

link 17.02.2020 15:20 
Subject: the ridiculousness of the relationship
Добрый день,

Как вы думаете, что значит фраза " the ridiculousness of the relationship" в данном контексте?

Может ли это означать просто "странность отношений"?

Большое спасибо!

“There’s a quote about human nature being revealed in the way children on a

carousel wave at their parents as they go past, every time, even though

they’re just going round and round—and the parents always wave


“Of course they wave; they are children.”

“Yes, but they do it every time, and then the parents do it back.

Every time.”

“What else would the parents do?”

Cady gave a humorless laugh. “I think it’s a comment on faith, or

the ridiculousness of the relationship, or . . . something.”

 Amor 71

link 17.02.2020 16:41 

 4uzhoj moderator

link 17.02.2020 17:53 
Точно не "причуда". Глупость, нелепость..


link 17.02.2020 21:54 
комичность тож


link 19.02.2020 14:32 


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