

link 4.05.2016 8:57 
Subject: open the lights and play your jam inet.
Помогите пжлст перевести фразу "open the lights and play your jam" в следующем контексте:

9. Stringify
If you know IFTTT, imagine that on steroids and you’ll have Stringify. As a business owner, you want everything in sync with you. Everything should keep up with you and not the other way around. Stringify redefines “internet of things.”

Here’s an example of automation from their site, “When I park my car in the city…Then Yelp me three great restaurants, tweet my location, and send me a notification of where I parked.” This easy drag and drop app can open the lights and play your jam as you walk inside your home. Imagine what else it can do.


link 4.05.2016 9:06 
1) open the lights = turn on your lights as you walk into your house.
2) play your jam = play your favorite song as you walk into your house.
То бишь многофункционал.


link 4.05.2016 9:41 


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