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Теперь уже всякий частный человек считает в лице своём оскорблённым всё общество.
There are in the whole of Russia no persons more sensitive than Government officials. Each of them believes if he is annoyed in any way, that the whole official class is insulted in his person.
Итак, во избежание всяких неприятностей, лучше департамент, о котором идёт дело, мы назовём одним департаментом.
In order to prove his assertions, he forwarded with his report a bulky work of fiction, in which on about every tenth page an Isprawnik appeared generally in a drunken condition.
Фамилия чиновника была Башмачкин.
Such was the outer aspect of our hero, as produced by the St Petersburg climate.
Уже по самому имени видно, что она когда-то произошла от башмака; но когда, в какое время и каким образом произошла она от башмака, ничего этого неизвестно.
As regards his official rank — for with us Russians the official rank must always be given — he was what is usually known as a permanent titular councillor, one of those unfortunate beings who, as is well known, are made a butt of by various authors who have the bad habit of attacking people who cannot defend themselves.
Имя его было Акакий Акакиевич.
Our hero's family name was Bashmatchkin; his baptismal name Akaki Akakievitch.
Ещё переворотили страницу – вышли: Павсикахий и Вахтисий.
They looked again in the calendar and found Pavsikakhiy and Vakhtisiy.
Ребёнка окрестили, причём он заплакал и сделал такую гримасу, как будто бы предчувствовал, что будет титулярный советник.
It was baptised, although it wept and cried and made all kinds of grimaces, as though it had a presentiment that it would one day be a titular councillor.
Сколько ни переменялось директоров и всяких начальников, его видели всё на одном и том же месте, в том же положении, в той же самой должности, тем же чиновником для письма, так что потом уверились, что он, видно, так и родился на свет уже совершенно готовым, в вицмундире и с лысиной на голове.
However many of his superiors might come and go, he was always seen in the same spot, in the same attitude, busy with the same work, and bearing the same title; so that people began to believe he had come into the world just as he was, with his bald forehead and official uniform. In the chancellery where he worked, no kind of notice was taken of him.
Какой-нибудь помощник столоначальника прямо совал ему под нос бумаги, не сказав даже: «перепишите», или: «вот интересное, хорошенькое дельце», или что-нибудь приятное, как употребляется в благовоспитанных службах.
The assistant of the head of the department, when he pushed a pile of papers under his nose, did not even say "Please copy those," or "There is something interesting for you," or make any other polite remark such as well-educated officials are in the habit of doing.
И он брал, посмотрев только на бумагу, не глядя, кто ему подложил и имел ли на то право. Он брал и тут же пристраивался писать её.
But Akaki took the documents, without worrying himself whether they had the right to hand them over to him or not, and straightway set to work to copy them.
Молодые чиновники подсмеивались и острились над ним, во сколько хватало канцелярского остроумия, рассказывали тут же пред ним разные составленные про него истории; про его хозяйку, семидесятилетнюю старуху, говорили, что она бьёт его, спрашивали, когда будет их свадьба, сыпали на голову ему бумажки, называя это снегом.
His young colleagues made him the butt of their ridicule and their elegant wit, so far as officials can be said to possess any wit. They did not scruple to relate in his presence various tales of their own invention regarding his manner of life and his landlady, who was seventy years old. They declared that she beat him, and inquired of him when he would lead her to the marriage altar. Sometimes they let a shower of scraps of paper fall on his head, and told him they were snowflakes.
Какая-то неестественная сила оттолкнула его от товарищей, с которыми он познакомился, приняв их за приличных, светских людей.
He felt as though some supernatural power drew him away from the colleagues whose acquaintance he had made here, and whom he had hitherto regarded as well-educated, respectable men, and alienated him from them.
Если бы соразмерно его рвению давали ему награды, он, к изумлению своему, может быть, даже попал бы в статские советники; но выслужил он, как выражались остряки, его товарищи, пряжку в петлицу да нажил геморрой в поясницу.
Had he been rewarded according to his zeal, he would perhaps — to his own astonishment — have been raised to the rank of civic councillor. However, he was not destined, as his colleagues expressed it, to wear a cross at his buttonhole, but only to get hæmorrhoids by leading a too sedentary life.
Впрочем, нельзя сказать, чтобы не было к нему никакого внимания.
For the rest, I must mention that on one occasion he attracted a certain amount of attention.
Это задало ему такую работу, что он вспотел совершенно, тер лоб и, наконец, сказал: «Нет, лучше дайте я перепишу что-нибудь».
Akaki undertook the work; but it confused and exhausted him to such a degree that the sweat ran from his forehead and he at last exclaimed: "No! Please give me again something to copy."
С тех пор оставили его навсегда переписывать.
From that time he was allowed to continue copying to his life's end.
Если же таких не случалось, он снимал нарочно, для собственного удовольствия, копию для себя, особенно если бумага была замечательна не по красоте слога, но по адресу к какому-нибудь новому или важному лицу.
As soon as his hunger was satisfied, he set himself to write, and began to copy the documents which he had brought home with him. If he happened to have no official documents to copy, he copied for his own satisfaction political letters, not for their more or less grand style but because they were directed to some high personage.
