
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user highanger: 22

30.03.2023 9:02:36 inf. Tevilah твила (Tevilah (טְבִילָה) is a full body immersion in a mikveh, and netilat yadayim is the washing of the hands with a cup (see Handwashing in Judaism). wikipedia.org)
28.06.2022 15:48:20 inf. look who's talking кто бы говорил, только не ты!
12.01.2022 15:04:57 relig. defrock лишить сана (...a defrocked priest.)
28.07.2021 13:24:42 gen. embrace вместить (в значении "охватить": ...the Lord would grant us Grace so that our hearts would embrace all people)
28.06.2021 17:13:52 gen. self-perfection работа над собой
24.02.2021 17:22:27 gen. in a fraction of a second вмиг
24.01.2021 12:55:05 relig. primacy предстоятельство
15.01.2021 14:34:30 relig. Modalistic Monarchianism модализм (wikipedia.org)
1.01.2021 14:27:37 relig. order of divine service последование (см. чинопоследование: order of the Liturgy, order of preparation for Holy Communion)
13.12.2020 13:06:21 gen. pop лопнуть (a balloon popped)
25.11.2020 20:02:16 rel., christ. voluntary poverty нестяжательность (Venerable George became famous for the gift of mercy and voluntary poverty.)
25.11.2020 20:02:05 rel., christ. non-acquisitiveness нестяжательность
12.11.2020 22:45:31 paint. ornamental motif декоративный мотив (69,600 Google results, lots of pics))
6.11.2020 12:14:19 rel., christ. inter-Testament межзаветный
6.11.2020 12:13:35 rel., christ. intertestamental межзаветный (The reconstruction of this feast's service order in the intertestamental period can be done based on several sources... g.co)
20.10.2020 13:58:54 rel., christ. Exapostilarion эксапостиларий (The Exapostilarion (Greek: ἐξαποστειλάριον, pl. ἐξαποστειλάρια Exapostilaria) is a hymn or group of hymns... wikipedia.org)
20.10.2020 11:43:36 rel., christ. kaliva калива (Кали́ва (греч. Καλύβα – букв. "хижина") – отдельная постройка на Святой Горе Афон: Once, a man who was in spiritual delusion and had an unclean spirit came to my kaliva (gr. Καλύβα – lit. "cabin").)
16.10.2020 7:46:33 gen. in a way как бы ("...вечерня состояла из ветхозаветной части в виде псалмов, которые как бы запечатывались христианскими прошениями..." Vespers consisted of the Old Testament part in the form of psalms, which were, in a way, sealed with Christian petitions)
28.09.2020 11:59:19 gen. ardent fervent prayer горячая молитва (After an ardent prayer she obtained for him the grace of making his first – and last – Communion.)
2.08.2017 13:58:46 relig. Righteousness Благочестие
9.04.2017 21:08:33 relig. Glory to God in the highest слава в вышних Богу ("Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to people of good will")
1.02.2010 16:54:09 relig. reliquary мощевик