

link 14.10.2014 3:20 
Subject: экология, глобальное изменение климата gen.
Всем привет, вот контекст

As environmental and political leaders struggle to determine how to move forward from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a new report by an international coalition of top forest organizations warns that the failure to set legal standards and safeguards for a mechanism to transfer funds to forest-rich nations may trigger a sharp rise in speculation and corruption, placing unprecedented pressures on tropical forest lands and the communities that inhabit them. The authors of The End of the Hinterland: Forests, Conflict and Climate Change cite numerous studies suggesting that in 2010 the potential for enormous profits will lead to increased competition over forest resources between powerful global governments and investors on the one hand, and local actors on the other, resulting in new and resurging violent conflict. “Throwing heaps of money into a system without agreeing to any framework or standards has the potential to unleash a wave of speculation unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our lifetime,” said Andy White, Coordinator of XYZ and one of the lead authors of the report. “The result will be chaos on the carbon markets, as well as chaos in the field. It will be like the Wild, Wild West.”

Помогите адекватно перевести название отчета об окружающей среде:
The End of the Hinterland: Forests, Conflict and Climate Change



link 14.10.2014 3:47 
Конец глубинки: леса, конфликт и изменение климата.

 Amor 71

link 14.10.2014 4:31 
Глубинка, как-то не подходит. Вернее, совсем не подходит.
Я бы сказал "неосвоенные/малоосвоенные территории".


link 14.10.2014 4:56 
А мне тоже "глубинка" нравится. Как вам такой вариант?

Глубинке пришел конец. Поговорим о лесах, конфликтах и об изменении климата.

 Amor 71

link 14.10.2014 5:05 
И в чем, по-вашему, смысл этого заголовка?


link 14.10.2014 5:10 
Глубинке приходит конец: О борьбе за лес, конфликтах и изменении климата.


link 14.10.2014 5:11 
Amor 71

Смысл, амор, открою тебе секрет, -- находится в книге.

 Amor 71

link 14.10.2014 5:21 
В моем понимании, глубинка, это отдаленные от городов населенные пункты.
Ни амазонские леса, ни арктические льды как-то не очень подходят под это определение

 Эдуард Цой

link 14.10.2014 5:30 
Конец девственной природе


link 14.10.2014 6:30 
Да напишите "Конец девственности", чоуштам. :)


link 14.10.2014 9:47 
Аскер привел не вполне подходящий кусок для контекста
вот аннотация -
Forests have long been a hinterland: remote, “backward” areas largely controlled by external, often urban, actors and seen to be of little use to national development or the world except as a supply
of low-valued natural resources. 2009 marks the beginning of the end of this era: Forest lands are booming in value for the production of food, fuel, fiber and now carbon. New global satellite and communications technology allow the world to peer into, assess the value of, and potentially control forests from anywhere in the world. More than ever, forests are bargaining chips in global climate negotiations and markets.
..... While the era of the hinterland is ending, the future of forest areas is not yet clear. There will be unparalleled national and global attention and investment in forests in 2010—but who will drive
the agenda and who will make the decisions? Will forest areas remain controlled from beyond? On whose terms will the hinterland be integrated into global markets and politics?

что-то типа Конец эры заповедных лесов (или заповедных уголков планеты/т.п.)

 Amor 71

link 14.10.2014 10:04 
Ыменно. Поэтому и не подходит "глубинка"


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