he was never at a loss what to say.) "And they've got nothing to write with.
Ручек нет, чернила нет.
There’s no pens and no ink either."
— Надо иметь.
“There should be."
— Отбирают!
“They always take 'em away from us!"
— Ну, смотри, бригадир, много будешь говорить — и тебя посажу! —
"You better watch what you say or I'll put you in the can," Snubnose said, but he wasn't too mad.
— Понятно.
“I get you.”
("Пронесло кавторанга!" — Шухов подумал.
("Looks like the Captain made it," Shukhov said to himself.
А сам кавторанг и не слышит ничего, над колбасой там заливается.)
The Captain hadn’t heard what was going on. He was too busy telling his story and eating that sausage.)
— Надо по списку смотреть, — темнит бригадир. —
"Let me take a look at the list," Tyurin said, just to stall. "
Рази ж их запомнишь, номера собачьи? (
"How can anybody remember all these damn numbers?"
(Тянет бригадир, хочет Буйновского хоть на ночь спасти, до проверки дотянуть.)
He was playing for time, trying to drag things out till they called the men for the night check, and maybe then the Captain wouldn’t have to go to the cooler that night.
— Буйновский — есть?
But Snubnose shouted out: “Is Buynovsky here?"
Должно быть, темной ночью в море бурное легче ему было эскадру миноносцев выводить, чем сейчас от дружеской беседы в ледяной карцер.
It must’ve been easier for him to sail his destroyer on a dark night in the stormy sea than it was to break off talking with his friend now and go to that freezing cell.
голосом упав, спросил он.
he asked and his voice was kind of low.
И тут же закричали дневальные:
Just then the orderlies started yelling: "
— Проверка! Проверка!
"All out for the night check!
Выходи на проверку!
All out for the night check!"
Оглянулся капитан — бушлат брать?
The Captain looked back at his bunk — should he take his coat?
Так бушлат там сдерут, одну телогрейку оставят.
But they’d only strip it off in the cells and leave him noth­ing but his jacket.
Выходит, как есть, так и иди.
So he had to go there just as he was.
Понадеялся капитан, что Волковой забудет (а Волковой никому ничего не забывает), и не приготовился, даже табачку себе в телогрейку не спрятал.
The Captain thought Volkovoy might have let him off, but Volkovoy never let anybody off. So he wasn’t ready for this and hadn’t managed to hide any tobacco in his jacket.
А в руку брать — дело пустое, на шмоне тотчас и отберут.
And there was no sense taking it with him in his hands because that’s the first thing they’d find when they frisked him.
Все ж пока он шапку надевал, Цезарь ему пару сигарет сунул.
AD the same, Caesar dipped him a couple of cigarettes while he was putting his cap on.
Сами клали БУР, знает 104-я:
The fellows from 104 had built the place themselves and they knew how it looked — stone walls, a concrete floor, and no window.
Пока в бараке живёшь — молись от радости и не попадайся.
Long as you were in the barracks you thanked your lucky stars and tried to keep out of the cells.
старший барака кричит. —
the trusty in charge of the barracks shouted. "
Кто до трёх не выйдет — номера запишу и гражданину надзирателю передам!
"If you’re not all out by the time I count to three I'll take your number and report you to the Comrade Warder!”
Наоборот, его' все боятся.
It was the other way around—everybody was scared of him.
Кого надзору продаст, кого сам в морду стукнет.
He could turn you in to the screws or let you have it in the puss.
Инвалид считается, потому что палец у него один оторван в драке, а мордой — урка.
He counted as an invalid because he’d lost one finger in a fight. You could tell from his mug he was a real hood.
Свободное дело, сейчас на бумажку запишет, надзирателю передаст — вот тебе и карцер на двое суток с выводом.
And it was no joke. He’d take your number soon as look at you, and give it to the warder. Then you’d land in the cooler for two days with work “as usual."
То медленно тянулись к дверям, а тут как загустили, загустили, да с верхних коек прыгают медведями и прут все в двери узкие.
