

link 10.03.2011 19:11 
Subject: Survey for BSc dissertation
Hello, my name is Sabina and I am a final year student at Riga Technical University. I am writing my diploma paper about Terminology in the field of Telecommunications. Would you please help me and fill in the questionnaire?
You can find it here: http://edu.surveygizmo.com/s3/489213/Survey-for-BSc-dissertation-Terminology-issues

Thank you very much for your time and consideration!


link 10.03.2011 19:39 
You got mine.
Up for your survey.


link 10.03.2011 19:48 
You could have also added in your intro:
The survey contains 10 questions and should't take you more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Good job for a start, Sabina! I thought it could've been a bit more up to the point thought. It's not clear what you are really trying to achieve.

For Q#5, the reasons are much more numerous and hardly the ones that you mention, you should provide a field for users to enter their comments on that one.


link 10.03.2011 19:58 
Thank you, I keep in mind that!

I fully agree about a field for comments, but I had some kind of problem with settings, actually, it was more difficult to create the survey than I thought. The truth is that I really could not find the proper option with both variants for choosing and fields for thoughts((

 Tante B

link 10.03.2011 20:27 
sledopyt +1 (Q#5)


link 10.03.2011 20:40 
Сейчас стараюсь переделать немного опрос... Вы уж простите, новичёк в этом... раньше никогда не делала... вот все постараюсь учесть)) В университете мы особо не рассматривали этапы развития терминологии, да и в интернете не особо много могу найти про это... Скорей всего и возникли "неполадочки" с вопросом 5... Возможно, Вы подскажете мне литературу про этапы развития... что-нибудь такое! Про английские термины еще можно найти, а вот про русскую терминологию мало((
Я была бы очень благодарна!!!!


link 10.03.2011 21:33 
Here it is - reconsidered survey!

Would you help me please and fill in again!


Thank you so much!!!


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