Даже в те часы, когда совершенно потухает петербургское серое небо и весь чиновный народ наелся и отобедал, кто как мог, сообразно с получаемым жалованьем и собственной прихотью, – когда всё уже отдохнуло после департаментского скрипенья перьями, беготни, своих и чужих необходимых занятий и всего того, что задаёт себе добровольно, больше даже, чем нужно, неугомонный человек, – когда чиновники спешат предать наслаждению оставшееся время: кто побойчее, несётся в театр; кто на улицу, определяя его на рассматриванье кое-каких шляпёнок; кто на вечер – истратить его в комплиментах какой-нибудь смазливой девушке, звезде небольшого чиновного круга; кто, и это случается чаще всего, идёт просто к своему брату в четвёртый или третий этаж, в две небольшие комнаты с передней или кухней и кое-какими модными претензиями, лампой или иной вещицей, стоившей многих пожертвований, отказов от обедов, гуляний, – словом, даже в то время, когда все чиновники рассеиваются по маленьким квартиркам своих приятелей поиграть в штурмовой вист, прихлёбывая чай из стаканов с копеечными сухарями, затягиваясь дымом из длинных чубуков, рассказывая во время сдачи какую-нибудь сплетню, занёсшуюся из высшего общества, от которого никогда и ни в каком состоянии не может отказаться русский человек, или даже, когда не о чем говорить, пересказывая вечный анекдот о коменданте, которому пришли сказать, что подрублен хвост у лошади Фальконетова монумента, – словом, даже тогда, когда всё стремится развлечься, – Акакий Акакиевич не предавался никакому развлечению.
When the grey St Petersburg sky is darkened by the veil of night, and the whole of officialdom has finished its dinner according to its gastronomical inclinations or the depth of its purse — when all recover themselves from the perpetual scratching of bureaucratic pens, and all the cares and business with which men so often needlessly burden themselves, they devote the evening to recreation. One goes to the theatre; another roams about the streets, inspecting toilettes; another whispers flattering words to some young girl who has risen like a star in his modest official circle. Here and there one visits a colleague in his third or fourth story flat, consisting of two rooms with an entrance-hall and kitchen, fitted with some pretentious articles of furniture purchased by many abstinences. In short, at this time every official betakes himself to some form of recreation — playing whist, drinking tea, and eating cheap pastry or smoking tobacco in long pipes. Some relate scandals about great people, for in whatever situation of life the Russian may be, he always likes to hear about the aristocracy; others recount well-worn but popular anecdotes, as for example that of the commandant to whom it was reported that a rogue had cut off the horse's tail on the monument of Peter the Great.
Никто не мог сказать, чтобы когда-нибудь видел его на каком-нибудь вечере.
But even at this time of rest and recreation, Akaki Akakievitch remained faithful to his habits. No one could say that he had ever seen him in any evening social circle.
Написавшись всласть, он ложился спать, улыбаясь заранее при мысли о завтрашнем дне: что-то Бог пошлет переписывать завтра?
After he had written as much as he wanted, he went to bed, and thought of the joys of the coming day, and the fine copies which God would give him to do.
В это время, когда даже у занимающих высшие должности болит от морозу лоб и слезы выступают в глазах, бедные титулярные советники иногда бывают беззащитны.
If at this time even high officials so suffer from the severity of the cold in their own persons that the tears come into their eyes, what must be the sufferings of the titular councillors, whose means do not allow of their protecting themselves against the rigour of winter?
Он подумал, наконец, не заключается ли каких грехов в его шинели.
After well considering the matter, he came to the conclusion that these were due to the imperfections of his cloak.
Надобно знать, что шинель Акакия Акакиевича служила тоже предметом насмешек чиновникам; от неё отнимали даже благородное имя шинели и называли её капотом.
This cloak had been for a long time the standing object of jests on the part of Akaki's merciless colleagues. They had even robbed it of the noble name of "cloak," and called it a cowl. It certainly presented a remarkable appearance.
В самом деле, она имела какое-то странное устройство: воротник её уменьшался с каждым годом более и более, ибо служил на подтачиванье других частей её.
Every year the collar had grown smaller, for every year the poor titular councillor had taken a piece of it away in order to repair some other part of the cloak; and these repairs did not look as if they had been done by the skilled hand of a tailor.
С этой стороны он был верен дедовским обычаям и, споря с женой, называл её мирскою женщиной и немкой.
By thus solemnly celebrating the days consecrated by the Church, he considered that he was remaining faithful to the traditions of his childhood; and when he quarrelled with his wife, he shouted that she was an earthly minded creature and a German.
Дверь была отворена, потому что хозяйка, готовя какую-то рыбу, напустила столько дыму в кухне, что нельзя было видеть даже и самых тараканов.
The door of the tailor's flat stood open in order to provide an outlet for the clouds of smoke which rolled from the kitchen, where Petrovitch's wife was just then cooking fish.
Потом, правда, приходила жена, плачась, что муж-де был пьян и потому дёшево взялся; но гривенник, бывало, один прибавишь, и дело в шляпе.
Sometimes indeed his wife interfered in the transaction, and declared that he was drunk and promised to do the work at much too low a price; but if the customer paid a trifle more, the matter was settled.
Теперь же Петрович был, казалось, в трезвом состоянии, а потому крут, несговорчив и охотник заламливать черт знает какие цены.
Unfortunately for the titular councillor, Petrovitch had just now not yet touched the brandy flask. At such moments he was hard, obstinate, and ready to demand an exorbitant price.
– А я вот к тебе, Петрович, того...