So people started moving and crowding up to the door, and they jumped off the top bunks looking like bears. Everybody was making for that narrow door.
Шухов, держа в руке уже скрученную, давно желанную цигарку, ловко спрыгнул, сунул ноги в валенки и уж хотел идти, да пожалел Цезаря.
Shukhov hopped down from his bunk and stuck his feet in his felt boots. He was holding the cigarette he’d just made — he wanted it real bad. But he didn’t go right away, because he was sorry for Caesar.
Не заработать ещё от Цезаря хотел, а пожалел от души:
It wasn’t that he wanted to get something out of Caesar again but he was just sorry for him.
А теперь — что вот Цезарю с посылкой делать?
He could’ve eaten the stuff later, but what could he do with it now?
Сует колбасу и сало себе за пазуху — хоть с ими-то на проверку выйти, хоть их спасти.
He was stuffing the sausage and fatback in his jacket He thought maybe he’d carry that along with him even if he couldn’t save anything else.
Пожалел Шухов и научил:
So Shukhov was sorry for him and told him what to do: "
Больной, мол!
And then you tell ’em you’re sick.
А я выйду первый и вскочу первый. Вот так...
I’ll go out now and get in the front of the crowd and I’ll be the first back..."
И убежал.
And he ran off.
Сперва протискивался Шухов круто (цигарку свёрнутую оберегая, однако, в кулаке).
He had a hard time shoving his way through the crowd at first (and he had to guard that cigarette in his hand so it wouldn’t be crushed).
В коридоре же, общем для двух половин барака, и в сенях никто уже вперёд не пёрся, зверехитрое племя, а облепили стены в два ряда слева и в два справа — и только проход посрединке на одного человека оставили пустой:
But in the passageway that led off both halfs of the bar­racks nobody was in a hurry — they were shrewd as hell — and they stuck to the walls like grim death, two deep on both sides, and all they left clear was the outside door. You could only get out of it one at a time and they didn't mind if any dope wanted to.
И так целый день на морозе, да сейчас лишних десять минут мёрзнуть?
They’d been in the cold all day long and nobody was that eager to freeze out there for another ten minutes.
Дураков, мол, нет. Подохни ты сегодня, а я завтра!
If any­body wanted to die, okay, but the rest of them could wait a little.
В другой раз и Шухов так же жмётся к стеночке. А сейчас выходит шагом широким да скалится ещё:
Most times Shukhov stuck to the wall too, but now he made straight for the door and turned around and smirked at them:
— Чего испугались, придурня'?
“What’re you so scared of, you nitwits?
Сибирского мороза не видели?
Never been out in the cold in Siberia before?
Выходи на волчье солнышко греться!
Come and warm up under the moon like the wolves...
Дай, дай прикурить, дядя!
Hey, give me a light, fellow."
Прикурил в сенях и вышел на крыльцо. "
He took a light from somebody and went out on the steps.
"Волчье солнышко" — так у Шухова в краю ино месяц в шутку зовут.
The “wolves’ sun," that’s what they some­times called the moon where Shukhov came from.
Небо белое, аж с сузеленью, звезды яркие да редкие.
A little more and it'd be all the way up. The sky was pale — and sort of greenish. The stars were bright and there weren’t many of them.
Снег блестит, бараков стены тож белые — и фонари мало влияют.
The white snow was glisten­ing and the walls of the barracks looked all white too, and the lights in the camp didn’t seem very strong now.
Вон у того барака толпа черная густеет — выходят строиться.
There was a great black crowd of men over by another barracks. They were coming out and lining up.
И у другого вон.
And the same outside that other one too.
И от барака к бараку не так разговор гудЈт, как снег скрипит.
And there wasn’t much talk between barracks. All you could hear was snow crunching under people's boots.
К тем трем во вторую пятёрку и Шухов пристроился.
Shukhov went in with these three to make up the next row of five.
Хлебца пожевав, да с папироской в зубах стоять тут можно.
It wasn't so bad standing here when you’d eaten a little bread and had a cigarette in your mouth.
Хорош табак, не обманул латыш — и дерунок, и духовит.
