

link 24.02.2006 17:39 
Subject: bids
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести ckjdj: bid

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: CVM and other environmental economics methods such as the property value method therefore have important roles to play in doing ecological economics, but ecological economics may provide a different interpretation of willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to accept compensation (WTA) bids. For example, the high WTA bids often received by CVM (contingent valuation method) researchers for diminishment in water-derived ecosystem services has sometimes been explained as risk- or loss-aversion...

Заранее спасибо


link 24.02.2006 19:28 
compensation bid - предложение компенсации, предложенная компенсация


link 24.02.2006 20:31 
наверное так оно и будет. спасибо


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