"I come just — merely — in order — I want — "
а потом уже и ничего не было, и сам он позабывал, думая, что всё уже выговорил. – Что ж такое? –
So that when transacting business, he generally entangled himself in the formula "Yes — it is indeed true that — --" Then he would remain standing and forget what he wished to say, or believe that he had said it.
Петрович взял капот, разложил его сначала на стол, рассматривал долго, покачал головою и полез рукою на окно за круглой табакеркой с портретом какого-то генерала, какого именно неизвестно, потому что место, где находилось лицо, было проткнуто пальцем и потом заклеено четвероугольным лоскуточком бумажки.
You see it is hardly worth talking about; it can be thoroughly repaired in a few minutes." Petrovitch took the unfortunate cloak, spread it on the table, contemplated it in silence, and shook his head. Then he stretched his hand towards the window-sill for his snuff-box, a round one with the portrait of a general on the lid. I do not know whose portrait it was, for it had been accidentally injured, and the ingenious tailor had gummed a piece of paper over it.
– Да кусочки-то можно найти, кусочки найдутся, – сказал Петрович, – да нашить-то нельзя: дело совсем гнилое, тронешь иглой – а вот уж оно и ползёт.
"Can this hole really not be repaired? Look! Petrovitch; there are only two rents, and you have enough pieces of cloth to mend them with." "Yes, I have enough pieces of cloth; but how should I sew them on? The stuff is quite worn out; it won't bear another stitch."
– Пусть ползёт, а ты тотчас заплаточку.
"Well, can't you strengthen it with another piece of cloth?"
– Ну, да уж прикрепи. Как же этак, право, того!..
"But if you could only make it last a little longer, do you see — really — --"
– Нет, – сказал Петрович решительно, – ничего нельзя сделать.
"No!" answered Petrovitch decidedly. "There is nothing more to be done with it; it is completely worn out.
Это немцы выдумали, чтобы побольше себе денег забирать (Петрович любил при случае кольнуть немцев); а шинель уж, видно, вам придётся новую делать.
It was the Germans who invented stockings for their own profit." Petrovitch never lost an opportunity of having a hit at the Germans. "You must certainly buy a new cloak," he added. "A new cloak?" exclaimed Akaki Akakievitch, and it grew dark before his eyes.
– То есть, что будет стоить?
"You mean how much would it cost?"
– Да.
А Петрович, по уходе его, долго ещё стоял, значительно сжавши губы и не принимаясь за работу, будучи доволен, что и себя не уронил, да и портного искусства тоже не выдал.
After this answer, Akaki departed, feeling quite crushed; while Petrovitch, with his lips firmly pursed up, feeling pleased with himself for his firmness and brave defence of the art of tailoring, remained sitting on the table.
Вышед на улицу, Акакий Акакиевич был как во сне.
Meanwhile Akaki wandered about the streets like a somnambulist, at random and without an object. "
А вот я лучше приду к нему в воскресный день утром: он после канунешной субботы будет косить глазом и заспавшись, так ему нужно будет опохмелиться, а жена денег не даст, а в это время я ему гривенничек и того, в руку, он и будет сговорчивее и шинель тогда и того...»
the rough guardian of civic order exclaimed. "Can't you walk on the pavement properly?" This sudden address at last completely roused Akaki from his torpid condition. He collected his thoughts, considered his situation clearly, and began to take counsel with himself seriously and frankly, as with a friend to whom one entrusts the most intimate secrets. "No!"
Акакий Акакиевич тут-то и всунул ему гривенничек.
Encouraged by these reflections, Akaki waited patiently till Sunday.
Он сделался как-то живее, даже твёрже характером, как человек, который уже определил и поставил себе цель.
He also resolved to avoid rough pavements as much as possible, in order to spare his shoes; and finally to give out less washing to the laundress.
С лица и с поступков его исчезло само собою сомнение, нерешительность, – словом, все колеблющиеся и неопределенные черты.
At first he found these deprivations rather trying; but gradually he got accustomed to them, and at last took to going to bed without any supper at all.
Это обстоятельство ускорило ход дела.
These and similar thoughts sometimes caused him to be absent-minded.
Акакий Акакиевич об этом не хотел рассуждать с Петровичем, да и боялся всех сильных сумм, какими Петрович любил запускать пыль.
For the lining they chose a piece of such firm and thickly woven linen that the tailor declared it was better than silk; it also had a splendid gloss on it.
Наконец один из чиновников, какой-то даже помощник столоначальника, вероятно для того, чтобы показать, что он ничуть не гордец и знается даже с низшими себя, сказал: «Так и быть, я вместо Акакия Акакиевича даю вечер и прошу ко мне сегодня на чай: я же, как нарочно, сегодня именинник».
The cloak had been brought wrapped up in a large, new, freshly washed handkerchief, which the tailor carefully opened, folded, and placed in his pocket. Then he proudly took the cloak in both hands and laid it on Akaki Akakievitch's shoulders. He pulled it straight behind to see how it hung majestically in its whole length. Finally he wished to see the effect it made when unbuttoned. Akaki, however, wished to try the sleeves, which fitted wonderfully well.
Как бы то ни было, но верно по крайней мере то, что чиновник жил в лучшей части города, – стало быть, очень не близко от Акакия Акакиевича.
Without noticing anything on the road, he marched straight to the chancellery, took off his treasure in the hall, and solemnly entrusted it to the porter's care. I do not know how the report spread in the office that Akaki's old cloak had ceased to exist.
