

link 7.02.2011 12:44 
Subject: Он студент, учащийся на бакалавра в университете.
не уверен что верно перевёл: Он студент, учащийся на бакалавра в университете.

He is a student studying for BSc degree at university.


link 7.02.2011 13:01 
BS degree

остальное вроде можно ... хотя чаще слышал так:
pursuing [his/a] BS degree


link 7.02.2011 13:17 

я тут задумался - а вообще at university или at a/the university


link 7.02.2011 13:52 
What's with the BSc? There's no hint of it in the original.

- He is studying for his bachelor's degree (at university - "bachelor's" assumes that he is at university anyway, so these words are superfluous)
- He is pursuing a bachelor's degree
- He is undertaking a bachelor's degree

NOTE: He is a student STUDYING.... this is clumsy and repetitive.

Tak po-angliiskii ne govorim.

'AT university' luchshe chem 'at THE university' unless you have already mentioned a specific university previously.

 SirReal moderator

link 7.02.2011 14:44 
He's an undergraduate

 SirReal moderator

link 7.02.2011 14:45 
He's getting his bachelor's / B.S.


link 8.02.2011 6:50 
doing his bachelor's degree...?


link 8.02.2011 8:37 
да и по-русски фраза не фонтан. Учиться можно на инженера, дизайнера, программиста, переводчика, но на бакалавра???


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