

link 26.02.2008 10:17 
Subject: труженики тыла
о войне

those who worked in the rear????


link 26.02.2008 10:19 
rear workers?


link 26.02.2008 10:20 


link 26.02.2008 10:23 
home front workers


link 26.02.2008 10:27 

nephew, взяла Ваш отличный вариант!


link 26.02.2008 10:37 
workers in the rear


link 26.02.2008 10:59 
october, ставьте смайлики. шутка от этого не станет смешнее, но хоть будет видно, что вы шутите.


link 26.02.2008 11:06 
Например, V. I. Lenin A Great Beginning Heroism Of The Workers In The Rear


link 26.02.2008 11:09 
nephew: +1
homefront workers
home-front workers
workers on the home front

"We Can Do It!" T-Shirt

This image is adapted from a World War II-era poster created to inspire workers on the home front, particularly the emerging group of female workers who were filling jobs vacated by men who had gone to war. The poster, commissioned by the Westinghouse War Production Coordinating Committee, was designed to be displayed in factories where it would motivate these workers.

Sizes: Adult - SML, MED, LGE, XL, XXL
Color: White
Item #: 24


link 26.02.2008 11:38 
october, вы путаете "тыл" в военном смысле ("в тылу Пятой армии") и "тыл" как журналистский штамп


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