Акакий Акакиевич глядел на всё это, как на новость. Он уже несколько лет не выходил по вечерам на улицу.
But how great was his surprise when his cruel colleagues remarked that he should formally "handsel" his cloak by giving them a feast!
Акакий Акакиевич покачнул головой и усмехнулся и потом пошёл своею дорогою.
One of his superiors, who probably wished to show that he was not too proud of his rank and title, and did not disdain social intercourse with his subordinates, broke in and said, "Gentlemen!
что и говорить, уж ежели захотят что-нибудь того, так уж точно того...»
Akaki at first wished to decline, but was told that to do so would be grossly impolite and unpardonable, so he reconciled himself to the inevitable.
А может быть, даже и этого не подумал – ведь нельзя же залезть в душу человеку и узнать всё, что он ни думает.
Moreover, he felt a certain satisfaction at the thought that the occasion would give him a new opportunity of displaying his cloak in the streets. This whole day for him was like a festival day.
Между ними, посреди комнаты, стоял самовар, шумя и испуская клубами пар.
His looks passed from one to the other, and he thought to himself, smiling, "What a difference!"
На стенах висели всё шинели да плащи, между которыми некоторые были даже с бобровыми воротниками или с бархатными отворотами.
He ate his supper cheerfully, and after he had finished, did not sit down as usual to copy documents. No; he lay down, like a Sybarite, on the sofa and waited.
Акакий Акакиевич хотя было отчасти и сконфузился, но, будучи человеком чистосердечным, не мог не порадоваться, видя, как все похвалили шинель.
At first the titular councillor traversed several badly lit streets which seemed quite empty; but the nearer he approached his superior's house, the more brilliant and lively the streets became.
Всё это: шум, говор и толпа людей, – всё это было как-то чудно Акакию Акакиевичу.
The peasants' sledges, with their wooden seats and brass studs, became rarer; while now every moment appeared skilled coachmen with velvet caps, driving lacquered sleighs covered with bearskins, and fine carriages.
Он хотел проститься с хозяином, но его не пустили, говоря, что непременно надо выпить в честь обновки по бокалу шампанского.
In the adjoining room he heard a confused noise, which assumed a more decided character when a servant opened the door and came out bearing a tray full of empty cups, a milk-jug, and a basket of biscuits.
Он оглянулся назад и по сторонам: точное море вокруг него.
From fear of being kept back again, he slipped furtively into the vestibule, where he was pained to find his cloak lying on the ground.
«Нет, лучше и не глядеть», – подумал и шёл, закрыв глаза, и когда открыл их, чтобы узнать, близко ли конец площади, увидел вдруг, что перед ним стоят почти перед носом какие-то люди с усами, какие именно, уж этого он не мог даже различить.
He carefully shook it, brushed it, put it on, and went out. The street-lamps were still alight. Some of the small ale-houses frequented by servants and the lower classes were still open, and some had just been shut; but by the beams of light which shone through the chinks of the doors, it was easy to see that there were still people inside, probably male and female domestics, who were quite indifferent to their employers' interests. Akaki Akakievitch turned homewards in a cheerful mood.
У него затуманило в глазах и забилось в груди.
Suddenly he found himself in a long street where it was very quiet by day and still more so at night. The surroundings were very dismal.
«А ведь шинель-то моя!» – сказал один из них громовым голосом, схвативши его за воротник.
Only here and there hung a lamp which threatened to go out for want of oil; there were long rows of wooden houses with wooden fences, but no sign of a living soul.
Акакий Акакиевич чувствовал только, как сняли с него шинель, дали ему пинка коленом, и он упал навзничь в снег и ничего уж больше не чувствовал.
Akaki went on till the street opened into an enormous square, on the other side of which the houses were scarcely visible, and which looked like a terrible desert. At a great distance — God knows where!--
Один кто-то, движимый состраданием, решился по крайней мере помочь Акакию Акакиевичу добрым советом, сказавши, чтоб он пошёл не к квартальному, потому что хоть и может случиться, что квартальный, желая заслужить одобрение начальства, отыщет каким-нибудь образом шинель, но шинель всё-таки останется в полиции, если он не представит законных доказательств, что она принадлежит ему; а лучше всего, чтобы он обратился к одному значительному лицу, что значительное лицо, спишась и снесясь с кем следует, может заставить успешнее идти дело.
Akaki saw there was nothing to be done but to go home. He reached his dwelling in a state of dreadful disorder, his hair hanging wildly over his forehead, and his clothes covered with snow. When his old landlady heard him knocking violently at the door, she sprang up and hastened thither, only half-dressed; but at the sight of Akaki started back in alarm. When he told her what had happened, she clasped her hands together and said, "You should not go to the police inspector, but to the municipal Superintendent of the district. The inspector will put you off with fine words, and do nothing; but I have known the Superintendent for a long time.
Так уж на святой Руси всё заражено подражанием, всякий дразнит и корчит своего начальника.
About dinner-time the titular councillor called again, but the clerks asked him in a severe tone what was his business with their superior.
Приемы и обычаи значительного лица были солидны и величественны, но не многосложны.
This left them without reply. One of the clerks departed, in order to deliver his message. When Akaki was admitted to the Superintendent's presence, the latter's way of receiving his story was somewhat singular.
