

link 10.10.2007 2:22 
Subject: battery grade ore mining.
Most of the oxide ore is of metallurgical grade (45-48 percent manganese), and a small fraction is battery grade ore (52 percent manganese)



link 10.10.2007 2:59 


link 10.10.2007 3:20 
хм, а как тогда переводится metallurgical grade [ore] и дальше по тексту есть еще chemical grade ore?


link 10.10.2007 13:00 
Есть еще такое:
battery ore руда для химической промышленности


link 10.10.2007 13:41 
Manganese ore is an indispensable raw material in the manufacture of steel, where it is used in the form of ferromanganese and also as a direct feed to the blast furnace. The important non-metallurgical uses of manganese ore are in the manufacture of dry batteries, chemical and glass.

battery-grade ore - руда для использования в изготовлении сухих аккумуляторов


link 11.10.2007 6:10 


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