

link 3.06.2009 7:25 
Subject: ситуация повторяется
В настоящее время ситуация повторяется*

Что-то из головы выпало, как сказать то,

Once again the situation is repeating? чтой-то я совсем уже..



link 3.06.2009 7:27 
We are currently seeing more of the same, as an option.


link 3.06.2009 7:27 
Чисто в лоб:
The situation is repeating itself.


link 3.06.2009 7:28 
Now what we see/we' ve got here is has happened before


link 3.06.2009 7:34 


link 3.06.2009 7:36 
IS - redundant


link 3.06.2009 9:08 
The situation/matter is cycling
The cycle continues


link 3.06.2009 9:10 
The situation is recurrent.

The situation is repeating.

The situation is cyclical. ?

More context would be of enourmous help.


link 3.06.2009 13:35 
Можно оиспользовать идиому:
Now we have come full circle.
"to come full circle":
to return to an original position or state after going through a series or cycle
go through a cycle, go through a series, come around, come back, revert; see also return 1.


link 3.06.2009 13:46 
Можно сказать короче:
Back to square one)


link 3.06.2009 13:51 
Да что-то вроде этого.

Brevity is a soul of wit, as the saying goes.


link 3.06.2009 14:15 
Нашла на сайте
интересную фразу:

«The wheel has come full circle» - the situation has returned to what it was in the past, as if completing a cycle, with reference to Shakespeare's King Lear, by association with the wheel fabled to be turned by Fortune and representing mutability.


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