

link 5.08.2009 10:52 
Subject: That’s a lot of me doing maybe one word.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести предложение: That’s a lot of me doing maybe one word.

Я вообще не могу понять, что здесь имеется в виду.

Вот контекст.
Вопрос: Rob, the experience of working with a new director and the vibe on set, how has it been this time around on what’s a whole new project?
Ответ: I mean, it wasn’t just the director that made this one different. It was so different as well because we kind of knew what type of animal that we were dealing more. I was much more of a supporting role in this one. I started three weeks after they started shooting and I did a lot of my first scenes doing the apparition scenes. That’s a lot of me doing maybe one word. It was actually one of the most relaxing jobs that I’ve ever done. Chris has a really peaceful presence and I got on really well with him. I had a pretty much stress free job for three months. It was great for me. All the pressure was on Taylor.


link 5.08.2009 10:56 
м.б. От меня требовалось только произнести пару слов


link 5.08.2009 11:01 
Я думаю, тут имеется в виду, что у этого актера было много сцен, где он произносил всего пару слов.


link 5.08.2009 11:05 
Doodie, algren, спасибо.


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