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Terms for subject Historical (484 entries)
deutsch-deutsch East-West German
deutsch-deutsch German-German
deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen East-West German relations
deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen German-German relations
Deutsch-Sowjetischer Nichtangriffsvertrag German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Deutsche Bundesbahn German Federal Railway
Deutsches Afrika-Korps German Africa Corps Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Deutschlandfrage German question
Deutschlandpolitik intra-German policy
deutschnational German National
die (Deutsche) Bundespost the (German) Federal Post Office
Dolchstoßlegende stab-in-the-back legend
Doppelmonarchie Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary
Eigenbistum diocese owned by the archbishop as its lord
Eigenbistum proprietary diocese
Eigenkirche church owned by its lord
Eigenkirche private minster
Eigenkirche proprietary church
Eigenkloster monastery owned by its lord
Eigenkloster proprietary monastery