В глазах его иногда видно было сильное желание присоединиться к какому-нибудь интересному разговору и кружку, но останавливала его мысль: не будет ли это уж очень много с его стороны, не будет ли фамильярно, и не уронит ли он чрез то своего значения?
One of them, who felt sincerely sorry for Akaki, gave him some good advice for want of something better. He told him it was a waste of time to go again to the Superintendent, because even in case that this official succeeded in recovering the cloak, the police would keep it till the titular councillor had indisputably proved that he was the real owner of it.
К такому-то значительному лицу явился наш Акакий Акакиевич, и явился во время самое неблагоприятное, весьма некстати для себя, хотя, впрочем, кстати для значительного лица.
In his bewilderment, Akaki resolved to follow this advice. It was not known what position this personage occupied, nor how high it really was; the only facts known were that he had only recently been placed in it, and that there must be still higher personages than himself, as he was leaving no stone unturned in order to get promotion.
В это время доложили ему, что пришёл какой-то Башмачкин. Он спросил отрывисто: «Кто такой?» Ему отвечали: «Какой-то чиновник». – «А!
If anyone called with a request to see him, the secretary of the board informed the Government secretary, who in his turn passed it on to a higher official, and the latter informed the important personage himself.
Видно, что уж чиновники давно собрались и выпили по первому стакану чая.
Continuing to shout, he ran with the rage of despair to the sentinel in the sentry-box, who, leaning on his halberd, asked him why the deuce he was making such a hellish noise and running so violently.
Он остановился весьма неловко среди комнаты, ища и стараясь придумать, что ему сделать.
"I saw you quite well," answered the sentinel, "in the middle of the square with two men; I thought you were friends. It is no good getting so excited.
Но его уже заметили, приняли с криком, и все пошли тот же час в переднюю и вновь осмотрели его шинель.
Go to-morrow to the police inspector; he will take up the matter, have the thieves searched for, and make an examination."
шум, говор и толпа людей, – всё это было как-то чудно Акакию Акакиевичу.
When his old landlady heard him knocking violently at the door, she sprang up and hastened thither, only half-dressed; but at the sight of Akaki started back in alarm.
откуда вы мыслей таких набрались?
The inspector will put you off with fine words, and do nothing; but I have known the Superintendent for a long time.
Стало быть, если бы он и мог назваться молодым человеком, то разве только относительно, то есть в отношении к тому, кому уже было семьдесят лет.
Among his equals, however, he recovered his equilibrium, and then showed his real amiability in more than one direction; but as soon as he found himself in the society of anyone of less rank than himself, he entrenched himself in a severe taciturnity. This situation was all the more painful for him as he was quite aware that he might have passed his time more agreeably.
– Знаете ли вы, кому это говорите? понимаете ли вы, кто стоит перед вами? понимаете ли вы это, понимаете ли это?
All who watched him at such moments perceived clearly that he longed to take part in an interesting conversation, but that the fear of displaying some unguarded courtesy, of appearing too confidential, and thereby doing a deadly injury to his dignity, held him back.
После чего обратился к хозяйке и сказал: «А вы, матушка, и времени даром не теряйте, закажите ему теперь же сосновый гроб, потому что дубовый будет для него дорог».
His friend and himself had already quite exhausted various topics of conversation. Many long, embarrassing pauses had occurred, during which they had lightly tapped each other on the shoulder, saying, "So it was, you see." "Yes, Stepan."
Акакия Акакиевича свезли и похоронили.
"Ah, sir," he said, "don't you know what steps you ought to take in such a case?
Несколько дней после его смерти послан был к нему на квартиру из департамента сторож, с приказанием немедленно явиться: начальник-де требует; но сторож должен был возвратиться ни с чем, давши отчет, что не может больше придти, и на запрос «почему?» выразился словами: «Да так, уж он умер, четвёртого дня похоронили». Таким образом узнали в департаменте о смерти Акакия Акакиевича, и на другой день уже на его месте сидел новый чиновник, гораздо выше ростом и выставлявший буквы уже не таким прямым почерком, а гораздо наклоннее и косее. Но кто бы мог вообразить, что здесь ещё не всё об Акакии Акакиевиче, что суждено ему на несколько дней прожить шумно после своей смерти, как бы в награду за непримеченную никем жизнь? Но так случилось, и бедная история наша неожиданно принимает фантастическое окончание.
It would then have been brought before my secretary, who would have made a communication to you."
По Петербургу пронеслись вдруг слухи, что у Калинкина моста и далеко подальше стал показываться по ночам мертвец в виде чиновника, ищущего какой-то утащенной шинели и под видом стащенной шинели сдирающий со всех плеч, не разбирая чина и звания, всякие шинели: на кошках, на бобрах, на вате, енотовые, лисьи, медвежьи шубы – словом, всякого рода меха и кожи, какие только придумали люди для прикрытия собственной. Один из департаментских чиновников видел своими глазами мертвеца и узнал в нем тотчас Акакия Акакиевича; но это внушило ему, однако же, такой страх, что он бросился бежать со всех ног и оттого не мог хорошенько рассмотреть, а видел только, как тот издали погрозил ему пальцем. Со всех сторон поступали беспрестанно жалобы, что спины и плечи, пускай бы ещё только титулярных, а то даже самих тайных советников, подвержены совершенной простуде по причине ночного сдергивания шинелей.
