
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing clean | all forms | exact matches only
a cleanдобрый (The slug punched him back a clean three metres. • I put on shorts and a t-shirt, stuffed my pack with jeans and a real shirt, and ran over to Susi's house from Wallingford, which is a clean ten miles. 4uzhoj)
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfastСмысл: лучше беднее, да честнее (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfastХлеб с водою, да не пирог с лихвою (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfastСр. лучше бедность да честность, нежели прибыль да стыд (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfastЧестный пост лучше, чем нечестный грязный) завтрак (ROGER YOUNG)
a clean fast is better than dirty breakfastлучше беднее, да честнее
A clean hand wants no washingПравду красить нет нужды (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean hand wants no washingЧистую руку мыть не нужно (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean hand wants no washingПравда сама себя очистит (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean hand wants no washingСмысл: честному человеку оправдываться излишне (ROGER YOUNG)
A clean hand wants no washingПравда милости не ищет (ROGER YOUNG)
as clean as a whistleчист перед законом (if someone is as clean as a whistle, they are not involved in anything illegal He hasn't got a criminal record – he's clean as a whistle. Clepa)
be a clean shot on goalидти к цели, не встречая препятствий (Alex_Odeychuk)
be clean as a whistleсверкать (от чистоты: This house needs to be as clean as a whistle before my mother-in-law gets here. • I spent the morning scrubbing my bike until it was clean as a whistle. 4uzhoj)
clean as a whistleначисто (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleочень ловко (He chopped off the branch, clean as a whistle. В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleочень ловко
clean as a whistleсовсем (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleсовершенно (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleчисто, как в музее (Aprilen)
clean as a whistleчистый, как стёклышко (musichok)
clean as a whistleчист как младенец (о подозреваемом Taras)
clean as a whistleчистенький (Of course the deputies knew Los Peñasquitos Canyon. One of them went over and looked at the car. Clean as a whistle. The deputy managed to trick the trunk open. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
clean as a whistleчисто (без нарушения правил dagordan)
clean as a whistleчистый (о подкате в футболе dagordan)
clean as a whistleпрямо (В.И.Макаров)
clean bill of healthудостоверение о невиновности (чистоте перед законом Yeldar Azanbayev)
clean bill of healthудостоверение от санинспекции о нормальном санитарном состоянии (заведения Yeldar Azanbayev)
clean bill of healthудостоверение о хорошем состоянии здоровья (Yeldar Azanbayev)
clean someone's clockрешительная победа (To defeat decisively. Interex)
clean someone's clockотправить в нокаут (Barack Obama cleaned her clock in the debates. • The heavily-tattooed Perez never recovered, getting nailed with flush head shots before a clean-up left hook cleaned his clock. 4uzhoj)
clean codeпрограммный коддоступный каждому, чтобы читать его или изменять его (Software code that is formatted correctly and in an organized manner so that another coder can easily read or modify it. Interex)
clean houseпровести кадровые перестановки (U.S. and other officials said they have seen no evidence that Putin has cleaned house at the top of Russia’s spy agencies or held senior officials to account for costly misjudgments. washingtonpost.com 4uzhoj)
clean upодержать победу с численным преимуществом (Interex)
clean upвыиграть большую сумму (Interex)
clean upсделать большую прибыль (To make a large profit, to win by a large margin, or to win a large amount. Interex)
clean up own act firstразобраться сначала в своём доме (Beforeyouaccuseme)
clean up own act firstразобраться сначала с собой (Beforeyouaccuseme)
clean up the messнавести порядок (напр., в экономике: When Liberal PM Jean Chretien together with Minister of Finance Paul Martin came to power they knew immediately that they had to clean up the mess Justin Trudeau's father – Pierre Trudeau – created to the economy. They brought in austerity and cut spending 10% straight across the board. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
clean up the messрасхлёбывать эту кашу (Now he's gone and you guys are going to clean up the mess. Get it? ART Vancouver)
come cleanвыложить начистоту (ART Vancouver)
come cleanпризнаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
come cleanсознаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
come cleanпризнаваться ('Come clean, Bill. Did you back a loser in the Oaks?' (P.G. Wodehouse) -- Признавайся, Билл ART Vancouver)
come cleanсознаться (on – в: When questioned, he broke down and came clean, admitting that he had murdered his wife, mother-in-law and her dog. – сознался ART Vancouver)
come cleanоткрыть карты (The government must come clean on true Olympic costs, demands the opposition. ART Vancouver)
has clean recordне состоял, не привлекался
he doesn't keep his nose cleanу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
his nose is not clean in that matterу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
I want to keep my hands cleanне хочу брать грех на душу (VLZ_58)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться подальше от неприятностей ("if I kept my nose clean, I'd be a stackboy before the Thanksgiving break." Clasmys)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться от греха подальше (Anglophile)
keep one's nose cleanне соваться в чужие дела (I went back to my desk and sat down and spent a little time wondering why a fairly important local racketeer like Menendez would think it worth his time to come in person to my office and warn me to keep my nose clean, just minutes after I had received a similar though differently expressed warning from Sewell Endicott. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanне лезть в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, shamus, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanне совать нос в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
not keeping one's nose cleanрыльце в пушку (VLZ_58)
receive a clean bill of healthпроходить обследование (Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthдавать добро (на использование: Simple tips to give your home a clean bill of health Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthполучать одобрение (Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthполучить одобрение (проведённой работы: We are heartened to note that the elections received a clean bill of health from the numerous international observers – Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что эти выборы получили высокую оценку многочисленных международных наблюдателей Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthпроходить медицинскую комиссию (Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthпроходить медкомиссию (Taras)
receive a clean bill of healthпройти проверку (на безопасность полётов: Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety only 17 received a clean bill of health – Из 30 стран, где была проведена проверка на безопасность полетов, лишь 17 прошли проверку Taras)
show a clean pair of heelsсверкать пятками (VLZ_58)
show a clean pair of heelsнавострить лыжи
so clean you can eat off the floorочень чисто (younenari)
start with a clean slateначинать всё с нуля (Andrey Truhachev)
start with a clean slateначинать с чистой страницы (Andrey Truhachev)
start with a clean slateначать новую жизнь (Andrey Truhachev)
start with a clean slateначинать с чистого листа (Andrey Truhachev)
start with a clean slateначать всё с нуля (Andrey Truhachev)
start with a clean slateначать с чистого листа (Andrey Truhachev)