

link 4.10.2007 13:11 
Subject: narrator model (asap)
Добрый день!

Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести выражение narrator model. Встречается в контексте: "Cha Bong-shim: Kim Won-hee
32 years old, a narrator model
Despite being a veteran who entered the exhibition model industry long ago after graduating from a night high school, she is being elbowed out by younger “narrator” models with full, taut bodies akin to those of real fashion models, and she has missed “the optimal age for marriage” as unreasonably forced upon by society today."

Заранее благодарю!


link 4.10.2007 13:49 
narrator model -"презентер", девушка, которая ведет всякие вечера, церемонии.


link 4.10.2007 14:00 
вроде ее так и называют - "ведущая вечера"


link 4.10.2007 14:03 


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