

link 10.12.2010 8:32 
В стандарте системы менеджмента Компании перевести можно как?
Management review?


link 10.12.2010 8:35 
да, в оригинале так


link 10.12.2010 8:47 
определенно Management Reveiew - он так и называется в Mangement System
Вот вопрос, как его перевести на русский - то ли анализ со стороны руководства, то ли анализ самого руководства - пока остается открытым


link 10.12.2010 8:52 
Top management shall review the organization's quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review shall include assessing opportunities for
improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, including the quality policy and quality objectives.


link 10.12.2010 8:55 
Думаю, что это "со стороны руководства":

"A systematic evaluation of a software acquisition, supply, development, operation, or maintenance process performed by or on behalf of management ... [and conducted] to monitor progress, determine the status of plans and schedules, confirm requirements and their system allocation, or evaluate the effectiveness of management approaches used to achieve fitness for purpose. Management reviews support decisions about corrective actions, changes in the allocation of resources, or changes to the scope of the project.

Management reviews are carried out by, or on behalf of, the management personnel having direct responsibility for the system. Management reviews identify consistency with and deviations from plans, or adequacies and inadequacies of management procedures. This examination may require more than one meeting. The examination need not address all aspects of the product.""



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