

link 6.08.2007 14:51 
Subject: holy diver
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Holly diver

Заранее спасибо


link 6.08.2007 14:55 
Так, вроде, Святой ныряльщик.


link 6.08.2007 14:57 
DA NET...tam typo chto to ne doslovnoe..ETo doslovno chto to s bible svazano ili s myfologiey...kakoyto goD ....nu typo togo


link 6.08.2007 14:56 
может это типа эвфемистическое ругательство, типа holy shit


link 6.08.2007 14:58 
Holy Diver is the debut album of heavy metal band Dio. Released on May 25, 1983, it has been hailed by critics as Dio's best work and a classic staple in the heavy metal genre.[1][2] The album was eventually certified Gold in the US on September 12, 1984 and Platinum on March 21, 1989.[3] The album was remastered and re-released by Rock Candy Records in 2005. The most notable addition to the original album is an audio interview with Ronnie James Dio. Tracks 10-19 on the 2005 edition are Dio's answers to various questions about the album. The questions are not posed during the interview itself, but can be found inside the CD's booklet instead.


link 6.08.2007 15:01 
Ну да понятно, что альбом Дио. В Библии никаких святых аквалангистов нету, насколько я помню.


link 6.08.2007 15:06 
DA NUU...ja znau no eto realno chto to vrode god ili typo togo...ja znau etot albom


link 6.08.2007 15:08 
eto ochen ne prostoy vopros....perevod proper nigde naiti ne mogy...POMOgITE


link 6.08.2007 15:08 
esli perevodit doslovno to smusla malo...sami podymayte...chto eto za...svaytoy nuralshik


link 6.08.2007 16:03 
Maybe this will help?

This song is about Satan, and his descent to Hell (his "dive"). The lyrics deal specifically with Revelations 12:9 where Satan was cast to the earth. The tiger is symbolic of the wild beast that comes out of the sea, as mentioned in Revelations 13:1.


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