The tobacco was all right. The Latvian hadn’t lied. It had the right strength and it smelled good.
Понемножку ещё из дверей тянутся, сзади Шухова уже пятёрки две-три.
More men came straggling out the door and there were a couple of rows of fives behind Shukhov now.
Теперь кто вышел, этих зло разбирает:
The fellows coming out were mad as hell at the guys still hugging the walls in the passageway.
Только не кончается она в девять никогда, шурудят проверку по второму да по третьему разу.
Only it never finished at nine. They always kept you hanging around while they double-checked, and sometimes it was more than twice.
Раньше десяти не уснёшь.
You never got to bed before ten.
А в пять часов, толкуют, подъём.
And reveille, they said, was at five in the morning.
Дива и нет, что молдаван нынче перед съёмом заснул.
No wonder that Moldavian had gone to sleep before the signal to knock off work.
Где зэк угреется, там и спит сразу.
If a prisoner found a warm spot any place, he fell asleep right away.
— Что? — кричат им первые ряды. —
The fellows who'd been first in line outside shouted at them: "
Комбинируете, гады?
"Thought you were being smart, didn’t you, you bastards?
На дерьме сметану собираете?
Trying to make cream out of shit or something?
Давно бы вышли — давно бы посчитали.
If you’d gotten out here before, we'd be through already."
Четыреста человек в бараке — это восемьдесят пятёрок.
There were four hundred men in a barracks, and that made eighty rows of five lined up one after the other.
Выстроились все в хвост, сперва по пять строго, а там — шалманом.
The rows right in front of the barracks kept their lines of five, but the fellows in back were just bunched up any old way.
— Разберись там, сзади! —
"Line up by fives, you at the back!"
Хуб хрен, не разбираются, черти!
But the hell they would, the bastards!
Вышел из дверей Цезарь, жмётся — с понтом больной, за ним дневальных двое с той половины барака, двое с этой и ещё хромой один.
Caesar came out of the door all hunched up and doing his best to look sick. There were two orderlies from the other half of the barracks behind him, and two from their half with some lame fellow. They chased Caesar to the back and lined up in front of all the others.
хвосту кричит, глотка у него здоровая.
he shouted to the men at the back and he had a strong voice.
старший барака орёт, глотка ещё здоровше.
the trusty bawled too. And his voice was even stronger.
Не разбираются, хуб хрен.
But they still didn't line up, the bastards.
Сорвался старший барака с крыльца, да туда, да матом, да в спины!
The trusty shot down the steps, went to the back, and bawled them out real good. And he punched some of the guys.
Но — смотрит:
But he was careful who he did it to. He only hit fellows he knew wouldn't stick up for themselves.
И вместе с надзирателем:
And he and the warder started yelling together.
тот и неграмотен, а стадо гонит, на ходу знает, все ли телята.
Maybe he didn't have any book learning, but he could herd his sheep and keep count of them.
А этих и натаскивают, да без толку.
But these bastards couldn't do it even though they'd been taught how.
Прошлую зиму в этом лагере сушилок вовсе не было, обувь на ночь у всех в бараке оставалась — так вторую, и третью, и четвертую проверку на улицу выгоняли.
Last winter there hadn't been any drying room for their felt boots in this camp and they had to keep them in the barracks all night. They were chased outside anywhere up to four times for a recount.
Уж не одевались, а так, в одеяла укутанные выходили.
So they didn't bother getting dressed even — they went out with their blankets around them.
С этого года сушилки построили, не на всех, но через два дня на третий каждой бригаде выпадает валенки сушить.
This year they'd put up drying rooms but they weren't big enough for everybody, so each gang could dry out their boots only two nights out of three.
Так теперь вторые разы стали считать в бараках: из одной половины в другую перегоняют.
And now when they had recounts they let you stay inside and just chased you from one half of the barracks to the other.
Шухов вбежал хоть и не первый, но с первого глаз не спуская.
Shukhov wasn't the first to get back to the bar­racks, but he didn't take his eyes off the fellow who was.
