

link 13.01.2011 1:27 
Subject: многотиражка
Is anyone here versed in Soviet press - what's the etymology of многотиражка?

I know that it is a company newspaper, circulating only within the particular institution, however, why was it called многотиражная (large circulation) газета? Surely their circulations were smaller than that of major newspapers. Could it refer to a "body of industry papers" that collectively had large circulation?


link 13.01.2011 1:48 
Толковый словарь русского языка под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова:

МНОГОТИРАЖКА - Печатная газета предприятия, учреждения со значительным тиражом, в отличие от стенгазеты, изготовляющейся в одном экземпляре.



link 13.01.2011 1:52 
thanks medvedica, i understand that. my question is - why are newspapers of certain institutions called "mnogotirazhnaya gazeta' while major (Pravda, Izvestia, etc) newspapers, that surely had larger circulation, were called simply 'gazeta'?


link 13.01.2011 2:12 
my understanding is that a "large circulation" newspaper was called so as opposed to a wall newspaper that had only one copy:
многотиражка VS стенгазета at one factory.

 alk moderator

link 13.01.2011 8:21 
kath - this is a term for non-professional newspaper, enterprise-level.

 Tante B

link 13.01.2011 8:37 
sometimes quite professional!

medvedica + 1

 alk moderator

link 13.01.2011 8:50 
alright, professional.
Google found the following term - internal newspaper (branch, company)

 Tante B

link 13.01.2011 9:07 
По ссылке alk есть слова: it usually has an informative character.
Мне кажется, это не совсем так. Хотя все на свете носит информативный характер. :)
Материалы многотиражки зачастую были не менее разнообразны, чем в "больших" газетах.
Пример многотиражки:


link 13.01.2011 15:30 
guys, thanks for getting involved. the question was not what mnogotirazhka was about but why it was called that. medvedica suggested that it was called 'mnogotirazhnaya' as opposed to the "stengazeta" which appeared in only one copy (glued on a wall). all i need to know if this is indeed the case. ie, mnogotirazhka is called that because the other 'company' paper was produced in only 1 copy.


link 13.01.2011 20:52 
medvedica is right.


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