

link 6.05.2024 9:28 
Subject: make one sentence from two ones:
"I met this man. It happened several times.

I travelled to Spain by plane. It was unforgettable.

кроме "which" ничего на ум не приходит....


link 6.05.2024 9:36 
!using relative pronouns/adverbs!


link 6.05.2024 10:42 
вот и используйте which.


link 6.05.2024 13:52 
I met this man, which happened several times.

I traveled to Spain by plane, which was unforgettable.


link 6.05.2024 14:40 
А почему бы и "and that" не вставить?

 Amor 71

link 6.05.2024 16:09 
Надо бы знать тематику и условия задачи.

"I traveled to Spain by plane, which was unforgettable." - как-то коряво звучит. То ли Испания незабываемая, то ли самолет, то глагол "travelled". Тут "which" ни к чему конкретно не привязано.


link 6.05.2024 16:32 
По-американски я бы сказал всё-таки

I met this man, which happened several times. - несуразица. "Я познакомился с этим человеком...несколько раз..."

"I met WITH this man, which/that happened several times..."

"I traveled to Spain by plane, and that was unforgettable."

 Amor 71

link 6.05.2024 16:54 
/// "I met WITH this man, which/that happened several times..." "I traveled to Spain by plane, and that was unforgettable."///

Всё равно неверно.

A relative pronoun tells more about a person or object noun in a sentence. Relative adverbs tell more about the time and location of a noun.

Должна быть связь с существительным, а не глаголом. У вас "met...which", "travelled... that". It's not correct. What exactly was unforgettable? "Met"? Who is "which/that"? The man?


link 6.05.2024 18:01 
Вот здесь я соглашусь с Ромой! 👍


link 7.05.2024 1:50 
I met this man several times.

My flight to Spain was unforgettable Чисто по смыслу.


link 7.05.2024 2:52 
Lapelmike, в условиях же написано: "make one sentence from two ones using relative pronouns/adverbs".


link 7.05.2024 5:49 
using relative pronouns/adverbs:

This is the man whom I met several times

It was unforgettable when I travelled to Spain by plane,


link 7.05.2024 5:53 
t here are five relative pronouns—that, which, who, whom, and whose


three relative adverbs—where, when, and why.


link 7.05.2024 7:26 
Может It happened several times when I met this man


link 7.05.2024 7:35 

what exactly happened several times when you met this man?


link 7.05.2024 7:36 
Meeting this man actually happened several times. так вот мне носитель-старый приятель сказал не задумываясь.

I taveled to Spain, and man, was it unforgettable )))


link 7.05.2024 7:57 
Да чего вы всё перефразируете-то. Ребенку задание дали. Сделать из двух одно используя релативные пронауны. Вот и всего делов.


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