

link 30.07.2008 16:55 
Subject: модель социального рыночного государства sociol.
Please help me in understanding and translating adequately what is meant by the above phrase

"Как свидетельствует исторический опыт, для России более приемлемая модель социального рыночного государства, а для этой модели реформирования общества характерно развитие социальной сферы, сочетание патерналистских и индивидуалистских тенденций в социальной работе."



link 31.07.2008 1:25 
The Russia's history shows that the social market model is the most appropriate for the country. This model is characterised with stronger social sphere, combining paternalist and individualist tendencies in the social work.


link 31.07.2008 6:23 
Just going to help you a bit here:

Russian history has proved that the social market model is indeed the most appropriate for the country. This model is characterized by greater development in the social sector and the combination of .......

But this is still not perfect..... so work with it a bit.


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