

link 3.01.2011 2:15 
Subject: Чиж & Co

I've been listening to Russian rock music lately, and two words from a song are throwing me off--

"бымший" - он не бымший секретарь

"забрил" - КГБ его забрил

If words aren't in multitran I'm generally lost-- can anyone help?



link 3.01.2011 2:22 
"бымший" = (distorted) бывший - former

"забрил" - arrested, imprisoned (slang)


link 3.01.2011 3:00 
+ clarification:
"забрил" - arrested, imprisoned ---- Simple Past (not present perfect)


link 3.01.2011 3:01 
correction to clarification
"забрил" - arrested, imprisoned ---- as in Past or Perfect, but not Passive Voice


link 3.01.2011 3:25 
вообще-то должно было быть "забрал", потому что "забрил" -- это из другой оперы... но... из песни слова не выкинешь ))


link 3.01.2011 4:08 
In the old times (18th-19th century), there were expressions, "забрить лоб" (literally, "to shave one's forehead") and "забрить в солдаты" (literally, "to shave into soldiering"). Originally, they referred to involuntary draft into the armed forces (a recruit's head was usually shaved at the intake, hence, the references to shaving). "Shaving" (or, more precisely, the draft) was considered to be an extreme misfortune, as the standard service term was 25 years, and relatively few recruits survived until retirement.

In this song, "забрить" seems to refer to imprisonment (during the Soviet times, a prisoner's head was shaved at the intake). This is not typical usage; it seems more like a word play off of "забрать" (literally, "to take away", figuratively, "to arrest").


link 3.01.2011 16:43 
My compliments, NCl. Always well-grounded. )


link 3.01.2011 21:42 
ahem......... ))


link 4.01.2011 1:13 
I wondered about the connections with shaving of heads, but I suppose that will remain mysterious... unless I get a chance to ask the authors, which I doubt. Спасибо всем )).


link 5.01.2011 4:56 

> I wondered about the connections with shaving of heads,
> but I suppose that will remain mysterious...

There's nothing mysterious about it. Military units and prisons have two things in common: (1) a lot of people living in close proximity to each other, and (2) sanitation leaves a lot to be desired. In other words, a paradise for head lice. Hence, the standard intake procedure: the new arrivals get their heads shaved, taken to the "баня", and only then issued their uniforms...


link 5.01.2011 22:06 
NC1, а не слишком ли глубоко мы копаем? Не думаю что создатели этих частушек (и при всем моем уважении к Чиж и Ко) долго и усердно думали над рифмой. По смыслу должно быть "повязал" или "забрал", но не в рифму. Заменяем "а" на "и" -- вуаля! )


link 5.01.2011 22:26 
Автора ветки интересовало, откуда что пошло, и обстоятельный NCl чюдненько всё разложил по полочкам.


link 5.01.2011 23:30 
Ну да, понятно, почему арестантам и солдатам бреют головы. Я не знала, что существуют такие выражения как "забрить в солдаты" или "забрить лоб". В этом контексе слово "забрить" сразу напомнило мне головами арестантов, но я не знала, произвезет ли это слово такое впечатление и на русскоязычных.


link 5.01.2011 23:59 


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