Добежал до Цезаревой койки, сел.
He ran right over to Caesar’s bunk and sat on it.
Тут — кто раньше займёт.
It was first come, first served here.
И — назад, к Цезаревой койке.
Then he went back to Caesar's bunk.
Сидит, ноги поджав, одним глазом смотрит, чтобы Цезарев мешок из-под изголовья не дёрнули, другим, — чтоб валенки его не спихнули, кто печку штурмует.
He sat there with his legs under him and kept one eye on Caesar’s pack­age so no one could pinch it from under the mat­tress, and his other eye was on that stove so nobody’d push his boots off in the rush to put their own there.
— Эй! —
"Hey, you there with the red hair!"
А валенком в рожу если?
"D'you want that boot in your mug?
Свои ставь, чужих не трог!
Put your own boots up there if you like but don't touch other people’s!”
Сыпят, сыпят в барак зэки.
The prisoners were pouring back in the barracks.
В 20-й бригаде кричат:
Some fellows in Gang 20 were shouting: "
— Сдавай валенки!
"Hand over your boots for the dryer!”
Сейчас их с валенками из барака выпустят, барак запрут.
They let these fellows go out of the barracks with the boots and then locked it.
А потом бегать будут: — Гражданин начальник!
And then they’d come running back and hammer on the door: "
Пустите в барак!
"Comrade Warder, let us in!"
— Спасибо, Иван Денисыч!
"Thank you, Ivan Denisovich,” he said.
Шухов кивнул и, как белка, быстро залез наверх.
Shukhov nodded at him and jumped up on his own bunk like a squirrel.
Только от хорошего дня развеселился Шухов, даже и спать вроде не хочется.
But Shukhov’d had such a good day — he didn't even feel like sleeping, he felt so great.
Стелиться Шухову дело простое: одеяльце черноватенькое с матраса содрать, лечь на матрас (на простыне Шухов не спал, должно, с сорок первого года, как из дому; ему чудно даже, зачем бабы простынями занимаются, стирка лишняя), голову — на подушку стружчатую, ноги — в телогрейку, сверх одеяла — бушлат;
Making his bed wasn’t much trouble — he only had to pull that dark blanket off and flop down on the mattress (he hadn’t slept on a sheet since forty-one, it must’ve been, when he left home, and he wondered why the women bothered so much about sheets — it only meant more washing), put his head on the pillow stuffed with shavings, tuck his feet in the arm of the jacket, and spread his coat on top of the blanket.
и: слава тебе, Господи, ещё один день прошёл!
And that was that, the end of another day l "Thank God," he said.
Спасибо, что не в карцере спать, здесь-то ещё можно.
It wasn’t so bad sleeping here and he was glad not to be in the cells.
Евангелие опять читает.
He was reading the Gospels again.
Покосился Шухов на Алёшку.
Shukhov looked at Alyoshka and his eyes were narrow.
Глаза, как свечки две, теплятся.
They had a light in them and they were like two candles.
And he sighed. "
— Потому, Алёшка, что молитвы те, как заявления, или не доходят, или "в жалобе отказать".
"I'll tell you why, Alyoshka. Because all these prayers are like the com­plaints we send in to the higher — ups — either they don't get there or they come back to you marked 'Rejected.' "
А его нету. Или: "отказать".
Either there was nothing or it was "Rejected.”
Прикурил у эстонца.
He got a light from one of the Estonians.
Ну, признаться, и гор-то самих я не видал.
But come to think of it, I've never seen a mountain either.
А вы вот на Кавказе всем своим баптистским клубом молились — хоть одна перешла?
And when you and all your Baptists prayed down there in the Caucasus did you ever see a mountain move?"
Тоже горюны:
The poor fellows.
Богу молились, кому они мешали?
All they did was pray to God. And were they in anybody's way?
— Пайку, значит? —
"You mean that ration we get?”
Что высоко у людей, то мерзость перед Богом!
Things that people set store by are base in the sight of the Lord.
Молиться надо о духовном: чтоб Господь с нашего сердца накипь злую снимал...
