
 Svetlana Buzanova

link 7.05.2009 15:07 
Subject: very sparse
They took us to an old jail to show what conditions were like for the 19th century criminals – very sparse – including the infamous Ned Kelly a famous robber who wore a suit of armour!

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у меня получилось вот что, но мне не нравится :

Они отвели нас в старую тюрьму, чтобы показать какие были условия у преступников 19 века – очень редких преступников – включая печально известного грабителя Нэда Келли, который носил доспехи.

вот контекст:

But too soon, we had to fly to Melbourne to join the rest of the group (28 of us) all from England. We spent three days in Melbourne, a wonderful city indeed with fine parks, modern buildings, and excellent shops. We met 2 distant relatives who have lived in Melbourne for nearly 50 years. They took us to an old jail to show what conditions were like for the 19th century criminals – very sparse – including the infamous Ned Kelly a famous robber who wore a suit of armour! They also took us to the top of the tallest building in Melbourne 55 floors up where you got a wonderful view over the whole city.


link 7.05.2009 15:34 
зд. very sparse conditions


link 8.05.2009 0:23 
имеется в виду, что тюрьмы не переполнены, места свободного много. Сейчас в Юкей перезаполненные тюрьмы стали проблемой


link 8.05.2009 0:31 
hmmm.... I tender that "sparse" here means spartan, ascetic, primitive, uncomfortable etc...



link 8.05.2009 9:31 
that might be the case


link 8.05.2009 9:34 
если так, то это пример Unclear Referents


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