

link 4.03.2008 13:37 
Subject: люди ночевали в палатках на площади
Только не смейтесь, но какой-то "затык". Контекст:

Митинги длились 11 дней, люди ночевали в палатках на площади.

people were spending nights in the tents (на площади)

people set (?) tents and spent nights in the square...?


link 4.03.2008 13:41 
were camping out (in tents)


link 4.03.2008 13:41 
A tent camp appeared on the square, and people used this dwelling for 11 days.


link 4.03.2008 13:44 
With meetings stretching over eleven days people had to sleep in tents pitched [right] on the square.


link 4.03.2008 14:00 
They did not have to, they wanted..


link 4.03.2008 14:03 
Over 100 People Slept In Tents Waiting For Free Chicken - News Of The Strange Story - WFTV Orlando

The Aboriginals in the goldfields slept in tents like the Chinese people did but in a different area because then the Chinese would get mixed up and so ...

For the first several weeks he and the other expedition members slept in tents as they built Halley beam by beam. Halley and many of the other few dozen ...


link 4.03.2008 14:05 
tumanov - не п.зди, просто не п.зди, достал уже, млять морячок, сам поживи каналья 11 суток в палатке:)
А вообще у нефью идеальный вариант. camping out:)


link 4.03.2008 14:37 
foxtrot: следите за своей речью.


link 4.03.2008 17:15 
Dozens of homeless people and advocates camped out in front of City Hall Saturday night hoping to make a point that the city doesn't respect them.


link 4.03.2008 17:41 
2 transl: Your suggestion works; just take out the article before "tents."

people were spending nights in tents


link 5.03.2008 9:11 
2 tumanov
Думаю, на матерные наскоки foxtrot внимания обращать не стоит, хотя это и неприятно. Он благоразумно не предоставил сведений о себе, не исключено, что сидел 11 суток в какой-то майданной революции за 50 гр. в сутки. С бесплатной кормежкой, флагами и барабанами за полцены.


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