You must pray for the things of the spirit so the Lord will take evil things from our hearts...."
Шухов на локте поднялся. —
And Shukhov bent over to him on his elbow. "
Вот, скажем, зовут крышу крыть, так с людей по тридцать пять рублей в день берём, а с попа — сто.
Suppose they ask you to build a roof on a house, your price is thirty rubles for plain people. For the priest it’s a hundred.
И архиерей областной у него на крючке, лапу жирную наш поп архиерею даёт.
And he's got the bishop under his thumb. You should see the way he holds that fat greasy hand of his out to the bishop.
И всех других попов, сколько их присылали, выживает, ни с кем делиться не хочет...
And it doesn't matter how many other priests they send. He always gets rid of 'em. He doesn't want to share the pickings."
— Зачем ты мне о попе?
"Why are you telling me about this priest?
Православная церковь от евангелия отошла.
The Orthodox Church has gotten away from the Gospel.
Их не сажают или пять лет дают, потому что вера у них не твёрдая.
And the reason they don’t put them in prison is be­cause they have no true faith."
— Алеша, — отвёл он руку его, надымив баптисту и в лицо.
"Alyoshka," he said, and he moved the Baptist's hand away and the smoke from his cigarette went in Alyoshka's face.
Я ж не против Бога, понимаешь.
“I'm not against God, understand.
В Бога я охотно верю.
I believe in God, all right.
Только вот не верю я в рай и в ад.
But what I don't believe in is Heaven and Hell.
Зачем вы нас за дурачков считаете, рай и ад нам сулите?
Who d’you think we are, giving us all that stuff about Heaven and Hell?
Вот что мне не нравится.
That's the thing I can't take."
Раздумался, не слышит, чего там Алёшка лопочет.
He was think­ing his own thoughts and didn't hear Alyoshka any more, and he said out loud:
— В общем, — решил он, — сколько ни молись, а сроку не скинут. Так от звонка до звонка и досидишь.
“The thing is, you can pray as much as you like but they won't take anything cff your sentence and you'll just have to sit it out, every day of it, from reveille to lights out."
Шухов молча смотрел в потолок.
Shukhov looked up at the ceiling and said nothing.
Уж сам он не знал, хотел он воли или нет.
He didn't know any longer himself whether he wanted freedom or not.
А потом надоело.
But then he got fed up with this.
А потом проясняться стало, что домой таких не пускают, гонят в ссылку.
And as time went on he understood that they might let you out but they never let you home.
И где ему будет житуха лучше — тут ли, там — неведомо.
And he didn't really know where he'd be better off. At home or in here.
А домой не пустят...
Alyoshka was talking the truth.
Христос тебе сидеть велел, за Христа ты и сел.
It was Christ told you to come here, and you are here because of Him.
А я за что сел?
But why am I here?
За то, что в сорок первом к войне не приготовились, за это?
Because they didn't get ready for the war like they should've in forty-one?
А я при чем?
Was that my fault?"
— Что-то второй проверки нет... — Кильдигс со своей койки заворчал.
"Looks like they're not going to check us over again," Kilgas shouted from his bunk.
И тут же в утихающем усмиренном бараке услышали грохот болта на внешней двери.
The barracks was quiet and there wasn't a sound. Then they heard the grinding of the bolt on the outside door.
Вбежали из коридора двое, кто валенки относил, и кричат:
The two fellows who'd taken the boots to the drying room ran in from the passageway and shouted: "
Тут и надзиратель им вслед:
The warder was right behind them and he yelled: "
— Вы'ходи на ту половину!
"Get out on the other side of the barracks!"
А уж кто и спал!
Some of them were sleeping already.
Заворчали, задвигались, в валенки ноги суют (в кальсонах редко кто, в брюках ватных так и спят — без них под одеяльцем не улежишь, скоченеешь).
They grumbled and started to move and put their feet in their boots (they never took their pants off, it was too cold under the blanket and you got all stif without them).
Шухов подвалил его под матрас и ещё ждал, пока выгонят больше, чтобы в коридоре на полу босиком меньше стоять.
