

link 27.12.2015 14:13 
Subject: в 38 раз (увеличение) gen.

можно ли так сказать?

в 38 раз
38 times as many


Таким образом, с 1993 года иномарки увеличили свое присутствие на российских дорогах в 38 раз, а их доля выросла более чем в 10 раз.

In such a way, since 1993 cars of foreign brands increased their presence on Russian roads and now they count 38 times as many and their share increased more than 10 times as many



link 27.12.2015 14:55 
the number of foreign-brand vehicles on....increased 38-fold in absolute terms and 10-fold in relative terms


link 27.12.2015 14:56 
You've used 'since 1993' here, so I'm assuming that this means 'from 1993 to the present day' and not 'from 1993 to some date in the past between 1993 and now'. If so, I'd translate this as something like:

'So, since 1993 foreign brands have become 38 times more popular on Russian roads and their share of the market has increased by more than 10 times.'

* I'm assuming that доля here means 'share of the market'.
* 'popular' here means 'present'/'evident' rather than 'liked'.


link 27.12.2015 14:58 
"доля here means 'share of the market'. " - not necessarily)))


link 27.12.2015 15:00 
Yes, 'increased 38-fold' is also a good way of saying it.


link 27.12.2015 15:06 
That's true. Go for leka11's version if you think it's more accurate.


link 27.12.2015 16:52 

 Amor 71

link 27.12.2015 17:00 
Ну не пишут фолдами. Не принято так писать. В процентах надо указывать. Если в круглое число раз, то еще нормально (10 times), но 38 - в процентах - 3,800 per cent.

Таким образом - thus

 wise crocodile

link 27.12.2015 17:05 
Amor71 +500
Не мыслят они ни таймсами, ни фолдами. Проблема реально существует. Главное в том, что процент - точное число, а 38 раз это может вполне быть как в старом анекдоте "в 20 раз больше, чем на самом деле". Но я в таких случаях пишу times или fold, потому как просто деваться некуда


link 27.12.2015 17:32 
с точки зрения рус.-англ. перевода больший интерес представляет
фраза, ну цум байшпиль, "в 38,76 раз меньше".

аскер, пару лет где мы здесь такие случаи подробно рассматривали. поищите, мне лень.


link 27.12.2015 17:33 
опечатка, for 'где' read 'назад'.


link 27.12.2015 17:49 
cars of foreign brands - русизм
Здесь лучше foreign car brands


link 27.12.2015 18:16 
Или, если ближе к тексту, foreign-brand cars (vs domestic-brand cars)


link 27.12.2015 18:37 
Amor 71: There's nothing wrong with '38 times' or '38-fold'. It depends on the context and on the register of language used in the document. If it were written in everyday English -- for example, in a car magazine -- they'd be perfectly acceptable. If it were in a statistical report, you'd probably express it as a percentage.

'Thus' is quite formal, at least in the UK. BBC news reports, for example, wouldn't normally start a sentence with 'Thus'. Again it depends on the context. If it's from a car magazine article, they'd usually use something like 'As a result' (in fact, this is probably better than 'So' here), but in more formal contexts, such as a report by a government department, they'd be more likely to use 'Thus' or 'Consequently'.


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