

link 7.02.2011 14:10 
Subject: Objective - Outcomes - Outputs - Activities - Inputs
Как разграничить все эти понятия? Objective - Outcomes - Outputs - Activities - Inputs

Обджектив и активитиес вроде как понятны! а вот оуткамс, аутпутс и инпутс - ????

The project design contains the following specific elements: project objective, outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs, and establishes linkages between them by logical cause-effect relationships.

The objective of a project reflects the project’s achievement in terms of its particular contribution towards a long term goal.

An outcome is the planned or achieved medium term result of a programme or project, achieved through the collective effort of stakeholders and partners. It represents changes in conditions that occur after the achievement of outputs.

An output is the product and/or service that result from the completion of activities within a programme or a project. It is a short term result. The output must lead to achievement of the project outcomes.

Actions taken or work performed to convert inputs, such as expert missions, fellowships, scientific visits, training courses, field procurement and staff work, into specific outputs.

The financial, human, material, technological and information resources provided for and used in a programme or project.


link 7.02.2011 14:22 

Как вариант: Inputs - затраты, Outputs - результаты деятельности, Outcomes - эффективность.


link 7.02.2011 14:42 
когда-то пробовал так:
Objective - результаты 3-го порядка
Outcomes -результаты 2-го порядка
Outputs - результаты 1-го порядка
Activities - мероприятия
Inputs - входные ресурсы


link 8.02.2011 7:37 
спасиб друзья
оставил так:
Основные результаты
Входные ресурсы

Заказчик доволен и счастлив ))))


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