

link 16.09.2008 9:26 
Subject: как сказать "удобно" в данном контексте?
Если Вы контрактный абонент МТС, у вас есть уникальная возможность УДОБНО оплачивать счета за мобильную связь.
Для этого нужно быть владельцем пластиковых карт системы Visa или MasterCard выпуска любого банка.

In a convinient fachion?


link 16.09.2008 9:27 
convenient payment option


link 16.09.2008 9:33 
You may take advantage of a unique convenient way to pay bills for mobile telephony


link 16.09.2008 9:39 
....can easily top up
easy top up


link 16.09.2008 9:56 
Ребята, очень большое спасибо


link 16.09.2008 10:20 
"уникальная возможность удобно оплачивать" -- безграмотная ахинея, извините...

For MTC contract customers there's a handy way to pay mobile phone bills...


link 16.09.2008 12:27 
Извините за краткость. Но наши ПР-менеджеры любят манную кашу по тарелке размазывать.

For post-paid subscriber's convenience, MTS accepts payments via VISA or MasterCard, regardless issue bank.


link 16.09.2008 12:40 
термин "контрактный абонент" - это только у нас. у них же все определяет префикс - pre-paid subsciber - на предоплате и post-paid subscriber - по факту, т.е. "контрактный" абонент


link 16.09.2008 13:01 
just top broaden some horizons... The operator claimed the new call centre will not lead to UK redundancies in any of its existing four UK call centres, and contract customers will still be provided with a UK-based call centre.... T-Mobile has historically relied on its prepay customer base for growth.
(Mobile Today, UK, 10 September 2008)


link 16.09.2008 13:02 
just top = just to


link 16.09.2008 13:42 
Appreciate your challenge. May I suggest that you google "contract subscriber" vs. "postpaid subscribers" just to broaden... whatsoever.

www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com/NR/rdonlyres/F9977C53-8176-4B91-950F- D6AF6B626499/0/ChargingCare_1.pdf


link 16.09.2008 13:58 
"May I suggest..." -- You may.

1. "термин "контрактный абонент" - это только у нас"

2. I never suggested "contract subscriber".

3. Google results: "contract customer" - 150.000, "postpaid subscriber" - 8.700


link 16.09.2008 14:33 
You sound imperative.

Would you mind taking closer look at the CONTEXT given.

How many sites matching "contract customer" search results refer to TELECOMMUNICATION?!!!
May be narrowing the search to get a precise match, which is recognized by natives in a jiffy, is sometimes better than broadening horizons...


link 16.09.2008 15:09 
2all, except Shumov
Pls disregard my last post


link 16.09.2008 15:14 
"You sound imperative." -- This is simply how you hear me.

I had a look the context. Call it a habit if you like.

I have no desire to count sites which match the context, nor do I wish to compare whose Google is better/bigger etc. (Please not, it wasn't me who suggested googling as a way of finding the truth.)

I merely pointed out (and illustrated by quoting a UK telecom publication) that your statement "термин "контрактный абонент" - это только у нас" is incorrect.

What is more, I can categorically state that in the British English (at the very least) "contract customer" and "pay-as-you-go customer" have far mre currency than either 'postpaid subscriber' or 'pre-paid subscriber'.

My regards to natives.


link 16.09.2008 15:17 
Here we go...

I had a look the context. = I had a look at the context
Please not, it wasn't... = Please note, it wasn't...
far mre = far more


link 16.09.2008 15:20 
"pre-pay" vs. "post-pay", not "post-paid".


link 16.09.2008 17:27 
I don't get the point
Pls elaborate

контрактный абонент" - это только у нас"
I do have to restate:
"контрактный абонент" -это общепринятый термин для абонентов моб. связи на контрактной основе в нашей языковой среде, но не спешите переводить его В ЛОБ, есть и более симпатичные варианты, которые на слуху у тамошних операторов моб связи, как, напримерVodaphone, Orange, NokiaSiemens, и т.д."

And leaving aside your judgements of least relevance to the subject, I absolutely agree that "pay-as-you-go" mostly fits UK's mobile environment. However, a term internationally recognized (by saying this I do not mean Slavic language families) seems to be considered, unless Asker's tailoring the translation for UK's natives. But I respectfully disagree that "contract customer" may serve as a mostly preffered collatation for "an ultimate customer, enjoying mobile services on a subscription (contract) basis". Peer comments are welcome.

And just off the record, what if the sentaтence said: "Для абонентов предоплаченной связи.." would it be a problem?


link 16.09.2008 17:38 
I have absolutely nothing to add to my previous statements, save for that this is getting rather tedious. Do use any симпатичные варианты you like.


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