
Subject: Сегодня утром я убил свою бабушку
Добрый день
Помогите, пожалуйста

Как известно, Рузвельт часто повторял фразу "Сегодня утром я убил своб бабушку", чтобы привлечь внимание отвлекшегося собеседника.

Однажды он произнес эту фразу своей знакомой, и та отреагировала следующим образом:
But he got caught out on one occasion when a woman, who was probably a particularly good listener, nodded gravely before replying, “Mr. President, I’m sure she had it coming to her".

Понятно, что она ответила невпопад, но что именно она имела в виду, когда сказала "Mr. President, I’m sure she had it coming to her".

К сожалению, не нашла этой истории в гугле.

Большое спасибо!


link 9.09.2008 13:20 
had it coming to her означает, что бабушка "сама напросилась".


link 9.09.2008 13:20 
...или "так ей и надо", но смысл тот же.
Спасибо, Aiduza!


link 9.09.2008 13:40 
..all the girls around thought she's got it coming...(c)


link 9.09.2008 13:41 
Franklin D Roosevelt was President of the USA from 1933-1945. He often had to endure
long receiving lines at the White House and he used to complain that no one really paid
any attention to what he said. The people in the lines just mouthed pleasantries to the
President, because they were more concerned with flattering the President than listening
to what he had to say to them. Well one day, during a reception, he decided to try an
experiment. To each person who came down the line and shook his hand, he muttered, “I
murdered my grandmother this morning.” The guests responded with phrases like,
“Marvellous! Keep up the good work, Mr President. We are proud of you. God bless you,
It was not until the end of the line, while greeting the ambassador from Bolivia, that
his words were actually heard. Not reacting in the slightest, the ambassador simply
leaned over and whispered, “I’m sure she had it coming to her, Mr President.”



link 9.09.2008 14:11 
have it coming = to deserve something


link 9.09.2008 14:22 
ну да.


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