

link 11.12.2011 14:52 
Subject: проверьте, пожалуйста, с рус. law
Проверьте, пожалуйста, мой перевод этого предложения (не знаю, как тут еще выкрутиться)

В случае, если квалификация Залогодателя производилась Продавцом на основании копий всех или части документов, подлежащих предоставлению Залогодателем Продавцу, последний, передавая копии указанных документов Покупателю, заверяет, что им были проверены оригиналы указанных документов и аутентичность копий и оригиналов, за исключением копии трудовой книжки Залогодателя.

If the Seller took decision concerning the Mortgagor's eligibility for the loan based on the copies of all or some of the documents that were required to be provided by the Mortgagor to the Seller, the latter, delivering the copies of said documents to the Buyer, represents to the Buyer that it checked the originals of said documents, except for the copy of the Mortgagor's employment record book, and made sure that the copies were authentic to the original documents.


link 11.12.2011 17:42 

If the Seller took A decision concerning the Mortgagor's eligibility for the loan based on the copies of THE FULL OR PARTIAL SET OF DOCUMENTS all or some of the documents that were required to be provided by the Mortgagor to the Seller, the latter, UPON delivering the copies of THE said documents to the Buyer, represents CONFIRMS to the Buyer that it checked the originals of THE said documents, AS WELL AS THE AUTHENTICITY OF THEIR COPIES HAVE BEEN/WERE VERIFIED, except for the copy of the Mortgagor's employment record book., and made sure that the copies were authentic to the original documents.


link 11.12.2011 22:02 
if the seller's assessment of the m's eligibility for the loan is based on the copies of all or any of the documents required from the mortgagor, the mortgagor shall, at the time of their delivery, represent that it has examined the originals of such documents and verified such copies against their originals...


link 11.12.2011 23:12 
off: тема сообщения прозвучала забавно, как обращение к участникам медицинского форума, например... :)


link 12.12.2011 6:06 
Спасибо за помощь))) А почему медицинского)?


link 12.12.2011 12:43 
потому что "срус".



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