
Subject: repulsive filth
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repulsive filth

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:

Organised criminals are scum, the most repulsive filth to crawl across the earth

"It is certain," wrote Calvin, "that in our body and soul there is in the eyes of God nothing but repulsive filth."

As we approached this festering bog of feces, trash and animal corpses, our friendly guide pulled out a handkerchief and covered his nose... In fact, this picture paints a pretty accurate pastiche of India. Repulsive filth within clear sight of one of the most impressive and beautiful structures in the world.

Заранее спасибо


link 7.01.2009 15:10 
имхо: омерзительные уроды (нечистоты; грязь моральная и физическая...)


link 7.01.2009 15:20 
отвратительная гадость?
в итоге я остановился на слове "мразь"


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