

link 5.04.2004 12:13 
Subject: стадионы
Надо ставить "the" перед названием футбольных стадионов?
Насолько мне известно "Old Trafford, Highbury" без "the". Однако, например, стадион в Англии "The Mad stad", где играет Portsmouth с "the". Может всё дело в использовании слова "стадион", т.е., если я использую в названии этого стадиона само слово стадион "stadium", то надо ставить перед всем названием уже "the"?


link 5.04.2004 13:08 
К стыду своему частные функции артиклей мною забыты наглухо, но в этом случае я встречала именно такую ситуацию, если используется stadium, то есть the, а без stadium - нет.


link 5.04.2004 16:50 
Otchasti Mila prava.
Say, if you are playing in New York, you may say, depending on the circumstances, "we're playing at the Yankee Stadium".
However, if you play, say, in the UK, and the stadium has a proper name WITHOUT the "stadium" component in the name, or even a nickname, as is so often the case, you'll say, e.g."they are playing at Wembley", and then there is no article.
Many stadiums have nicknames. For instance, there is a cricket stadium at St John's Wood in London (kstati, sovsem nedaleko ot prisnopamyatnoy Abbey Road, gde v grammofonnoy studii zapisyvalis' The Beatles in the 1960s), and although the official name is The Marelybone Cricket Club, nobody uses that name. People will say "they are playing at Lords".
English Premiership football teams/clubs alway play either "home" or "away" ("na svoyem pole, ili na pole protivnika"), they never play at third parties' stadiums. And so if you hear "Chelsea are playing Liverpool at Stamford Bridge" (or, conversely, at Anfield), you know exactly whose stadium they are playing at.
By the same token, saying "Highbury" is the same as saying "Arsenal". Or if you hear "They are playing at 'Spurs", you know they mean that the game is played at Whitehart Lane, which is the stadium of Tottenham Hotspur. "'Spurs" being the nickname of the Whitehart Lane stadium.

PS Kstati, k voprosy o sushchestvitel'nyh vo mnozhestvennom chisle, o chem my tut nedavno tak goriacho sporili, the plural of "stadium" dolzhen voobshche-to byt' "stadia", esli ya ne oshibaius'. "A esli ya oshibayus', to pust' starshiye tovarishi (Obiter D?) menia popraviat" (c) Mikhail Shirvindt v "Eshe raz pro liubov'" :-))
Tochno tak zhe, kak plural of "octopus" NA YAZYKE ORIGINALA dolzhno bylo by byt' "octopodes", no po-angl. tak nikto, konechno, ne govorit (a govoriat "octopuses", which is OK, or even "octopi", which is not OK at all, t.k. daleko ne vse latinskiye nouns na "-us" priobretayut "-i" in the plural).
Eto rasprostranennaya oshibka, sviazannaya s nedostatochnym znaniyem yazyka originala, srodni nashey oshibke, kogda my govorim "eto ne sut' vazhno". Oshibka. Dolzhno byt' "eto ne est' vazhno", t.k. "sut'" - eto dlia sushchestvitel'nyh 3-go litsa MNOZHESTV. chisla, a ne edinstvennogo).
Vot etogo-to, kazhetsia, my learned friend, kotoryi so mnoy togda sporil, ne pripomniu imeni, vidimo, ne ulovil. Sorry, maybe I was not articulate enough.

 Obiter Dictum

link 5.04.2004 18:00 
2V: Эт-точно (с) товарищь Сухов.

я есмь мы есмы
ты еси вы есте
он есть они суть

Presqu'e latin, n'est pas?

 Obiter Dictum

link 5.04.2004 18:01 
A зачем я мягкий знак в слове *товарищ* поставил? Крыша едет уже...


link 6.04.2004 9:15 
A ona zhen'skogo roda segodnia :-))


link 6.04.2004 9:21 
A vot zachem ya Shirvindta Mikhailom prozval - VOT vopros-to...
Eto on u menia, vidat', s Derzhavinym slilsia :-)


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