
 largo n.

link 19.08.2007 15:04 
Subject: over the ridge
The uncle was traveling at a very fast pace and as he was going over the ridge he looked back and saw the young man following him. Very angry, the uncle hid himself behind a large rock and as the young man passed by he hit the boy with his war club many times. The young man was thrown into the coulee and considered to be dead. The uncle continued on and upon reaching the warriors he told his brother that he had returned his nephew to the camp.

Что означает over the ridge - движение вдоль горного хребта или поперек? Заранее спасибо.


link 19.08.2007 15:08 
через, скорее всего.


link 23.08.2007 5:13 
я согласна с mahavishnu


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