

link 22.09.2006 12:28 
Subject: невозможно предугадать
Хотя в результате проведения конкурентных торгов и можно прийти к наилучшей цене услуг, тем не менее невозможно предугадать, приведет ли это к уменьшению указанных в смете затрат.

помогите с переводом предложения, пожалуйста
мой вариант
Thorough the best price can be achieved thorough holding the tender, however one can hardly foresee whether it result in reduction of costs specified in the estimate.


link 22.09.2006 12:31 
there is no telling/saying whether...
noone can be sure...
u cannot bet on it...


link 22.09.2006 12:34 
а если по простому it is not possible to.... безличным предложением


link 22.09.2006 12:35 

Even though it's possible to come to the best service price through tenders, it's very unlikely to foresee whether it is going to result in reduction of the costs indicated in the cost estimate sheet or not


link 22.09.2006 12:37 
Although it is possible, by holding a tender, to come up with the best price for [the] services, it is still impossible to foresee whether it would lead to a reduction in the costs...


link 22.09.2006 12:52 
consider "hard to foresee"


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