

link 6.03.2005 17:27 
Subject: каждый думает в меру своей испорченности
Just one more question. Could you tell me how I can render this idea (каждый думает в меру своей испорченности) into English? Thanks a lot.


link 6.03.2005 19:13 
Это просто русское разговорное выражение, аналогов в других языках не имеет. Можно, конечно, подобрать какой-то аналог в английском, но он, опять же, не будет официально закреплен в речи - сабж ведь вы в русских словарях не найдете! :)


link 6.03.2005 19:16 
Вдогонку: кроме "You're a bad, bad girl" ничего пока что в голову не приходит. Воскресный вечер, понимаешь ли (и вот опять я собираюсь пойти потанцевать... :-)).


link 6.03.2005 20:49 
Я пару раз, в разговоре, встречалась с фразой "Whatever terns you on.",
которая употреблялась как раз в таком смысле.


link 6.03.2005 22:42 
Different strokes for different folks?..


link 7.03.2005 23:00 
"Different strokes for different folks" means different treatment for different people. Example: a serious mistake made by a boss goes unnoticed, while a minor infraction by a regular employee leads to that employee's termination.

The English expression somewhat similar to "каждый думает в меру своей испорченности" would be "everything seems dirty when your mind is in the gutter." Although, I would admit it is not the best translation but merely a suggestion. I will have to think more on this one....


link 7.03.2005 23:06 


link 8.03.2005 3:21 
ms, u r wrong here. alex's suggestion is actually pretty good. different folks - different strokes applies not just to the treatment one gets, but to one's preferences also. for ex, let us assume u like jalapeno peppers, and i dont (which i do, btw) i can say, oh, well, different folks, different strokes. of course , there r better ways to convey the meaning of the russian original saying into english (see dobro's links), but alex's post didn't deserve to be dismissed off hand.


link 8.03.2005 18:38 
Thanks a lot!


link 8.03.2005 19:11 
Talgat, you are right. I didn't metnion that meaning since I thought that it would not convey the meaning of the Russian phrase correctly either. But, then again, as I said in my post, neither does the translation I offered. I did not mean to sound like I am dismissing anyone's comments as wrong or irrelevant. If I did anyway, my sincere appologies!


link 27.11.2005 5:45 
"A painter paints to unload himself of feelings and visions. People seize on painting to cover up their nakedness. They get what they can wherever they can. In the end I don't believe they get anything at all. They've simply cut a coat to the measure of their own ignorance." ("PICASSO IN HIS WORDS")


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