
 Xenia F.

link 18.03.2008 15:46 
Subject: The gerund of "to asume" ling.
У меня есть, возможно, странный и глупый вопрос: можно ли использовать слово assume в герундической форме?
Например: ...it is worth assuming...

Буду очень благодарна за помощь!


link 18.03.2008 15:50 
Countrywide, especially, is a merger-arb play right now, and when the risk-arbitrage professionals are marking it down to $4.36 a share despite the fact that Bank of America has agreed to pay $7.16 per share, I think it's worth assuming that they know something you don't.
Mar 10 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio


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