

link 27.06.2007 19:20 
Subject: plainsgame trav.
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Выражение встречается в договоре на обслуживание во время охотничьей экпедиции (сафари) в Зимбабве:

Daily rates
2x buffalo hunters
2x plainsgame
2x fishermen
Buffalo plainsgame:
Daily Rate: US $ 300 min 10 Days 1/1

Заранее спасибо


link 27.06.2007 20:17 
Plains game is well established in literature and conversation as the sporting hunter's generic term for all those fair-game species of antelope and gazelle which are to be found - typically in rather open plains or savanna habitats - throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The term is all-embracing, unscientific and rather imprecise, encompassing a great range of species from the little springbok and Thomson's gazelle to the very much larger kudu and eland.

Where the term plains game is used as an indication of the kind of game for which particular sporting rifle cartridges are deemed suitable, it is fair to assume that the same ammunition also performs efficiently on other non-dangerous ungulates occurring elsewhere in the world, such as deer.


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