

link 12.12.2007 15:15 
Subject: sense of alternatives scient.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

1.perspective; founded in the notion of primary processes;

2.sense of alternatives

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:

1. Thus, in accepting communication as a perspective, founded in the notion of primary processes (Pearce 1989), we are able to consider various issues of communication processes.

2. understanding the world as communication provides an analytical framework, which alters our sense of alternatives from those, considered in a more traditional definition of "communication"

Заранее спасибо


link 12.12.2007 16:35 
в концептульном плане, основанном на понятии (категории) базовых (основных) процессов

меняет наше восприятие альтернатив


link 12.12.2007 16:57 
Наверно, это из области психологии и/или социологии.
Я бы буквально и перевел (за неимением психол. словаря. Да еще неизвестно, есть ли там эти термины?).
1. перспективный; основанный на понятии исходных (основных) процессов (передачи информации).
2. Чувство альтернативы
А может найдутся психологи или социологи?
Мне лишь хорошо известно, что соmminication также звучит и по


link 12.12.2007 17:23 
Что це за чувство альтернативы? Я не бачу, что це понятие. У меня наверное поменяется восприятие альтернатив после такого перевода.

Может речь идет об изменении выбора общения ???


link 12.12.2007 17:55 
Это статья на английском, написанная в Ростове,
прочитайте всю статью для полного понимания, либо обратитесь к автору по указанному адресу:

Victoria Tuzlukova
Rostov State Pedagogical University



Historically, communication has been understood as a secondary process, resulting in a disassociation of communication from a myriad of human activities (J. Parrish-Sprowl). As a result, communication has often been characterized as simply the use of a cadre of information agents or utilizing the mass media as a means of persuading or informing people. Viewed in this way, communication is thought of as a tool, to be used or not, depending upon the intent of the user. This conceptualization of communication processes can be considered rather limited, though many scholars have historically employed it.

Contemporary conceptualizations of communication offer a more substantive notion of communication. In turn, this allows for a more complex analysis of the issues related to human action- Thus, in accepting communication as a perspective, founded in the notion of primary process (Pearce 1989), we are able to consider various issues of communication processes. As J. Parrish-Sprowl notes, understanding the world as communication provides an analytical framework, which alters our sense of alternatives from those, considered in a more traditional definition of "communication".

Computer-mediated communication or communication in computer-mediated environment is one of the basic opportunities of off/on-line cooperation of EFL professionals and exchange of ideas in research and practice. It helps us to understand that we, EFL teachers are serving the same professional, national, and international goals, that is, to facilitate among our students: an understanding of their future profession in national and international perspective, an ability to represent its values by interacting with the rest of the world, and the learning of other cultures, thereby enriching their own professional culture and, hopefully, making a difference in the world of education. The use of asynchronous forums and other technologies enables us to communicate regardless of time zone differences or geographic distances. They also give us to conduct innovative research based on a tremendous volume of unique authentic language material


link 12.12.2007 19:50 
Спасибо большое. Тете написал


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