"Allow me," replied Akaki, making a strenuous effort to preserve the remnants of his presence of mind, for he felt that the perspiration stood on his forehead, "allow me to remark to Your Excellence that I ventured to trouble you personally in this matter because secretaries — secretaries are a hopeless kind of people."
С этих пор будочники получили такой страх к мертвецам, что даже опасались хватать и живых, и только издали покрикивали: «Эй ты, ступай своею дорогою!», и мертвец-чиновник стал показываться даже за Калинкиным мостом, наводя немалый страх на всех робких людей. Но мы, однако же, совершенно оставили одно значительное лицо, который, по-настоящему, едва ли не был причиною фантастического направления, впрочем, совершенно истинной истории. Прежде всего долг справедливости требует сказать, что одно значительное лицо скоро по уходе бедного, распечённого впух Акакия Акакиевича почувствовал что-то вроде сожаления. Сострадание было ему не чуждо; его сердцу были доступны многие добрые движения, несмотря на то что чин весьма часто мешал им обнаруживаться.
In his official zeal the Superintendent overlooked the fact that the titular councillor was well on in the fifties, and that the word "young" could only apply to him conditionally, i.e. in comparison with a man of seventy. "
Желая сколько-нибудь развлечься и позабыть неприятное впечатление, он отправился на вечер к одному из приятелей своих, у которого нашёл порядочное общество, а что всего лучше – все там были почти одного и того же чина, так что он совершенно ничем не мог быть связан.
But the Superintendent was quite delighted at the effect he had produced. It exceeded all his expectations, and filled with satisfaction at the fact that his words made such an impression on a middle-aged man that he lost consciousness, he cast a side-glance at his friend to see what effect the scene had produced on him.
Надобно сказать, что значительное лицо был уже человек немолодой, хороший супруг, почтенный отец семейства. Два сына, из которых один служил уже в канцелярии, и миловидная шестнадцатилетняя дочь с несколько выгнутым, но хорошеньким носиком приходили всякий день целовать его руку, приговаривая: «bonjour, papa»💬. Супруга его, ещё женщина свежая и даже ничуть не дурная, давала ему прежде поцеловать свою руку и потом, переворотивши её на другую сторону, целовала его руку.
In his whole life he had never been so scolded by a superior official, let alone one whom he had never seen before.
Но ужас значительного лица превзошёл все границы, когда он увидел, что рот мертвеца покривился и, пахнувши на него страшно могилою, произнёс такие речи: «А!
At one time he saw Petrovitch the tailor and asked him to make a cloak with nooses attached for the thieves who persecuted him in bed, and begged his old landlady to chase away the robbers who were hidden under his coverlet.
так вот ты наконец!
At another time he seemed to be listening to the Superintendent's severe reprimand, and asking his forgiveness.
наконец я тебя того, поймал за воротник! твоей-то шинели мне и нужно!
Then he uttered such strange and confused remarks that the old woman crossed herself in alarm.
Впрочем, многие деятельные и заботливые люди никак не хотели успокоиться и поговаривали, что в дальних частях города всё ещё показывался чиновник-мертвец.
Thus disappeared a human creature who had never possessed a patron or friend, who had never elicited real hearty sympathy from anyone, nor even aroused the curiosity of the naturalists, though they are most eager to subject a rare insect to microscopic examination.
И точно, один коломенский будочник видел собственными глазами, как показалось из-за одного дома привидение; но, будучи по природе своей несколько бессилен, так что один раз обыкновенный взрослый поросёнок, кинувшись из какого-то частного дома, сшиб его с ног, к величайшему смеху стоявших вокруг извозчиков, с которых он вытребовал за такую издёвку по грошу на табак, – итак, будучи бессилен, он не посмел остановить его, а так шёл за ним в темноте до тех пор, пока, наконец, привидение вдруг оглянулось и, остановясь, спросило: «Тебе чего хочется?» –
Without a complaint he had borne the scorn and contempt of his colleagues; he had proceeded on his quiet way to the grave without anything extraordinary happening to him — only towards the end of his life he had been joyfully excited by the possession of a new cloak, and had then been overthrown by misfortune. Some days after his conversation with the Superintendent, his superior in the chancellery, where no one knew what had become of him, sent an official to his house to demand his presence. The official returned with the news that no one would see the titular councillor any more. "Why?" asked all the clerks.
и показало такой кулак, какого и у живых не найдёшь.
"Because he was buried four days ago." In such a manner did Akaki's colleagues hear of his death.
Будочник сказал: «Ничего», да и поворотил тот же час назад.
The next day his place was occupied by an official of robuster fibre, a man who did not trouble to make so many fair transcripts of state documents.
Привидение, однако же, было уже гораздо выше ростом, носило преогромные усы и, направив шаги, как казалось, к Обухову мосту, скрылось совершенно в ночной темноте.
It seems as though Akaki's story ended here, and that there was nothing more to be said of him; but the modest titular councillor was destined to attract more notice after his death than during his life, and our tale now assumes a somewhat ghostly complexion. One day there spread in St Petersburg the report that near the Katinka Bridge there appeared every night a spectre in a uniform like that of the chancellery officials; that he was searching for a stolen cloak, and stripped all passers-by of their cloaks without any regard for rank or title. It mattered not whether they were lined with wadding, mink, cat, otter, bear, or beaverskin; he took all he could get hold of. One of the titular councillor's former colleagues had seen the ghost, and quite clearly recognised Akaki. He ran as hard as he could and managed to escape, but had seen him shaking his fist in the distance.
