

link 17.10.2006 3:01 
Subject: Name of the herb bot.
Hi all: please help. i'm in the US and cant choose Russian keyboard settings, so i will spell the name of the herb in english. It's Ehinatseya.

Does anyone know the English equivalent? i need to buy this herb in the pharmacy and i don't know the english word for it.


link 17.10.2006 3:09 


link 17.10.2006 3:10 
I would suggest Latin name - Echinacea Purpurea, if only US pharmaceutists still use Latin


link 17.10.2006 3:11 
сорьки, заср@лась очепятка: echinacea


link 17.10.2006 3:15 
Purple Coneflower - this is American for sure


link 17.10.2006 3:22 
thanks everyone!


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