

link 4.09.2009 23:43 
Subject: Помогите разобраться в Rizzi
Здравствуйте! Перевожу текст, связанный с теорией синтаксиса, никак не могу разобраться с объяснением гипотезы Rizzi - прошу совета и помощи:
Rizzi (1997) incorporates Information Structure (IS) notions like Topic and Focus into the syntax by positing functional constituents like TopicP and FocusP on the left edge of the clause, with minimal elaboration on how these concepts are defined. In such a perspective, TopicP and FocusP are morphological notions in some abstract sense, attracting relevant clause material in order to check a morphological feature. This model could work well for languages in which IS notions are marked by morphological markers, like Gungbe, in which Topics occur on the immediate left of a topic particle ya, and focused NPs on the immediate left of a focus particle we:
1-sg say that Asiba [TOP] meat [FOC] 3-sg ni2 buy for 1-sg
I said that, as for Asiba, she should buy me some meat.
Заранее спасибо


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