

link 23.06.2005 14:58 
Subject: tandy letter
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tandy letter
Слово встречается в следующем контексте:
In connection with the public release of comment and response letters as a routine matter the SEC staff will request that any company whose filing is reviewed include in its response letter a written representation that the comapny will not use the SEC 's comment process as a defense in any securities related litigation brought against the company, known also as a "Tandy" letter.

Заранее спасибо

 Little Mo

link 23.06.2005 15:59 
Я бы сказала "письмо Танди" (англ. вариант в скобочках), т.к. это относится к взаимоотношениям между Securities & Exchange commission и др. компаниями

The origin of Tandy letters was, in certain limited circumstances where the SEC had an outstanding issue with a company, to condition the SEC’s acceleration of a registration statement upon the registrant’s agreement not to assert the SEC’s acceleration as a defense to any action under Federal law by the SEC. Tandy letters are usually requested by the SEC when outstanding issues exist between the SEC and a company and the SEC does not want its effectiveness order to be deemed a waiver of those issues.


link 23.06.2005 17:20 
Tandy - была такая электронная компания, выпускала и игрушки разные. Может быть, с ее названием связан какой-нибудь судебный процесс?


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