

link 21.01.2005 11:20 
Subject: ВС РФ
Подскажите, пожалуйста, привильно ли я перевела название: Министерство обороны РФ - Управление начальника вооружений ВС РФ:

"Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation – Office of Director of Armaments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

Нельзя ли это сказать короче?
Заранее спасибо


link 21.01.2005 11:39 
what exactly does vooruzheniy mean? zakupki, or maintenance, or research? it is hard to translate this in a way that wouldnt sound foreign to yanks without knowing those nitty-gritty details. tal'


link 21.01.2005 11:42 
Main Armaments Directorate MOD RF
see http://www.iiss.org/russianconferences-more.php?itemID=10


link 21.01.2005 12:26 
Ничего больше того, что уже дала, сказать не могу, сама не знаю:(
2 Essie: Извините за тупость, but what is MOD here?


link 21.01.2005 12:27 
Oi, sorry, sama s MOD razobralas:)


link 21.01.2005 12:48 
well, i think then u could say, ministry of defense materiel command, or ministry of defense aquisitions directorate. both u r in use in the us, the first in the department of the army, the second department of defense.


link 21.01.2005 13:16 
2 talgat: Thanks a lot. A variant essie vas smuchaet?


link 21.01.2005 13:27 
eugenia, no, not really, but then again, i speak russian and will be able to connect the dots. i suspect armaments could be a bit confusing precisely for the reasons i stated in my first post in this thread. that is why materiel sounds better. tal'


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