

link 23.02.2006 18:03 
Subject: in some parts of the church
Could you please help me translate "We are bigger and obviously more affluent in some parts of the church than we ever have been". I am struggling with "in some parts of the church"

Context: I continued to reflect, following the tour, about the nature of the church today. We are bigger and obviously more affluent in some parts of the church than we ever have been. We have demonstrated the depth of our financial capacity through funds contributed for the Temple, Transformation 2000, disaster relief, special projects, and local facilities.

Thank you in advance!


link 23.02.2006 18:13 
В ряде сфер деятельности церкви мы разрослись и стали более обеспеченными, чем когда либо.


link 23.02.2006 18:16 


link 23.02.2006 18:19 
Ничего лучше не придумал пока. Ваш вариант?


link 23.02.2006 18:21 
Сейчас церковь во многих иепархиях? намного многочисленней и, очевидно, состоятельный, чем когда-либо.


link 25.02.2006 6:13 
Thank you for your answers! I think the translation of Enote may be the closest to the original meaning of the English sentence.


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