

link 21.04.2008 23:07 
Subject: Her wit was razor-sharp
Her wit was razor-sharp, she was as well educated if not better than most of the men he knew, and unlike most of the ton, she knew how to make a joke without insulting someone in the process.

Помогите пожалуйста перевести кусочек из указанного контекста, заранее спасибо)


link 21.04.2008 23:09 


link 21.04.2008 23:33 
Спасибо Вам)


link 22.04.2008 4:09 
А мне по душе не "острый" а "блестящий ум" :-)


link 22.04.2008 16:42 
А это не Эмма Джейн Остин?


link 22.04.2008 21:22 
Нет, это не Джейн Остин, ее я на русском читала)

Каббала, а Вам спасибо за еще один вариант)


link 22.04.2008 22:00 
Я думаю, что "блестящий ум" - это 'bright mind'


Giftedness in the Workplace: Can the Bright Mind Thrive in Organizations?

Exceptional intellectual and creative abilities can lead to highly successful careers, sometimes in multiple fields. Indeed, the gifted individual who is passionately involved in a particular domain, who also has a channel for the ongoing expression of talents, may achieve far beyond traditional definitions of success.

From time to time relatively unfettered bright minds alter the direction of their domain as a whole. Stories of eminent figures fascinate and inspire us. ...


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