откуда вы мыслей таких набрались?
Everywhere it was reported that councillors, and not only titular councillors but also state-councillors, had caught serious colds in their honourable backs on account of these raids. The police adopted all possible measures in order to get this ghost dead or alive into their power, and to inflict an exemplary punishment on him; but all their attempts were vain. One evening, however, a sentinel succeeded in getting hold of the malefactor just as he was trying to rob a musician of his cloak. The sentinel summoned with all the force of his lungs two of his comrades, to whom he entrusted the prisoner while he sought for his snuff-box in order to bring some life again into his half-frozen nose. Probably his snuff was so strong that even a ghost could not stand it.
что за буйство такое распространилось между молодыми людьми против начальников и высших!
Scarcely had the sentinel thrust a grain or two up his nostrils than the prisoner began to sneeze so violently that a kind of mist rose before the eyes of the sentinels. While the three were rubbing their eyes, the prisoner disappeared. Since that day, all the sentries were so afraid of the ghost that they did not even venture to arrest the living but shouted to them from afar "Go on! Go on!" Meanwhile the ghost extended his depredations to the other side of the Katinka Bridge, and spread dismay and alarm in the whole of the quarter.
 Значительное лицо, кажется, не заметил, что Акакию Акакиевичу забралось уже за пятьдесят лет. Стало быть, если бы он и мог назваться молодым человеком, то разве только относительно, то есть в отношении к тому, кому уже было семьдесят лет.
But now we must return to the Superintendent, who is the real origin of our fantastic yet so veracious story. First of all we must do him the justice to state that after Akaki's departure he felt a certain sympathy for him. He was by no means without a sense of justice — no, he possessed various good qualities, but his infatuation about his title hindered him from showing his good side. When his friend left him, his thoughts began to occupy themselves with the unfortunate titular councillor, and from that moment onwards he saw him constantly in his mind's eye, crushed by the severe reproof which had been administered to him. This image so haunted him that at last one day he ordered one of his officials to find out what had become of Akaki, and whether anything could be done for him.
– Знаете ли вы, кому это говорите?
When the messenger returned with the news that the poor man had died soon after that interview, the Superintendent felt a pang in his conscience, and remained the whole day absorbed in melancholy brooding. In order to banish his unpleasant sensations, he went in the evening to a friend's house, where he hoped to find pleasant society and what was the chief thing, some other officials of his own rank, so that he would not be obliged to feel bored. And in fact he did succeed in throwing off his melancholy thoughts there; he unbent and became lively, took an active part in the conversation, and passed a very pleasant evening. At supper he drank two glasses of champagne, which, as everyone knows, is an effective means of heightening one's cheerfulness. As he sat in his sledge, wrapped in his mantle, on his way home, his mind was full of pleasant reveries.
понимаете ли вы, кто стоит перед вами?
He thought of the society in which he had passed such a cheerful evening, and of all the excellent jokes with which he had made them laugh. He repeated some of them to himself half-aloud, and laughed at them again. From time to time, however, he was disturbed in this cheerful mood by violent gusts of wind, which from some corner or other blew a quantity of snowflakes into his face, lifted the folds of his cloak, and made it belly like a sail, so that he had to exert all his strength to hold it firmly on his shoulders. Suddenly he felt a powerful hand seize him by the collar. He turned round, perceived a short man in an old, shabby uniform, and recognised with terror Akaki's face, which wore a deathly pallor and emaciation.
понимаете ли вы это, понимаете ли это? я вас спрашиваю.
The titular councillor opened his mouth, from which issued a kind of corpse-like odour, and with inexpressible fright the Superintendent heard him say, "At last I have you — by the collar! I need your cloak. You did not trouble about me when I was in distress; you thought it necessary to reprimand me. Now give me your cloak." The high dignitary nearly choked.
 Тут он топнул ногою, возведя голос до такой сильной ноты, что даже и не Акакию Акакиевичу сделалось бы страшно.
In his office, and especially in the presence of his subordinates, he was a man of imposing manners. He only needed to fix his eye on one of them and they all seemed impressed by his pompous bearing. But, as is the case with many such officials, all this was only outward show; at this moment he felt so upset that he seriously feared for his health. Taking off his cloak with a feverish, trembling hand, he handed it to Akaki, and called to his coachman, "Drive home quickly." When the coachman heard this voice, which did not sound as it usually did, and had often been accompanied by blows of a whip, he bent his head cautiously and drove on apace.
Акакий Акакиевич так и обмер, пошатнулся, затрясся всем телом и никак не мог стоять:
Soon afterwards the Superintendent found himself at home. Cloakless, he retired to his room with a pale face and wild looks, and had such a bad night that on the following morning his daughter exclaimed "Father, are you ill?" But he said nothing of what he had seen, though a very deep impression had been made on him. From that day onwards he no longer addressed to his subordinates in a violent tone the words, "Do you know with whom you are speaking? Do you know who is standing before you?"
если бы не подбежали тут же сторожа поддержать его, он бы шлёпнулся на пол; его вынесли почти без движения.
Or if it ever did happen that he spoke to them in a domineering tone, it was not till he had first listened to what they had to say. Strangely enough, from that time the spectre never appeared again. Probably it was the Superintendent's cloak which he had been seeking so earnestly; now he had it and did not want anything more. Various persons, however, asserted that this formidable ghost was still to be seen in other parts of the city. A sentinel went so far as to say that he had seen him with his own eyes glide like a furtive shadow behind a house.
