

link 30.03.2009 0:12 
Subject: приставать, домогаться, лезть (в секс. плане
Никак не могу найти выражения, слова адекватные нашим
приставать, домогаться, лезть (в секс. плане)

1Он лез к ней пока она настраивала оборудование.
2Арабы постоянно пристают к русским женщинам
- 2 предложения, немного разные значения. более широкое значение во фтором.
Есть много слов. Нашла
I Got hit on. Ко мне приставали
Есть еще hassle, но имеет не обязательно сексуальный оттенок
еще нашла make sexual advances at но может быть есть что-то попроще..??


link 30.03.2009 0:25 
He kept trying it on with her....

Arabs always make advances at....


link 30.03.2009 0:30 
+ ...are always flirting with...


link 30.03.2009 3:36 
+ come on strong
come on stronginformal to make it very clear to someone that you think they are sexually attractive
+ hit on
American English informal to talk to someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them:


link 30.03.2009 3:39 


link 30.03.2009 3:39 
По аналогии с Шумовым
make passes at
make a pass at somebodyinformal to try to kiss or touch another person with the intention of starting a sexual relationship with them

as the case may be touch up'
British English informal to touch someone in a sexual way when they do not want you to:


link 30.03.2009 5:17 
А что подразумевается под лез к ней пока она настраивала оборудование -- просто не давал проходу, стоял например рядом, ходил следом и спрашивал что она сегодня вечером делает и пусть приходит к нему в гости и т.п. или предпринимал какие-то "физические" действия?

 Юрий Гомон

link 30.03.2009 5:21 
harass, конечно, согласен с NoName.


link 30.03.2009 5:48 
В качестве примера:

Davis' version of the events is as follows. Shortly after she began working with Hogland, he began making unwelcome sexual comments and contact. For example, Hogland would often ask Davis to go to lunch and "get naked" and would sit in her lap. In June or July of 1988, Davis complained to Frank Owings, Davis' immediate supervisor and the branch manager. Davis told Owings that Hogland was "pawing" her and making offensive remarks. Owings called Hogland into his office and Hogland apologized to Davis for his behavior.

Because of surgery, Davis was off work for about a month. On her return, Hogland resumed making advances which were more numerous and "intense." When Davis refused Hogland's invitations to "get naked," Hogland would press up against her. In late October or early November of 1988, Davis again complained to Owings, telling him that Hogland's sexual harassment had caused her physical and emotional stress.


link 30.03.2009 5:49 
**конечно, согласен с NoName**
harass достаточно официальный термин Юрий, для столь категорического и однозначного ответа.)


link 30.03.2009 13:58 
лез- лапал)))


link 30.03.2009 13:59 
кстати, какие словари он-лайн вы использовали??


link 30.03.2009 14:11 
лапать = grope


link 30.03.2009 14:13 
feel somebody ↔ up phrasal verb
to touch someone sexually, without their permission


link 30.03.2009 14:16 


link 30.03.2009 14:20 
proposition/approach with an indecent proposal


link 30.03.2009 14:30 
Нашла в гугле
Another woman explained how following an appointment with Dr Tate she had come home and told her husband: "He touched me up and groped me." Dr Tate denied all charges and Mr Coker said his client was professionally obliged to touch his patients in intimate places.

Итак - лезть, лапать: touch sb up, grope sb

2 [T] INFORMAL to touch someone's body in order to get sexual pleasure, usually when the person does not want you to do this:
He groped me as I was going to the bar.


link 30.03.2009 14:33 
hit on sb
to talk to someone in a way that shows that you are sexually attracted to them
Some guy hit on me while I was standing at the bar.


link 30.03.2009 14:39 
make a pass at somebody
to speak to or touch someone in a way that shows you would like to start a sexual relationship with them
He made a pass at her at Simon's party.

He definitely seemed to be making a pass at me
My doctor touched and made a pass at me


link 30.03.2009 14:44 
Вы там поосторожней взятки собирайте на девичьих форумах.... Не все мед, что липко. ))

"My doctor touched and made a pass at me."...

прям как Штирлиц сел в машину и сказал шоферу: "Трогай". Шофер потрогал.


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