

link 27.06.2007 19:51 
Subject: graham cracker crumbs cook.
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graham cracker crumbs

это перечень ингедиентов какого-то:

Заранее очень большое спасибо


link 27.06.2007 19:59 
Это, по-моему, диетическое печенье такое, типа крекера. Если я совсем не ошибаюсь, из этих печенюшек изначально делали знаменитые американские moon pies, родственниками которых являются вагон виллз, присутствовавшие на нашем рынке. Сейчас проверю


link 27.06.2007 20:01 
The graham cracker was developed in nineteenth century, 1829 America in Bound Brook, New Jersey, by Presbyterian minister Rev. Sylvester Graham. Conceived of as a "health food", it is more like a digestive biscuit than a cracker. The true graham cracker is made with graham flour, which is unsifted and coarsely ground wheat flour. He used this due to its high fiber content.

His original "Graham bread" was the centerpiece of the Graham Diet, a regimen to suppress what he considered unhealthy carnal urges, the source of many maladies according to Graham.

He gained many followers including James Caleb Jackson who would invent granula.

[edit] Modern Use
Most modern "graham crackers" are instead made mostly of the refined, bleached white flour to which the Rev. Graham was implacably opposed. Modern commercial graham crackers are no longer considered health food, but have remained popular as a snack food with greater amounts of sugar, honey and other sweeteners than in the original recipe, and far less graham flour, often with no whole-wheat flour whatsoever. Cinnamon or chocolate may be added to enhance the flavor of the crackers. Technically, crackers are not really graham crackers unless they are made with graham flour, which is simply a coarsely-ground hard whole-wheat flour. There are brands sold on the market today, mostly in health-food stores and natural-food markets, that are still true graham crackers.

Graham crackers have themselves become ingredients for other snack foods, including moon pies and s'mores, and are often crushed for use as crusts in some baked goods such as cheesecake.

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