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link 11.03.2011 7:57 
Subject: OFF Кто в прошлую пятницу искал бренды - want some more?


link 15.03.2011 15:48 
and hell yeah, right you are, Oo! i thought these buddhists looked really strange, i mean they were like Seventh-Day Adventists or something and wore the wrong-styled clothes of wrong colour and, just to cap it all, am i the only one to notice they were looking strangely anxious and seemingly loud and, you know, all those sticks in their hands.. that's pretty weird. then it occured to me that they were probably sort of wilfully trying to make a wrong expression so that every watcher easily takes them for adepts of some other (non-buddhist) religion that, as a matter of fact, they had nothing to do with. if so, whatever reason they had in their minds acting like that, that was pretty smart of them, i am not sure why, though, but i feel like it is. cause it takes a great deal of sophistication to persuade someone you are not who you actually are. after all, i had to admit that nothing is clear cut here, and i couldn't dwell on their reasons for looking and acting like that all day long, and i can hardly get lucky enough to know for whatever on earth they dressed like that, so, to put a stop to it, i had to make my conclusion that those wrong-at-all buddhists were nothing but a mind play of my own, the Maya's emerging and playing with my mind for its own pleasure.
Oo, have you ever seen buddhists?


link 15.03.2011 16:19 
I'm not sure they are buddists. They look like YMCA guys. So, it's Village People. As for Nirvana, I found a Hindu guy with blue turban near the shop.


link 15.03.2011 17:10 
mmmm.. where on earth is that Hindu guy with blue turban? do you mean that dummy dressed in red women's underwear? if so, it appears to avoid dressing in an authentic "Hindu" manner. anyway, the one hanging around near a shop cannot be in nirvana at the same time. that's against the universal laws of market and consumption.
those smart guys in weird clothes, they are away back determined as 'Manic Street Preachers'. No chance for nirvana.


link 15.03.2011 17:18 
Do you see Madonna? Now look down and you'll see a bending guy in blue turban, near a big blue box. He is between Yellowman and Zombie.


link 15.03.2011 17:19 
One more band has come to my mind. Animals.


link 15.03.2011 17:38 
re 20:11
Tarpan, i've no idea why this postman reminds you of someone belonging to the Hindu culture, but i am kind of curious to come across such a perception which is totally fresh and brand new to me. my handshake.


link 15.03.2011 17:49 
i guess the guy smashing the pumpkins is doing it with either 'Tool' or 'Hummer'. And he himself might be 'Destroyer'.


link 15.03.2011 17:51 
You are right it's just a postman. Definitely I need glasses.


link 15.03.2011 18:13 
well i must admit the truculence and prejudgement on my part. all in all, nothing prevents this postman from being a buddhist or hinduist. God only knows.


link 15.03.2011 19:10 
May be, there is MC Hammer in the picture. The guy has a hammer in his hand


link 15.03.2011 19:44 
I see a poster, hanging on the wall. There is a seal, playing with a ball in this poster. This reminds me a circus.The circus was a music album of the band "Take that"


link 16.03.2011 4:39 
By the way, the postman reminded me of Carpenters and their cover of Please Mr. Postman. I like the idea about MC Hammer.


link 23.02.2014 18:24 
Tindersticks валяются на асфальте.
tarantula, шеймлю тебя :)


link 23.02.2014 19:08 
Зомбарь в белом - не отсылка к "Триллеру" Майкла Джексона?


link 23.02.2014 19:11 
Косив Яс конюшину...


link 23.02.2014 19:14 
Российская вокально-инструментальная банда "2 самолета"


link 23.02.2014 19:41 
Американская народная дружина Jefferson Airplane


link 23.02.2014 21:23 
Правнук великого Г. Мелвилла - Mobi @21/08/2006 началась регистрация доменных имён в новом домене общего пользования .mobi, предназначенном для мобильных устройств@


link 23.02.2014 21:50 
the Surfers


link 23.02.2014 21:55 
the King Crimson напротив the Queen


link 24.02.2014 10:37 
а я вот пошла искать "прошлую пятницу". А искать надо было в 2011-м


link 9.03.2014 17:13 
Subway и антураж какбэ намекаэ на последний альбом the Velvet Underground Loaded :)


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