Shukhov put it under his mattress and waited a little till they chased most of the fellows out in the passageway — so he wouldn't have to stand there in his bare feet any longer than he had to.
Но надзиратель оскалился:
But the warder snarled at him and said: "
— А ну, там! в углу!
"Hey, you over there in the corner!"
И Шухов мягко спрыгнул босиком на пол (уж так хорошо его валенки с портянками на печке стояли — жалко было их снимать!).
So Shukhov jumped down on the floor in his bare feet (his boots and foot-cloths were on the stove and they'd gotten nice and warm, and it'd be a shame to take them down).
Сколько он тапочек перешил — все другим, себе не оставил.
All those slippers he'd made for other people! But never for himself. He didn't mind.
Да он привычен, дело недолгое.
He was used to this sort of business and it would soon be over.
Тапочки тоже отбирают, у кого найдут днём.
And they took these slippers away from you too if they caught you with them in the day.
И какие бригады валенки сдали на сушку — тоже теперь хорошо, кто в тапочках, а то в портянках одних подвязанных или босиком.
The gangs who had their boots in the drying room — they didn’t mind much either. Some of them had slippers or they went out in their foot-cloths or in their bare feet.
— Ну! ну! —
"Get a move on!”
— Вам дрына, падлы? —
"Would you like a taste. of the stick, you filthy scum?” the trusty said.
Выперли всех в ту половину барака, последних — в коридор.
They were all driven over to the other side of the barracks and the ones who came last had to go out in the passageway.
Шухов тут и стал у стеночки, около парашной.
Shukhov stood out there by the wall near the latrine.
Под ногами его пол был мокроват, и ледяно тянуло низом из сеней.
The floor under his feet was wet and there was a freezing draft from outside.
Выгнали всех — и ещё раз пошёл надзиратель и старший барака смотреть — не спрятался ли кто, не приткнулся ли кто в затемке и спит.
When they’d gotten them all out from the bunks the warder and the trusty went around and had another look, just to make sure nobody was sleeping in some corner. They were in trouble if they had a man missing, and they were in trouble if they had one too many — it meant they’d have to start check­ing all over again.
It was great!
Ноги опять в рукав телогрейки, сверху одеяло, сверху бушлат, спим!
He tucked his legs in the arm of his jacket again and put the blanket and then his coat on top. He'd sleep now.
Будут теперь всю ту вторую половину барака в нашу половину перепускать, да нам-то горюшка нет.
They’d be bringing the guys from the other side of the barracks over here to check them. But that wouldn’t worry him.
Алёшка вернулся.
Alyoshka came back too.
Неумелец он, всем угождает, а заработать не может.
He was always trying to please people but he never got anything out of it.
— Спасибо!
Alyoshka smiled. "
У вас у самих нет!
"Thank you, but you haven’t got very much yourself."
— Е-ешь!
"Go ahead. Eat it."
У нас нет, так мы всегда заработаем.
It was true he didn’t have very much but he could always earn something.
А сам колбасы кусочек — в рот! Зубами ее! Зубами!
And he put the piece of sausage in his mouth and chewed it and chewed it.
Засыпал Шухов, вполне удоволенный.
Shukhov went to sleep, and he was very happy.
в карцер не посадили, на Соцгородок бригаду не выгнали, в обед он закосил кашу, бригадир хорошо закрыл процентовку.
They hadn't put him in the cooler. The gang hadn't been chased out to work in the Socialist Community Development. He’d fina­gled an extra bowl of mush at noon. The boss had gotten them good rates for their work.
Стену Шухов клал весело, с ножовкой на шмоне не попался, подработал вечером у Цезаря и табачку купил.
He’d felt good making that wall. They hadn’t found that piece of steel in the frisk. Caesar had paid him off in the evening. He'd bought some tobacco.
И не заболел, перемогся.
And he'd gotten over that sickness.
Таких дней в его сроке от звонка до звонка было три тысячи шестьсот пятьдесят три.
There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three days like in his sentence, from reveille to lights out.