А значительное лицо, довольный тем, что эффект превзошёл даже ожидание, и совершенно упоенный мыслью, что слово его может лишить даже чувств человека, искоса взглянул на приятеля, чтобы узнать, как он на это смотрит, и не без удовольствия увидел, что приятель его находился в самом неопределенном состоянии и начинал даже с своей стороны сам чувствовать страх.
But this sentinel was of such a nervous disposition that he had been chaffed about his timidity more than once. Since he did not venture to seize the flitting shadow, he stole after it in the darkness; but the shadow turned round and shouted at him "What do you want?" shaking an enormous fist, such as no man had ever possessed. "I want nothing," answered the sentry, quickly retiring. This shadow, however, was taller than the ghost of the titular councillor, and had an enormous moustache.
В жизнь свою он не был ещё так сильно распечён генералом, да ещё и чужим.
In his whole life he had never been so scolded by a superior official, let alone one whom he had never seen before.
Он шёл по вьюге, свистевшей в улицах, разинув рот, сбиваясь с тротуаров; ветер, по петербургскому обычаю, дул на него со всех четырёх сторон, из всех переулков.
He wandered in the storm which raged without taking the least care of himself, nor sheltering himself on the side-walk against its fury. The wind, which blew from all sides and out of all the narrow streets, caused him to contract inflammation of the throat.
«Виноват, ваше превосходительство!»,
Then he uttered such strange and confused remarks that the old woman crossed herself in alarm.
Кому всё это досталось, Бог знает:
Into whose possession did these relics pass? Heaven only knows!
Именно, будочник какого-то квартала в Кирюшкином переулке схватил было уже совершенно мертвеца за ворот на самом месте злодеяния, на покушении сдёрнуть фризовую шинель с какого-то отставного музыканта, свиставшего в своё время на флейте.
One day there spread in St Petersburg the report that near the Katinka Bridge there appeared every night a spectre in a uniform like that of the chancellery officials; that he was searching for a stolen cloak, and stripped all passers-by of their cloaks without any regard for rank or title.
Покамест они поднесли кулаки протереть их, мертвеца и след пропал, так что они не знали даже, был ли он, точно, в их руках.
Everywhere it was reported that councillors, and not only titular councillors but also state-councillors, had caught serious colds in their honourable backs on account of these raids.
С этих пор будочники получили такой страх к мертвецам, что даже опасались хватать и живых, и только издали покрикивали:
The police adopted all possible measures in order to get this ghost dead or alive into their power, and to inflict an exemplary punishment on him; but all their attempts were vain.
Мысль о нем до такой степени тревожила его, что неделю спустя он решился даже послать к нему чиновника узнать, что он и как и нельзя ли в самом деле чем помочь ему; и когда донесли ему, что Акакий Акакиевич умер скоропостижно в горячке, он остался даже поражённым, слышал упрёки совести и весь день был не в духе.
Scarcely had the sentinel thrust a grain or two up his nostrils than the prisoner began to sneeze so violently that a kind of mist rose before the eyes of the sentinels. While the three were rubbing their eyes, the prisoner disappeared. Since that day, all the sentries were so afraid of the ghost that they did not even venture to arrest the living but shouted to them from afar "Go on! Go on!" Meanwhile the ghost extended his depredations to the other side of the Katinka Bridge, and spread dismay and alarm in the whole of the quarter.
Желая сколько-нибудь развлечься и позабыть неприятное впечатление, он отправился на вечер к одному из приятелей своих, у которого нашёл порядочное общество, а что всего лучше – все там были почти одного и того же чина, так что он совершенно ничем не мог быть связан.
But now we must return to the Superintendent, who is the real origin of our fantastic yet so veracious story. First of all we must do him the justice to state that after Akaki's departure he felt a certain sympathy for him. He was by no means without a sense of justice — no, he possessed various good qualities, but his infatuation about his title hindered him from showing his good side.
Это имело удивительное действие на душевное его расположение.
When his friend left him, his thoughts began to occupy themselves with the unfortunate titular councillor, and from that moment onwards he saw him constantly in his mind's eye, crushed by the severe reproof which had been administered to him.
Он развернулся, сделался приятен в разговоре, любезен – словом, провёл вечер очень приятно.
This image so haunted him that at last one day he ordered one of his officials to find out what had become of Akaki, and whether anything could be done for him.
не похлопотал об моей, да ещё и распёк, – отдавай же теперь свою!»
You did not trouble about me when I was in distress; you thought it necessary to reprimand me. Now give me your cloak."
Как ни был он характерен в канцелярии и вообще перед низшими, и хотя, взглянувши на один мужественный вид его и фигуру, всякий говорил:
In his office, and especially in the presence of his subordinates, he was a man of imposing manners. He only needed to fix his eye on one of them and they all seemed impressed by his pompous bearing.
видно, генеральская шинель пришлась ему совершенно по плечам; по крайней мере уже не было нигде слышно таких случаев, чтобы сдёргивали с кого шинели.
Strangely enough, from that time the spectre never appeared again. Probably it was the Superintendent's cloak which he had been seeking so earnestly; now he had it and did not want anything more.
«Ничего», да и поворотил тот же час назад.
"I want nothing," answered the sentry, quickly retiring.