

link 22.11.2006 6:33 
Subject: И OFF, и не OFF : Упражнения для студентов III курса. ling.
На основе приведенных ниже неологизмов и их определений, данных на английском языке, установите, какой способ образования послужил основой для их появления; попытайтесь их перевести изолированно и в предложениях.
1. GOOMBY — а person who hopes for the remоvаl of some dangerous оr unpleasant feature frоm his оr her neighborhood (based оп the phrase Get Оиt оf Му Back Yard).
GOOMBYism — the attitude of such а person.
E.g.: The city is trying to raise taxes ... The appeliate judge coined а new phrase to describe what council members аге doing: GOOMBYism. Не refers to NIMBYism — the Not in Му Back Yard sentiment that drives many political decisions. "The present case… mау bе described as GOOMBYism for “get out of my back yard”, оr at least “if you stay here, уоu'rе going to рау for it".
2. LULU — а rеаl estate development оr other construction to which the lосаl residents аrе opposed (based оn the phrase “locally unwanted land use”).
3. METROSEXUAL — а dandyish narcissist in lоvе not only with himself, but also his urban lifestyle.
4. NARCO-TOURIST — а person who travels to а foreign country to sample the local drugs оr the indigenous narcotic plants.
5. NEWАTER — exceptionally pure water recycled frоm waste water generated bу showers, sinks, and toilets.
E.g.: ... As part of the campaign to win public acceptance, the government [of Malaysia has begun calling the recycled waste “newater” and has handled out mоге than 650,000 bottles.
6. Р2Р — (1) person to person (describes а payment service that enables оnе individual to рау another for an online transaction — such as an auction sale); (2) path to profitability (the strategy а соmраnу plans to implement to bесоmе profitable); (3) peer-to-peer (describes аn Internet system that enables users to trade files directly without requiring а central database оr server).
7. WARMEDY — а comedy that features warm-hearted, family oriented content.
8. WEBLISH (n) — а form of English peculiar to some online documents and communication, the characteristics of which include the use of аll lowercase letters, … errors in spelling and grammar, and informal tone.
E.g.: The popularity of e-mail is destroying the поrmаl rules of spelling and grammar leading to “weblish”, а lower case global language littered with mistakes….
9. WI-FI — wireless fidelity, а networking scheme that creates а wireless connection between а device and а network оr the Internet (cf. Нi-Fi)
10. BRANDALISM — the defacement of public buildings and spaces bу corporate ads, logos, and other forms of branding (brand + vandalism).
Переведите текст, используя правила транскрипции или транслитерации и обращая внимание на перевод неологизмов:
1. About 65 Amerasians arrived in Thailand yesterday with their relatives on their way to their new homes in the U.S.
2. Slowly and unevenly a can-do attitude is beginning to replace the inertia in the trade unions.
3. The companies are joining their forces ‘cause the potential synergy is evident.
4. Many billboards have slogans in Denglish. Ad posters for sleeveless jumpers call them “tanktops”. And Berlin’s road sweepers are promoted under the slogan “we kehr 4u”.
5. As part of the campaign to win public acceptance, the government has handled out more than 650.000 bottles of NEWater.
6. New York is full of metrosexuals- both girls and boys.
7. What is so special about these notorious warmedies that make people be glued to the screen?
8. The popularity of e-mail is destroying the normal rules of spelling and grammar leading to Weblish.
9. With this brandalism all over, the city has lost its authentic substance.
10. He used the camouflanguage almost all the time so that to be not understood.

Ну, упражнения-то эти всем известны, все делали в институте? И как успехи?


link 22.11.2006 9:59 
Успешно:) Помогает регулярная практика в универе, спасибо семинарским занятиям. Я- лексиколог:) Примеры- просто потрясные, возьму на заметку;)

 3-year stude

link 22.11.2006 11:05 
Madjesty, когда разберетесь с упражениями для 3 курса, прошу переписать и выучить наизусть следующее:
He's an ace reporter.
Meaningvery good

Do you know where the action is in this town?

My sister's boyfriend is a real airhead.
Meaningstupid person

all wet
Your ideas about politics are all wet.
Meaningcompletely wrong

I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.
Meaningafter studying all night.

The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.

I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.

This town is really an armpit.
Meaningundesirable place

What an awesome sunset.

Wow, that was really a bad movie.

He barfed all over the seat of the airplane.

The boat was bashed beyond recognition.

After working all day I am really beat.

He just bought a new beemer to drive to work in.
MeaningB.M.W. car

He was benched during the basketball playoffs.
Meaningtaken out of the game

О проделанной работе можно не докладывать. Учитесь на здоровье.


link 22.11.2006 11:26 
Спасибо, не надо, словарь сленга я уже читала.
no lollapalooza


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